Why raise Bantam chickens?

I have several types of bantams. From seramas to Cochins. The seramas aren't as cold hardy as my other bantams. I've put some of the seramas in our shed in a smaller pen with a heat lamp. The big coop has 2 heat lamps of which my 2 pekin ducks hog 1 lamp, and my 2 standard brahma hens will share the other lampwith who ever wants some extra heat. I have a frizzle ee who has yet to use the lamp, and my Cochins tend to just roost rather than using the lamp.

They all eat the same feed and get the same treats. You can of course get your STD. size girls, just limit the # of bantams you get so your big girls have enough room. My serama roo rules the roost here, so no problems having big and little together.
I have found myself running into the dilemma of wanting more kinds/colors of chicken than I have room for. I kept making up lists of everything I liked and trying to narrow it down to no more than 25 birds total to keep, and just can't do it...then it dawned on me, 'get BANTAMS'! Then I have room for twice as many!

So, it may take more eggs or more chickens to make a meal. That's ok. Actually, a small chicken dinner would be better, for just two people. Though I'm sure my husband can eat a whole banty by himself, so I'll probably have to cook them two at a time.

My husband likes the bantams best anyway. He somehow got this notion that they eat half as much and still make the same amount of eggs...I don't think he realizes that it's really not the same amount, volume-wise, because they are small. But if he thinks they're so cute, that's permission to get a bunch, right? lol
I'm getting back into chickens again this year (last had them as a kid - it's been a while). All the chickens I've gotten or have ordered are bantams. There are three white Silkies currently occupying the spare bedroom (a 6 week old pullet and cockerel, and an nutty 8 week old who acts like either sex depending on it's mood), and some Amerecaunas and Vorwerks coming in April. I chose bantams not only because of their size , but also so I could literally start off small to see how well keeping chickens would work out. Another reason is because I have fond memories of only bantam I had when I was younger, a Modern Game who was extremely smart and very personable.
I raise banties for pets and to make a little money It was hard starting out but now im making some money. After investin in an incubator Ive been taking chickens to the sale constantly. Banties are easy to keep clean, the hens are more broody, and I would rather have small chickens.
I didn't read all the posts... But to answer the question "why raise bantam chickens?" They take up less space, Eat bugs, are so **** cute, and their eggs are just as yummy as the bigger eggs.
I think the better question is Why wouldn't you own bantam chickens?
I didn't read all the posts... But to answer the question "why raise bantam chickens?" They take up less space, Eat bugs, are so **** cute, and their eggs are just as yummy as the bigger eggs.
I think the better question is Why wouldn't you own bantam chickens?
X2 And don't think we really NEED a reason, I just simply love them they have great personalities

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