Whys my rooster attacking me?!

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Not really. You have to consider the mind of the rooster and what he is all about-watching his ladies-breeding his ladies-finding food for him and his ladies-protecting his ladies. Not a whole lot of room in there for trust. The way they interact with each other (roosters) is they mark there territory and keep there boundaries. Once that is established they will "hang out" stand with each other and such without much of a problem. But domination comes first.
Ok, If i sit down in the pen, they all Gather around me and scratch around, he hangs back a bit, only about 2 meters away... but this week he pecked me when i sat down, then jumped back looking nervous, ill try you first comment, whenever he has a go at me, ill chase him around with a few light kicks, thanks for all the help :D
You have a mighty big rooster and at no point in the future is he going to be cute or cuddly. Rooster's can cause severe damage to life and limb. puncture wounds from their spurs etc. will likely end up being infected (due to stomping on dirt and poo) so there is a necessary dr.visit for you or anyone else he attacks. They also go for eyes.

I don't mean to rain on your parade but do a search on aggressive roosters and see what comes up. It doesn't mean you are a bad mother.
You have a mighty big rooster and at no point in the future is he going to be cute or cuddly. Rooster's can cause severe damage to life and limb. puncture wounds from their spurs etc. will likely end up being infected (due to stomping on dirt and poo) so there is a necessary dr.visit for you or anyone else he attacks. They also go for eyes.

I don't mean to rain on your parade but do a search on aggressive roosters and see what comes up. It doesn't mean you are a bad mother.
Ok, Thanks for your time :D its only early days, and im so thankful for all your help!! as for being big, yes, he's big, but he realy is a bit on the whoosy side! he will only come near me if one of the hen flaps when i hold her, thankfully, most of my girls no longer fuss when i hold them, and one will come and sit on my lap! its just when im trying to tame newbies! i will try the gentle kicks and chasing ect, if that doesnt work the box, if that doesnt work i think we might have to get rid of him, ill update tomorrow, thanks everyone
Don't think of it as "kicking", think of it as training with your foot! :) You should be able to give him ~the boot~ with out hurting him physically, you want to hurt his pride, YOU are the COOP LEADER, not him.
Good luck!
Thanks everyone! i gave him 'the boot' and he ran away from me and sat in the corner, he still pecks me when the hens flap around me, he'll get the message soon i hope
Roosters do what they are meant to do. protect their hens. Mine attacked me once so I held him down on the ground by pushing his back down for about a minute. then I tapped him on the head a few times. ( doing what roosters do when they fight) He hasn't bothered me for months. he tryed again and I went to hold him down and he ran from me. So if he trys again, I'll do it again. if you push them away, they will come back at you. if you kick them you could do some damage then you have a problem. It's been since last summer since he even thought of coming at me. He just jumped at my leg then ran. I was told by another chicken farmer that this is how he gets them to stop. I only held him for about 30 seconds the first time. I should have done it longer.
Roosters do what they are meant to do. protect their hens. Mine attacked me once so I held him down on the ground by pushing his back down for about a minute. then I tapped him on the head a few times. ( doing what roosters do when they fight) He hasn't bothered me for months. he tryed again and I went to hold him down and he ran from me. So if he trys again, I'll do it again. if you push them away, they will come back at you. if you kick them you could do some damage then you have a problem. It's been since last summer since he even thought of coming at me. He just jumped at my leg then ran. I was told by another chicken farmer that this is how he gets them to stop. I only held him for about 30 seconds the first time. I should have done it longer.
Can I get a video of this!?

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