Why is my chicken molting in the winter? (black quills?)

Is this molting? (in your opinion?)

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We got eight chickens, (two roosters, five hens) separately. First we got two 3-year-old hens, which pick on the weak chicken. Then we got the other pair of chickens. One of the chickens in that pair was killed and eaten by an eagle. So the other half of the pair is the weak chicken. After that we got five more chickens. In that group, there were three hens and two roosters. The roosters became a bigger pain for the weak chicken. About a month ago, there was blood on her wings, we put some ointment and a small bandage on the wound. Currently we are nursing her back to full health in the house. But the weak chicken IS older than the roosters and the three new hens.
I figured so by what you were saying. Regardless of age. birds raised together tend to clique and reject most newcomers to their little flock. In the picture, the poor thing appears to be a bit malnourished. if you want to get her weight up, try to grind kitten food half and half with her regular chicken food (that will essentially double the protein content).
Meal worms are also a good source of protein... the best for getting their weight back up is, believe it or not, pecans :)
Thank you, we feed her layer food. So we mix half kitten food and half layer hen food? To get the right combination? And do we use wet kitten food or dry? Also, Shadow (the weak hen) is making tiny "buck" or "cluck" sounds every time she steps. Like a chick says "peep" continuously... What a coincidence, one of our hens came into out home today and we have her a bit of pecan...
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we are now having a similar issue but does molting start at there rear?
we have 2 of 5 which none are the same breed.
we have been having to keep a light on too as our temps are cold.. can we let them out during the day with temps under 15 degrees f
? we change the straw every week during in the winter, we too are keeping the lamp on so the water doesn't freeze and change it 3 times a day..
and our Dominique's behind is red where her feathers are missing. will be a yr at beginning of May..

thank you
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It sounds like you are a very proactive person in the care of your
flock good job ,,,,, The red on the rear or your chicken is something
you will want to keep an eye on as it can and may not be anything
but molting on a chicken I have found can happen anytime where
my water foul molt in the fall .....
My chickens all have bear bottoms and some seem very red im putting vasaline on im i doing the right thing they all seem happy and eating me out of house and home
Lol know mealworm are good for proten what els can i give high in proten .

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