Will My Cracked Egg Still Hatch?

just got 15 eggs in the mail all but 2 looked amazing. 2 have little fracture that im going to try to seal, on with wax one with super glue and see what happens
Hi, I have the same problem with craked eggs. It happened when I had to remove one of my broody banties. I went to pick her up but she pecked my hand and when I pulled my hand back in shock, I knocked over one of the dividers and it landed on one of the eggs.it was quite a bad crack but the membraine wasnt broken so I got a plaster and put the sticky bit on it. I am really worried if it will survive or not cus they r due 2day!

I was wondering if u can give some advice on anything else i can do to save the chick? Thanks jess.
It sounds like you have done all you can do for the chick now. I would check to make sure that the patch does not prevent zipping, but other than that, it should be good. Good luck on your hatch.
This is a great thread! I found a cracked egg on day 16 in the box with my broody. I put fingernail polish on it but don't hold out much hope for it hatching. I'm not sure how long it has been cracked since I don't inspect the eggs everyday.
I hope all goes well with your little one, ochochicas! I have a cracked egg under a broody right now, I have taped it up and also put wax on it. Yesterday we saw that it was a winner at day 7, and I'm trying to stay positive! We're picking up an incubator this afternoon so it has the best chance of survival.
Thanks Chooky! She is still sitting on the egg so apparently it may not be a reject after all. Tomorrow is day 20. I checked her nest this morning and there was zero activity. Good luck with your batch too!!
This is a great thread! I found a cracked egg on day 16 in the box with my broody. I put fingernail polish on it but don't hold out much hope for it hatching. I'm not sure how long it has been cracked since I don't inspect the eggs everyday.
After applying copious amounts of nail polish to my cracked egg, it hatched right on time on Day 21.
My cutest chick came from this egg. Glad I could save it!

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