Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

yeah, I have taken chickens there in the past.. it has been a few years, since.. they were charging $5 for turkeys back then.. and they did not bag anything.. You had to bring your own coolers to haul them back home.. then bag and freeze them yourself..

we never kept the feet either..you are right on, the crowd that hangs out down there are happy to snatch up the feet and any other spare parts.. lots of people on here boil the feet to make stock.. I am satisfied with boiling the backs for that purpose..

Nephew is here to watch Gramma,, I am heading into town for a bit..


I'm with you on making stock with other parts, not feet! I'm not to the point that I have to be that frugal yet! lol!

They are charging $3.25 a piece for chickens now, that's for whole and bagged too.
oh don't roll your eyes... you are a lucky ducky to have all those beauties!
Yes, I am, and it mostly because of you. Thanks again!

As for pics of Mooses feet/legs, I sent you an e-mail. I hope you don't have them on any of your birds.
Hello all- very dreary morning here. Having some trouble with our 2 new chickens. They keep breaking out of their "playpen", and if they don't break out, the others break in. The rest of the flock doesn't like them much, so I think that is why they spend hours on the roost inside the coop. I have tried to shoo them off, but they hold on as tight as they can, and won't come down. I have put out a few more water dishes and food dishes, but i am not sure if they are eating. They also haven't laid any eggs in over a week.
Any one have any suggestions?
Had more physical therapy today. Now they think it might be Rheumatoid Arthritis. I go to another Dr. next week and a rheumatologist the week after. Anyone have any knowledge of RA?
Taking the DD5 to dance class tonight and then out for fish with my brother and sisters and parents. Should be a great night!
Hope you all have a great day
Hi, I am from Jefferson County in WI (of course). We started raising pheasants, chuckars, and meat chickens 2 years ago. We also have a few egg laying chickens, turkeys, and meat ducks. That is all my husband. I, on the otherhand, like pretty chickens that can just roam around the yard and currently have one cochin, one porclein mille fleur (I think), and a cayuga duck. I am looking to find either silkies or cochins to hatch out pheasant eggs in spring but am having a hard time of it. If anyone has eggs, chicks, or birds I would be interested. Thanks in advance.
Welcome, glad you found us and stopped to join us. Hopefully someone will be able to help you out!
Hello all- very dreary morning here. Having some trouble with our 2 new chickens. They keep breaking out of their "playpen", and if they don't break out, the others break in. The rest of the flock doesn't like them much, so I think that is why they spend hours on the roost inside the coop. I have tried to shoo them off, but they hold on as tight as they can, and won't come down. I have put out a few more water dishes and food dishes, but i am not sure if they are eating. They also haven't laid any eggs in over a week.
Any one have any suggestions?
Judge, your newbies are staying in because they are being terrorized by your flock. Pecking order, ya know. Can you rig something a little sturdier for them to keep them separated but still in sight of the flock for a few days? Otherwise they won't eat or drink, or lay either.

Check out this site for a few ideas. Scroll down to "Introducing new birds to the flock"

Good luck!
I like the mouse trap in the apples idea.

Terri, I too really like your business idea. So many great restaurants have all closed up over the years.
Bigz is right. We need to open a Cheesie diner, but the guys will have to do more than just supervise the bar!

DH's cousins from Germany used to make chicken feet soup. Uh, sorry, but there ain't no amount of cleaning/scrubbing/cooking that is gonna make me even THINK about eating anything containing a chicken's foot.

Ok, better get to the docs. Bbl
BIGZ! That's so cool that Angie was with you! Congrats! Judge about the only thing I know about RA is you don't want it. I've got arthritis and just picked up an adjustable knee brace for makin wood. On the up side you'll be able to predict the weather better than the prognosticators that get paid to do it. Casie D was out cutting some wood for the new shelves for the canned goods and Len came to mind but can't for the life of me remember his wifes name. Very nice people! Got the shelves built inside a wardrobe I got the other day and ALL the canned goods are now in their new home.
[Sigh] with room to spare. No chicken feet on the menu here either. I hate wasting things but ya gotta draw the line somewhere.
BIGZ! That's so cool that Angie was with you! Congrats! Judge about the only thing I know about RA is you don't want it. I've got arthritis and just picked up an adjustable knee brace for makin wood. On the up side you'll be able to predict the weather better than the prognosticators that get paid to do it. Casie D was out cutting some wood for the new shelves for the canned goods and Len came to mind but can't for the life of me remember his wifes name. Very nice people! Got the shelves built inside a wardrobe I got the other day and ALL the canned goods are now in their new home.
[Sigh] with room to spare. No chicken feet on the menu here either. I hate wasting things but ya gotta draw the line somewhere.

Yep, Grandpa is Len and Grandma is Arlene. They are still around but Grandma has Alzheimer's and is at a care facility in Rapids now. Hard to see her like that, she was always sharp as a tack. Grandpa is still at home in the house they built on top of "the elbow".
great job! Our neighbor and his friend both got a bear yesterday too. One was only around 200 lbs but the other went closer to 400. Of course they shot them on the other side of the lake (couldn't have hunted behind us and gotten the one that was terrorizing us last spring-they already had it on trailcam).

sorry, couldn't resist this one
You all are aware that I am frugal I am sure....but I also draw the line at chicken feet! My dd20 (when she was 10) had some chicken foot soup at a friends' place...yeah, she STILL talks about dipping up a ladleful and seeing a chicken foot! I see them all the time at the grocery store in Fort Atkinson...there is a Mexican one there where I get my rice and cactus(for the torts) They always have chicken feet and other "parts" of different animals for sale! NOT!

Welcome to out little corner gNg! Yup, that is your name now...I too, am in Jefferson county and I sent you a PM too!.Maybe we can get together and trade some game birds!

CONGRATS BigZ! I want to hear the full story! How did you manage it without dogs? That is very cool that you got pics too. (and I am glad you had a "bodyguard") or at least someone available to call 911 if needed!

Nice photo memory of your dog Kim! Thanks for that. You know there are a lot of boxers in rescue when you are ready....not to say that another dog will ever replace Bugs, but sometimes you need something new to concentrate on.

Thanks about the restaurant comments--I am still thinking about it...ANyone want to do some internet research on loans for people like me? I know some of you are really good at it!

OK--I cant remember anything else...I have to take DS down to Milford to have him submit a job app. Hopefully he can work there cause then he can walk! LOL. (and I will get the number for the restaurant for sale)

Man, I bated fly traps today and they are all hanging around me...I didnt even spill any! ***??? I DID shower today...guess I have to get the fly swatter out...

Have a great night--might BBL, all depends....TerriOthinkingaboutpossibilities

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