Why I don't feed frozen treats or water


Jun 27, 2017
Desert Hot Springs, California
I lived in SoCal desert, Coachella Valley to be exact. The temperature fluctuates, but remains way above 105. Like right now we are experiencing a heat wave with temperatures 115 and up.

My hens, Danish Brown and Rhode Island Red approximately 25 weeks now have been handling it well. About the same as my dogs. Water, shade and panting! Lots of panting! The hens don't always stand with their wings slightly spread.

My logic has always been with myself included, if the temp inside the house is not kept freezing it will be easier to deal with the heat outside. I take my dogs out to yard when I frequently go out to yard. The hens are out in the shade in their run. Their body adjusts to the rising temperature throughout the day with the aid of shallow bowls of water.

I give them refrigerated veggies and fruits. By the time I've walked out there they've started to warm up. I can't take a brain freeze and I most certainly don't want my girls to go into shock and die! Even in the hospital one has to be dying of a fever to place a patient in a bed of ice.

I find it cruel to read or hear about chicken brain freezes and how their bodies react to such.

Wild birds live through the heat doing what birds do to stay comfortable. My hens do the same. Shade, water water and water and NO frozen treats or ice in bowls. The only ice in the bowls is when the water from tap comes out boiling, so even ice goes in dogs bowls to cool water down.

If I could (ant invasion) I would dig them a tunnel as my friend from middle East explained how they did so. When I lived on South Padre Island, Tx when there were very few people living there the dogs dug tunnels in the sand to keep cool.

I'd rather my hen be hot then shocked. In my opinion which will probably be against everything everyone else believes. Gumby and Precious are healthy and Gumby lays daily the most delicious small white eggs!
You have to do whatever you believe is best for your birds and you. And that's the name of that tune! :lau You are there, I'm not, and you know your setup far better than I do!

Personally I've never heard reports of chicken "brain freeze", since they usually don't gulp any large, frozen things down (which is why we suffer from Brain Freeze with ice water or ice cream) but instead they work at it as it melts and little bits come off. I've also never seen a single chicken be shocked by anything frozen that I put in the run for them. I even used misters for them, and put frozen water bottles in there when our temps get up over 100, and they will lay down close to them but it's never affected them negatively. I am in dry, summer hot northwestern Wyoming in high desert country, and I stuff those little wire suet feeders with frozen melons, other fruits and veggies, and did that for years. They loved it, it gave them something to do, cooled them down a bit, and mine never experienced anything undesirable. Remember that we can sweat to cool off - they can't, and they are wearing the equivalent of a down coat that we'd pay a fortune for to keep us warm. We can take ours off - they can't. Also remember that if they are hurt by something or don't like something, they simply won't go to it, so unless they are being force fed frozen stuff or held down forcibly over a frozen bottle, if they don't want it they won't use it.

Again, you do what works for your situation and what you are comfortable doing. It's working for you, so I'm not trying to change your mind....I just kinda wanted to reassure you that your fears are largely unnecessary. ;)
Actually, putting some ice in their water is not unnatural. Think about it, have you ever jumped into a lake, pond, river or creek on a hot summer day? Or just take a drink from a stream? That water is cool isn't it? Unless you happen to live near hot springs, the water in the wild is normally going to be much cooler than the air around it. Well a fount or other container of water is not going to have that coolness. Being a small amount the sun or just the air around it is going to heat it up quickly. So putting some ice in the water simulates this natural coolness, and I don't know about your birds, but mine appreciate it.
Agreed. I live in "north country". While I rarely give ice or frozen veggies, I have seen my birds demonstrate loss of balance/stumbling on a very hot day. I immediately mixed up a couple qts. of electrolyte solution, and put some in chick grow out run (these were the ones who were showing signs of heat stroke) and the adult chicken run. Within 1/2 hour of receiving the lytes, the chicks were acting fine. Heat is more often a killer than cold.
As I said I know I'll be swimming upstream on this one.

Don't get me wrong they have lots of water in the shade. They have a lot of wet sand to burrow in during hottest part of day. They have protection from the hot wind blowing through the run. I just don't give frozen treats, chilled yes. Frozen ,no.

I appreciate all the comments and understand your reasoning behind it.
One important consideration IMO is making breed choices for your flock which match your climate. Live where it's hot more often than not? Choose birds with big floppy combs. Those combs supposedly come in handy for dissipating heat. Live in snow country? Choose birds with small combs and wattles. The combs hug tight to the body and are less prone to frost bite.
One important consideration IMO is making breed choices for your flock which match your climate. Live where it's hot more often than not? Choose birds with big floppy combs. Those combs supposedly come in handy for dissipating heat. Live in snow country? Choose birds with small combs and wattles. The combs hug tight to the body and are less prone to frost bite.

Funny you mention this. When we bought our chicks sales girl at feed barn recommended white for desert sun.

The only white available were the meat birds. Only RIR and the Danish Brown were only other chicks available. You'd think if you suggest white you would order white?

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