Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

Entry #1: Puddin' the wild baby squirrel
This little Eastern Gray Squirrel started coming to the feeders awhile back with its sibling, and if I sit out there Puddin' will actually approach. I had to submit a photo of my buddy! This sweetheart helped me come to not get as fussy about the squirrels raiding the bird feeder :D
Entry #3: Baby Bunny Junior-Otter (AKA "BBJ-Otter" or "Otter")
Last Spring a beautiful wild baby Cottontail began to visit near the chicken pen. We ended up making good friends, and though we haven't seen one another in awhile, I hope Otter is starting a family this year! I named it Baby Bunny Junior after a rabbit who used to visit the year prior, thinking maybe that this was BB's offspring!
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Entry #3: Baby Bunny Junior-Otter (AKA "BBJ-Otter" or "Otter")
Last Spring a beautiful wild baby Cottontail began to visit near the chicken pen. We ended up making good friends, and though we haven't seen one another in awhile, I hope Otter is starting a family this year! I named it Baby Bunny Junior after a rabbit who used to visit the year prior, thinking maybe that this was BBJ's offspring!
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Wow, I've got a friendly cottontail here that also likes visiting with my chickens. ❤️ When the flock is in their pens, she lays down right by them. When the flock is out & about free ranging, Bunny hops right along with them. When I have their pen door open, Bunny hops in there. I literally have to chase her out. Lol
Wow, I've got a friendly cottontail here that also likes visiting with my chickens. ❤️ When the flock is in their pens, she lays down right by them. When the flock is out & about free ranging, Bunny hops right along with them. When I have their pen door open, Bunny hops in there. I literally have to chase her out. Lol
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I used to have a domestic rabbit that got along very well with chickens. Her name was Sophie.

She passed away January 2023 at 9 years old.
Entry #4: Beautiful Hawk Looking for a Meal
I think this is a Red-Shouldered but if anyone knows please do help me out. I only know how to identify the call. I spotted this beautiful hawk perched and watching nearby birds and squirrels and was glad I had my camera.
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Is most certainly a Red Shouldered Hawk 😄 Beautiful capture! I love these birds!

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