Why is Purina feed "bad"?

Chickens (and dogs) need fat and protien - if you're not going to be feeding them raw meat every day (which just isn't reasonable for most of us),

Well ,I guess this is where we differ . I do feed my dogs a raw meat / natural diet and have seen much better health and less incidents of disease & illness in the last 3 generations .
All animals need Fats and Proteins and if I'm not mistaken all living things need proteins.

Also since the nutritional needs of a chicken if very much different than that of a canine there is really no need to say how a canines health may be better on a "raw" diet because it doesn't mean a chicken would be healthier on a "raw" diet.
This was a very long thread and only one post had any issue specific to Purina chicken food. I guess I'm happy about that.

I have no problem with people deciding to feed GMO free or organic or corn/soy free for whatever reasons suit them. I don't think blaming Purina for not accommodating those choices is useful... there are other feed companies that will be happy to serve you.
The misconceptions about feed are amazing. Purina is a target because they are large. People look at GMO and forget other toxins. I've had certified non GMO organic feed tested and it had much high levels of aflatoxins. I'm more inclined to feed from a company that has expertise and testing behind their feed vs not.
I think a bigger point that's often missed is that there's very little evidence that organic foods are better for you.

There's this belief that the organic foods in the grocery store are grown on quaint little farms that use chickens for pest control, don't spray any pesticides, and are idyllic peaceful operations. The truth is that you really can't tell a typical organic farm from a conventional one - they both spray pesticides - they just use different ones. Conventional farms pick pesticides by weighing safety with effectiveness. Organic ones pick ones that come from nature - and there are plenty of cases where those choices are significantly more dangerous than the conventional ones.

Industrial farming isn't an organic/conventional issue - both sides do it. Sustainability isn't an organic/conventional issue - it's done by some and ignored by others on both sides. Nutrition isn't really an organic/conventional issue - there are organic farms with terrible soils and conventional ones with fantastic soil and vice versa - and soil nutrients are largely what determines food nutrition.

Organic is about restricting the list of pesticides you can use to those that are natural - not to those that are safest. People confuse those two way too often.

"Pure" is a meaningless term here.

Again, those of us that used organic long ago, don't buy the USDA certified stuff. When the government & big ag went in, the integrity went out. You all can ask yourselves "what is a lot" & we can just try to avoid the crap as best we can. The FDA & USDA make it tough, so grow your own, investigate your sources & mitigate as much as you can. Don't buy anything at the grocery store & think it's safe.
First time post, after reading this long thread, yes every post and comment, I've come to the conclusion of trying Purina and making my own feed. Ymmv I guess.
I use Purina feed for my chickens because it is higher quality crumbles, smells good and fresh to me, and is not powdery like many of the leading brands people on here recommend. My chickens prefer it to other brands and they have been very healthy. I collected feed labels from every major brand I could buy here and none could compare with quality. I tried layer crumbles from Southern States last year, and it stunk up my car so bad for weeks. Purina is pricey, but many people feed their dogs higher priced premium dog foods that probably cost twice as much as a bag of chicken feed.

My daughter has 10 hens who lay an egg every day.
she had problems with the chickens not eating the feed
So she then did this
(1) bought the expensive ORGANIC FEED= they would not east it,
so she finall used my "Wet Mash Probiotic Recipe", but thr EGGS TASTED FISHY ALSO.
to feed it as a wet mash with, milk, yoguart, bragg's apple cider vinegar
and the chickens finally finished the bag of mash.

(2) she tried the cheapest chicken feed here abouts= the hens did not like it either ALSO eggs tasted fishy.,

(3) then she tried layer pellets= They would not eat them either. AND EGGS TASTED FISHY.

(4) FINALLY SHE TRIED PURINA OMEGA FEED. eggs sure taste good now.
and they love it and went thru a fine molt and got to laying every day.
So in my opinion as I used Purina layena for several decades and had good succes
with it and my chickens got along great.
So she now feeds the Purina Omega feed and likes the taste of the eggs better.

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This was a very long thread and only one post had any issue specific to Purina chicken food. I guess I'm happy about that.

I have no problem with people deciding to feed GMO free or organic or corn/soy free for whatever reasons suit them. I don't think blaming Purina for not accommodating those choices is useful... there are other feed companies that will be happy to serve you.

you are so right.
Purina has and always will be a good feed for chickens,
I surely fed tons of it in my decades of raising and keeping poultry.
Purina is promoted by far and wide.

Yes there are so there are other feed companies that YOU may like that does,
just a well for you and your chickens..
Discussions need not get ugly as just let everyone,
think and feel thei choice is right, as your choice is right.
My posts are to join In the fun of making decissions to help poultry be healthy and cared for.
Could someone tell me what people have against store brand food like Purina? I am really in the dark on this one
(and need to be enlightened!!)

I don't necessarily believe everything I read, and I know ppl on here have their opinions and their tried and true method of things, but I mean, a member of this site has "Purina = poison" as their signature. I'd go to that person directly, but I'm more interested in the general consensus vs strong personal belief. I've seen it implied here numerous times, but I've never looked into it. My chickens used to be free range all day, but recently a fox has discovered them, taken some, and i swear is now casing the place. Also, my neighbor's dog got loose and grabbed two. So now they have to be in a run and only taken out if we're with them. Now, I have more reason to be concerned about their food since they're consuming more of it and less bugs and stuff.

Our personal experience with the Purina "Producer's Pride" brand is as follows. We keep a decent sized backyard flock, and when feeding them Purina, we saw laying problems. Even accounting for seasonal differences in laying rate, 0-2 eggs a day didn't make sense. We switched brands to a local feed store, and within a week saw eggs laid go up. We're up to 2 dozen a day, without increasing the number of hens at all.

Personally, I think Purina is being cheap and adulterating their feed with more fillers to cut costs, and that's being passed onto our animals. I don't think Purina = poison, but I do think it isn't good nutrition.

Another data point to consider: We've changed cat and dog foods too, and our pets are healthier and more energetic now too.

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