Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

He looks like two of my lav orps, Ang. I have one that is lighter than him too. As for your crossbreeding orp colors question, I haven't yet but I'm sure I'll be getting some in the spring seeing as I now have lav, black, buff, chocolate & gold laced hens & 3 lav roos.
morning all! finally raining here, well, sort of, but some rain is better than none.

FT~I can't believe someone would steal APPLES! Kids raiding an old orchard, yeah, but bushels all picked and waiting? More than once from the same place? Got to be the same culprit! Scary. I totally understand about the "feeling invaded" thing. I was robbed many years ago when I lived in Milwaukee. They got my purse but I got a bit of revenge. The TV they stole had blown it's transformer a couple days before and was dead. (that was when I learned the hard way about what to, and not, carry in a purse.)

CALLING ALL GEEKY CHEESEHEADS!~hubby has given me the money to buy the new Amazon Kindle Fire HD! (my Christmas present). My quandary is whether to go for the 7", 8.9" (both are wifi, forget the 4G lte, way too expensive) or maybe even another brand all together. I know you may not have had the chance to see the "unveiling" yesterday and are up to speed on all the changes, improvements, and new stuff but has anyone dealt with Amazon's tech support? I do a lot of shopping on Amazon but that's an entirely different animal. anyone have experience with the new Google Nexus 7 tablet? All feedback greatly appreciated. Oh, guess I should add I am not a huge gamer so lack of smooth access to huge numbers of apps outside Amazon is not a big deal for me.

TO~I'm with Jim! I do most of my stuff on my desktop even tho I have a nice BIG Toshiba laptop that hubby got me last year.
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1- What exactly do I need to do to quarantine new birds before adding them to the flock? How long do you keep them seperated? What should I be watching them for?


2- Is there anybody in the Oconto area who is looking for a few 1 year old laying hens?

aj, you should quarantine any new birds for 30 days away from your flock in case the new additions have any disease, worms, mites, etc. to prevent them from infecting your healthy birds. Google biosecurity for more detailed info.

When in QT, you should observe their behavior & general appearance. Are they active, alert, bright-eyed? How do their droppings look? QT is an excellent time to worm & dust them for parasites. Give their legs & feet a good look too to make sure their scales are smooth and flat. Good luck.

Biosecurity link:
He looks like two of my lav orps, Ang. I have one that is lighter than him too. As for your crossbreeding orp colors question, I haven't yet but I'm sure I'll be getting some in the spring seeing as I now have lav, black, buff, chocolate & gold laced hens & 3 lav roos.
oh don't roll your eyes... you are a lucky ducky to have all those beauties!
actually CC I was wondering if you ever took pics of the legs of Jack when he had leg mites...? Some of my roos leg scales look red around the edges. not healthy normal colors...?
CC, she is now on Azmira canned food. 2% ash, .03% magnesium. I also ordered a supplement from Azmira that is supposed to help her.
Never heard of that one before. I will have to look into that brand. I hope she is doing better for you now.

I'm in the never-reuse-a-canning-lid camp also. Like so many others said, that is just too darn much work & time to be taking a chance on. Last winter, I stocked up on lids at our TSC. They were clearing them out for $1 a box, so I bought them all.
In my defense, there weren't that many left. I've never heard of the "forever" lids, Vicki. Do you know who carries them?

MLH, thanks for the Berry Balance tip. I'll have to look into that too. You're right about the SD. I had it mixed up with Eukanuba. Duh!

FT, that is terrible if your apples were stolen. Were the baskets gone too? Might have been hunters? Whoever it was, they sure have some nerve!
All I can say is "release the hounds".

Ghost, I am so very sorry about Bugsy. We all know the heartache you are feeling. Like Terri said, the best ones are always the ones to leave us too soon. Don't you feel like you were a bad mom. You did everything for him to make him happy and comfortable, and he loved you for it. Hugs to you

Wow, I think I am actually all caught up reading finally!
That won't last long, though, I'm sure.
Just can't seem to find the time to post much lately. I did get my brothers tomatoes canned yesterday! Well, most of them. I still have a small batch to finish, but the vast majority is done. Whoo-hoo!

I have to go to the doctor this afternoon. Last week Thursday I dropped a gallon jug of water on my foot while hauling water out to the chickens. Yeah, I know, smooth move, Ex-Lax.
Anyway, it swelled up & turned a lovely shade of dark purple, but then the swelling went down a bit. Well, on Wed., it started swelling up again, so I'm thinking I mighta broke it. Dam! The fun never ends..........

Oh Bigfam, I forgot to tell ya. Hershey laid an egg one day last week. Tiniest pullet egg I've ever seen. I'll have to take a pic of it.
good AM, 38 or so posts just read.. my eyeballs are crossing..

raining lightly here.. I think it will quit by noon..

when Ken throws out bread cubes, there are upwards of 100 assorted birds flocking towards him.
they come from every direction.. he gets a bang out of it every time.. HeII, with his short memory, each time is brand new..

TerriO, you should go for it,, open that restaurant, if that is what you would like to do.. I think you would make a good manager.. I won't even mention the butcher knife ....

I have to put the charger on the car.. Annie didn't shut the door tight.. I didn't mention it to her, though.. ya think I'm crazy ??

It will be a race to see who can get out of here today.. I think I will tell her that I have some parts to buy.. I think she mumbled something about medicine pick up.. I should really learn to listen when she talks..

the cockatiels are feeding 4 more babies.. Annie said she is going to separate them so they don't hatch any more eggs.. we still have 3 babies from the last batch.. PLUS, she picked up a couple of pairs of parakeets.. anybody want to buy some nice birds ??

OK, that's all I have for now..


maybe squirrels carried off your apples.. I put some out at my deer stand a few years ago, and the squirrels carried all of them away..
it was a hoot to look at the pine trees all around me and seeing apples in just about every crotch..
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So here are the d'uccle that Carol and I got last week. Still in quarantine at her house and I cant wait for them to move on over to my coop! The lavender and the red mille fluer are the roosters. The black mottled is the beautiful 2year old hen and the three on the left are the juveniles about 3 months of age. Ok off to make pickles!
BF4 - you've got a lot of garlic there! Is that from the wegrowgarlic people?? I see they are sold out online as are most places. I was looking around for some last week and lucked out at the feed store. They had some porcelain hardneck variety there so I picked up a few heads. This will be my third year trying garlic and I haven't had much success so far. I've been taking notes from all the tips here though!

DrH - I keep meaning to mention to you that I grew up in Nekoosa. Have lots of family there too. Are you familiar with the old Tuttle's grocery store/bait shop south of town on Z? It's Romano's now but that was my grandparents place before that. I'm thinking you're on the other side of the river though right?

TO - that's a great idea for a business!! Homemade food to go!

Vicki - I've got the original Kindle Fire version and love it. Had the Kindle 2 before that as well. I was following the announcements yesterday too and might be getting DH the 8.9" HD for a Christmas present. He uses a dell 10" netbook to surf the net in the recliner and it's really been acting up and for what he does I think this would be a great replacement. I would think if you are looking to use it more like a laptop then go for the 8.9", much harder to read pages online with the smaller screen. If you are looking at is as more of a reader go for the 7"

CC - the reusable lids I've seen are called Tattler Lids. You can find them online and I've seen them at the Amish store here in Athens too. Maybe check out that kind of bulk store by you for them.


Jim - those must have been big squirrels or maybe small apples for them to carry off and hide in the trees! What a site!

Kristip - beautiful birds!

Today I dropped off our two turkeys at the processor. Will be picking them up tomorrow. Sure hope they are about 20#. So hard to tell with them. Atleast there's 2 less mouths to feed and one less coop in use.

Raining here still, a nice steady slow drip. Got 1/3" so far but could use more for sure.

Gotta get back to the tomatoes. Made 12 qts of whole tomatoes yesterday and 2 qts of pasta sauce.

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yes Casie... wegrowgarlic.com. They are sold out, but have sampler bags still. They are not far of highway 51 near madison deforest area. Leeds actually I think. It was $25 for the bag, but I thought that was a fine price for a big bunch of new fun to plant!

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