Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good morning,, glad to see so many of you up and adam,,,

good news.. I called about a throwout bearing,, I could get one .. bad news, couldn't be delivered before this weekend.. good news, I called Ron and got his opinion about it.. He said to take the old one and clean all the grease out of it,, then put a drop of oil in and feel if it is smooth running or rough.. more good news.. the bearing is just fine.. going to re-use it..

I counted chickens as they poured out the door today.. ever try to count three different breeds going at a dead run for feed and water ?? I did figure out that I have closer to 25 each of the Delaware and Barred Rock.. and there are about 4 or 5 roosters of each breed, too..

I think I will head into town for breakfast.. just as soon as DD#2 gets here ..

Morning all! Hey Vicki I took a look at Greenfire Farms' Hedemora birds. Funny, the flock I saw of them in one of the pics look just like 50% of my birds! Too funny...here I am making my OWN breed. LOL! Really though they look like my "special" barnyard mix. Interesting history too. I would like to hold one and see if the down they talk about is very different than other downy poultry. $49 for a day old chick is pretty pricey for my budget too....just sayin'

My Bobwhite quail are starting to lay! THey sure mature a lot slower than the Coturnix for sure! The eggs are smaller too and all slate white so far with no speckles. I am considering making them a "free range" pen so they can run around and hide and do quail stuff but still be protected. THey sure are cool little birds!

I havent been outside as yet except for dogs out dogs in dogs out dogs in dogs out dogs in.....it works better if they go out two at a time, easier to watch them and then they dont get so distracted...if they all go out at once it is a circus and they inevitably think they are going to the dog park so run up to the driveway...sorry, not in my jammies....

I have to work this afternoon so I am taking it easy this morning and catching up on inside stuff...looks like the cooking job is ending in October. The cook messaged me and said she was taking all Fridays starting in october and since I only work EO Friday I guess that equates to no more hours hey? I love to do it but wont be taken advantage of by being on her beck and call when she wants a day off!
Carol send me a funny pic she saw at a restaurant...the top of the sign said TRY OUR NEW POPCORN then there was a two line or so space and it said CHICKEN FREE WI FI. We had a good chuckle about chickens using the WI FI so they had to ban them....well, you know Carol....good laugh for early in the morning!

Cind--glad your puter is a little better and the guineas are staying around. I am actually surprised that she has any little ones left! The only time I had any luck was when I left only 2 or 3 with the Mom. THey are not the best at keeping track of them for sure!
Chickenscratch--I remember chasing with kids all too well! I will admit it that I miss it a little bit (very little) I guess that's why I have so many critters...so I have something to take care of! Speaking of....JIM! What in the world will you do with yourself if you unload your birds? You know that tractor will be done and then you will have absolutely NOTHING to keep your reeling mind busy! BTW--I did see it fly by here this morning...LOL! You oughta keep a tighter rein on that think--a mind is a terrible thing to lose!

So I guess I should get off of here and clean the quail TV out again--then head outside to see what's going on out there. Feed to unload, buckets to clean and hay to throw down are things on the list. I keep hearing the hickory nuts falling off the tree and hitting the porch roof. Wonder if I will be able to pick any up this year....I seem to have quite a few busy chipmunks and squirrels out there lately...
Have a great day....TerriOenjoyingthecoolertemps
TerriO, If you free-range pen those quail, make sure you have a long handled rake to pull the eggs to you.. they will be all over the ground..

and don't worry about all of my free time,, I am quite capable of wasting lots of it.. Imight even have a penny or two left over so I can go out and eat once in awhile instead of buying inflated feed price$ $$$$

Whew! caught up!!

Jim: Can;t imagine you without a large flock!! I think you would go crazy as well!

BF4U: Cali is 2200+ miles depending on which part of the state....When I moved back here I made it (with lil kids) in 2.5 days of driving and it was pretty tough....figure 36-40 hrs of driving..

BBP: Tell DH sorry about the Elk...and I didnt realize you were completely non commercial meat eater? Also, have someone at work possibly looking for a couple of laying hens...Trying to decide if I want to part with any of my girls....Let me know if you have any spares?

Someone emailed asking about my mottled & Lav Roos....said they have BO's and wanted to know what color the eggs would be. First off, since they are all orpingtons..they would still be cream to lght brown eggs. But my question is...What happens if you breed Lav orp to a Buff Orp-what would the chicks look like?
And what about a Mottled Lav Orp roo with buff Orp hens-what would the chicks look like-any ideas?
Hi all!
Just a quick check in! Everyone's good here! Cleaned the rabbits and the meat bird brooder.

Vicki-I saw those forever lids. I'm tempted too. I reuse my old lids when I dry can flour, cake mixes, and pastas. I wash then really well and disinfect them. Then let them dry completely. Then I use my food saver to seal the product I'm "canning". This way I don't have to actually toss then out. Or I will use the old lids when I need to use a mason jar to store something that is not food related.

CC-Science Diet is still owned by Hill's Nutrition which is a subsidiary of Colgate-Palmolive. P&G bought Iams and Eukanuba.

BBP (I think) or anyone else for that matter!- If you have a cat (or dog) with urinary tract problems, or a bladder infection, there is a product made by Solid Gold called Berry Balance. It's a cranberry extract powder that works amazingly well. I use it for Tootsie who is prone to bladder infections in the winter. I actually go to the health food store and get the human version. The powder comes in a capsule and I just open the cap and pour it on her food. She actually likes it.

I was going to blab some more but can't remember who said what! So with that, i'm going to git cut up and apple and smear some peanut butter all over it.....
Whew! caught up!!

Jim: Can;t imagine you without a large flock!! I think you would go crazy as well!

BF4U: Cali is 2200+ miles depending on which part of the state....When I moved back here I made it (with lil kids) in 2.5 days of driving and it was pretty tough....figure 36-40 hrs of driving..

BBP: Tell DH sorry about the Elk...and I didnt realize you were completely non commercial meat eater? Also, have someone at work possibly looking for a couple of laying hens...Trying to decide if I want to part with any of my girls....Let me know if you have any spares?

  Someone emailed asking about my mottled & Lav Roos....said they have BO's and wanted to know what color the eggs would be. First off, since they are all orpingtons..they would still be cream to lght brown eggs. But my question is...What happens if you breed Lav orp to a Buff Orp-what would the chicks look like?
And what about a Mottled Lav Orp roo with buff Orp hens-what would the chicks look like-any ideas?

Ang... We're flying on Sat and Wed. But those travel days are pretty much shot and you don't get to do much anyways. Sorry for the confusion!
If you breed lavender to buff you get isabels. I don't know what the mottled and buff would make. Also, I do have some pullets I would be willing to part with. Gold laced orp x lav orp and black splits. $8 each.
We were short by just a few dollars on our pet/fish order at work so I decided it would be a good idea to order a marbled gecko to put in my terrarium. The info I got online said it got only 2 inches long. After reading last night I saw they actually get 8 inches long! My terrarium is not very big! My tree frog is terrified.
Have no idea how many pages I'm behind.

Went to Rhinelander yesterday for a followup with DH's pulm doc. He is doing good. Needs to stay on 40mg of prednisone for 6 more weeks, then see him again.

Then went to pick up his rx for glasses after his cat eye surgery. Woman there never called to see what insurance pays after surgery. Finally called me back today and said they aren't a ppo provider... What the heck.
Spent all morning ont he phone with blue cross...... stupid rep... didn't know his ***** from .... well you know.

Vic... I don't want to hear about all of your apples !!!! Can you believe we think someone STOLE all of the apples I had picked. There were about 2 bushels already picked sitting on and under a table. All gone. Now if my goats got out they take bits out of a new apple and leave the rest. There was no evidence that any animal was near.

Just to weird...... Plus when the woman lived here before us she was gone at church once and came home to all of the apples Stolen...... made me furious last sat when I found that out.

Plus the fact that I feel invaded.

Anyone know where I can get some green beans and zuccini's up this way.... Vic... Jim... BigZ... ??
The market we went to that Bigz recommend was great but they were out. I have to go back tomorrow to pick up my harness pieces so will check with him again. I think the girl made a mistake adding up my bill. I have to check on that so will see what else he has available.
Thinking about buying a $hit pot of pumpkins from him and reselling them. If I can get my act together and clean up the yard and stuff. Like to put a few goats and the pigs out for people to see.
Well, gotta go an our salsa, clean some harness's so I can bring them to the Amish for dipping.
Ok, bye for now. Sorry no other replies.... to tired to read these days and nights. Getting one year older sure has taken it toll !!! Plus not to mention I have a terrible tooth ache. Bad part is I think it is a tooth that holds my gold bridge. That'll suck and be expensive. Plus maybe lose 3 teeth ????? I always wanted to fit in up here with the kentucks but geez I don't want to look like them !!!

SSDD (Same $hit Different Day) LOL

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