Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Evening all!
Not much going on here. The critters are well, Emmitt had a new Prednsone prescription and new instructions. Dr. Hull, my vet, said that this year is especially bad for weed pollen. Since Emmy only gets itchy in the fall she said that we are ok. If he starts to get bad in spring and fall then we might have to go to other options for relief. Poor thing.

Had Mac and Cheese with garlic bread tonight. It was yummy! Speaking of dinner, I do a lot of crock pot dinners. In the winter I use my crock pot for a recipe of oatmeal the cooks over night. It is sooooo creamy and yummy!! I eat that for days!
I also do chicken either baked with Cream of Mushroom soup or cream of chicken and mushroom soup. Or I'll BBQ it. We also have a small frier so we do up some fried chicken. DH likes lots of batter and I like mine Blackend. I might try to fix up some hushpuppies next time I do Blackend Chicken. Sometimes I'll do a chicken and rice dish since I have a rice cooker. I do those when I'm fixing rice for the dogs.
We do steak on the BBQ or I'll get a roast and cube it up for stew. Tacos are ever popular here as is Chili I do spaghetti every now and again. We also do the "breakfast for dinner" thing a lot. I set my meal plan and buy accordingly. I gave up giving DH a heads up on the dinner fare. I'd plan one thing and he'd want another!
So I make dinner and he either eats it or not!

Well, I think I'll got scare up something sweet for dessert. Garlic bread always make me want chocolate for some reason.....
hi folks,

Heather I do the cooking here and fully understand all you gals that have a hard time coming up with "what to make?" no help here either from DD,,,,she's afraid of cooking and "anything is good dad" works for her,,,heh heh,,,,grrrrrr

ok, so Terry that was an unbeilvable blue egg you had the other day, you should post that pic on the Ameraucana or EE forums,,,,no one asked ,,,what layed it?

here is the largest egg I've had for awhile, this comes from the partridge mutt I got from my friend last spring, her father was a BCM and mother the hen that lays his largest eggs consistantly, so I guess that carried through. I hope she doesn't blow herself out early

4.25oz never weighed any of the big eggs b4 good idea TO

I'm getting some nice color going with the Marans eggs, I need to find out if they do an egg show at Portage I might enter

Nice egg Dan! Your color is looking good too! They had a woman selling eggs that were pretty dark last year...I dont know if they have an egg contest or not though; she was just in near where the food was. Her eggs were pretty dark but not as dark as I have seen on line--of course that might be relative.
Eating my dinner now--I burned my mouth on some of the potatoes! Seems that the new spuds you dig from the garden take FOREVER to cook! Good grief--They were on for 2 hours and still crunchy a bit--put them on the flame foe a half hour and they are "almost" done according to DH!

Can you believe it??? I hear that football will be on not on JUST Sunday and Monday..BUT now on Thursday too! And I think a few Wednesdays too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK done with that!
Nighties...Terri O

(PS) My friend has a house for rent (with her) with space for chickens, horses and other pets...half the rent ($600) plus utilities. Let me know if you know anyone! Her housemate just dropped the bombshell that she is leaving in 30 days! SHe is a nice woman...and you'd be close to me! LOL!

ETA: Dan it was my black Ameraucana that laid it.
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Not much here.

The chickens are still alive in the backyard, but they are making a mess. I think I need to water the dirt floor in the run, it is dusty in there!

I have gotten REALLY far behind in my reading. Life has started again and I do not have much time to log on. The kids are doing soccer 5 days a week, the girls have scouts every other week, and all 3 have RE once a week. Wednesday is our only day off! It is great to be involved in their lives (and for the short time until they are in college), but it is exhausting sometimes.

I hope everyone is ok as I will not be able to catch up on the events of past!
Great advice on the cat CC! I can tell you have had much experience! I too have had several cats that have blocked. The weird thing is that I have fed Science Diet since day one(for the first 20 years of cat ownership anyhow)...supposed to be good stuff. Then when it went mainstream I guess the formulas changed and it wasnt so good? Anyhow I had cats that blocked on it, did the whole sexchange operation when it was still new; he/she had a few more great years after that and then had a few more that did the same thing...sheesh! Now I am feeding a food called VF that I get from the mill. Havent had any (knock on wood) incidences lately....
Thank you, Terri. Yes, I have had many cats and many years of experience with the blockage/UTI sitches. More than I care to remember.
I hope BBP's cat gets the treatment she needs. As for Science Diet, once upon a time, it was one of the top of the line pet foods. Unfortunately, I think it was bought out by P&G & cheapened in the ingredient dept., so now it is just another pet food, only more expensive like Iams.
In fact, I do believe SD was one of the tainted pet foods that wound up killing a bunch of pets quite a few years back. Coincidentally, another P&G product, Swiffer I think, had an ingredient in their floor cleaner that contained a chemical from antifreeze that killed a bunch of people's pets after they licked their paws. Nope, not a big fan of P&G here.
And yeah, I'm still really behind here. Sorry.

BBP, most of Friskies canned cat food is 3% or less in ash content except for their fish flavors. You just have to check the labels. 9 Lives tuna & egg flavor is slightly lower in ash for a fish, I believe.

Bl4, I core my tomatoes before freezing too, and I only wait until the skin is just thawed when I squeeze the tomato out of it. Easy peasy, as MLH would say.
I also agree about skinning the tomatoes before canning. Speaking of which, we went up north over the weekend & came home with 4 boxes
of toms from my brother that I have to can for him. Guess I better get to bed. Sweet dreams, all!
Wow... looks like another short (post) day! Computer seems OK today, think it might have been the "net" last night with the funky weather and all. Not much going on here either. Saw Mom, Dad and the kids guineas this afternoon over at the neighbors. They headed home into a little "woody" strip between the lots and didn't come to the coop at night. Hope they just decided to "camp out"
I'll look tomorrow.
When I make Jam and am running short of lids I'll sometimes reuse them for that then use that jam first.

Guess that's it... night!
good AM, I woke wide awake at 5AM.. thinking tractor parts.. I am wondering if I should buy a new throw-out bearing.. If I can get one before this weekend, I would.. I will give Wisc tractor parts a call..too bad these parts places don't stay open all night for us guys with parts on our minds.. I took the temp GAuge back to auto quest.. the fittings were too big for the hole in the block.. will go to F&F today and talk with Bob.. he is my go-to guy for odd fittings.. Too bad that F&F doesn't stay open all night for ,,,,,,,,,,

I am seriously thinking of dumping all of my birds, right down to the bare minimum to start up again in the spring..

I have about 50 POL barred rocks and maybe 10 Delawares.. roosters to match.. I can buy eggs all winter .. there are plenty of people around here selling them..

I will keep just a pair of geese.. I would keep NONE if it weren't for Ken..

I have about 6 or 7 royal palm hens that could go also.. along with several too young to tell what sex they are..

I also have about a dozen black legged black feathered Asian type hens..

Good Cool morning Everybody! I always keep a used lid or 2 in a kitchen drawer just because. I accidentally used 1 when doing pickles it sealed just fine. Otherwise I always use new lids not going through all that and not have them seal. Jim glad to hear that your getting the right gauge,guage, gage. It was bothering me. Dan that's quite the breakfast there. One egg omelet. As far as meals it's always the same here. Any ideas for supper dear? Oh whatever you want.
I wouldn't have asked if I had an idea. We do that to each other all the time.
Tonights entree is turkey er chicken breast. Gonna be eatin on that for a couple of days. Maybe rice, fresh broc, and golden mushroom soup. Going to go with Donny today to drop off the steer for butcher and give them cutting instructions. Need to get the freezers organized again it's going to be very very tight getting that in there. I know, it's a terrible thing to have so much. Land O Goshen!
Morning everyone!

39o this morning!!!
Oh well, guess it's that time. I totally agree, DON'T reuse throw away lids! However, I have been thinking about getting the "forever" lids. They are just an updated design of the original canning lids and do work very well. The down side is they are really expensive upfront so I sure wouldn't be giving any of those jars away unless it was to someone I knew for sure that I would get the lids back!

I am so envious of all you talking about your grapes! No such animal up here, too cold

All good. Every critter is doing well. Gardens are coming to an end
I love the abundant blessing this year but I am so ready to move on like drying my herbs and doing apples.

I am sooooooooo, drooling over the Hedemora hens!
! I am going to save my pennies and come spring I know what I will be shoving under Broody Butt!!! Unless I save up enough pennies and just go for the pullets

Only been getting 1 egg for a while now but found a "misfire" again yesterday, this time in a nest with the shell a bit firmer so maybe my sweet Stirfry is starting back up.

BTW~who here knows when a broody hen starts laying again after a hatch? Looks like Broody Momma may be getting close to the end of her molt so I was just curious.
I've been following the rare breed auction and see that Bearchaseranch is after a trio of pullets. Maybe she will be selling chicks/eggs by spring!
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