Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

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Quote: Feel free to show it, but I already know some of the "facts" you refer to are junk science that have no real meaning, such as the study you talk about here

Quote: Don Huber did that "study" and he has NO CREDIBILITY
Quote: It's less than organic due to less cultivation tillage, but again, feel free to show any "proof"
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A report released by the International Food Policy Research Institute in October 2009 provided evidence that the introduction of Bt cotton was not a major factor in farmer suicides in India.[31] It argues that the suicides predate the introduction of the cotton in 2002 and has been fairly consistent since 1997.[31][32] Other studies also suggest the increase in farmer suicides is due to a combination of various socio-economic factors.[33] These include debt, the difficulty of farming semi-arid regions, poor agricultural income, absence of alternative income opportunities, the downturn in the urban economy forcing non-farmers into farming, and the absence of suitable counseling services
Quote: If you had something credible, you wouldn't have to worry about that
You'd simply show it, and let it stand on it's own merits
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I don't "like" nor "dislike" them
I DO like sticking to facts instead of misinformation

Some of the postitve aspects are 85% less pesticide use, and lower fuel costs, which in turn reduces pollution, and keeps food costs lower

Add in the fact that there have been no PROVEN harmful effects, and it's just simple logic

Actually, every study not done by Monsanto or affiliates has PROVEN that there are quite a few harmful effects. As far as reducing pollution, supposedly the use of Roundup Ready has reduced the amount of herbicides sprayed on fields. Monsanto also claimed that Roundup would dissipate quickly and not linger in the environment, which has been shown to be false. Heavy residues have been found in neighboring fields not treated, and in creeks nearby treated fields quite a while later, I believe it was six months after treatment. So if it actually reduces the number of treatments, I don't know. I don't think it matters, if one treatment lingers so long.
If you had something credible, you wouldn't have to worry about that
You'd simply show it, and let it stand on it's own merits
the web is full of articles, there are even doctors and scientists that know how wrong it is. I need not prove anything to you, you despell anything that is against what you think, no matter what you are right and that's that. This thread is about truth, you just do not want to hear it. Again I say, you either grow it for food or for gain and can not either believe it's bad, or can not say the truth. What ever it is I could care less. No amount of info or truths will change your mind.
Bear foot why not post ;inks If yu can . eputable links i have Scienist in Norway that are doing studies and Norway will not allow it in their country,!

Also If the study is not done by Monsanto's Id Read it .

But tousands of cildren d not lie and neither do the birthdefects nore the fact Men in yung ages are Infertile women as well

And the fact myfatherdied of agent Orange and i was born with it. SO UM i think Monsntos is the devil.

But i still will read what ever yu post . Jut no more viruses Or I mayhavbe to get Lady Havoc
Sorry New Laptiop. Its got bigger keys and well im learning LOL .

This Group gets Paid to prove GMO is Safe
The GMO Testing Facility in the Department of Haematology and Cell Biology of the University of the Free State (UFS) recently received a visit from representatives of the Royal Norwegian Embassy, the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) and the National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI). The GMO Testing Facility provides diagnostic detection and quantification of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in grain and processed foods for the food industry in South Africa. Prof. Chris Viljoen who is the Director of the facility, recently received a grant of R3,284 million for research on the biosafety of GMOs in South Africa. The grant forms part of a collaboration agreement between South Africa and Norway. The delegation paid a courtesy visit to the facility to discuss the project as well as visit ongoing field trials. Here are, from the left, front: Mr Shoni Munzhedzi, Chief Director for Biodiversity Management at the DEAT, Ms Theressa Frantz, Director for Applied Biodiversity Research at SANBI, Prof. Letticia Moja, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the UFS, and Prof. Chris Viljoen from the university’s GMO Testing Facility; back: Mr Tim Lund, Counsellor to the Royal Norwegian Embassy, and Prof. Teuns Verschoor, Acting Rector of the UFS.


So if your Paid to say something is safe ... Do you go after evidence to prove it is not ?
Hello NO you dont you try and find good facts not bad now there is also another group being paid By a gov grant to find the truth. Now if they say its safe i will be eating my own crops still because I like it that way. NO I think we learned from agent blue ,orange ,green.purplke and red . ALL of those test studies Said they where safe too even after the DDT made a few animals Infertile they still used it in the chemicals for Viet nam,.
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