Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Casie D As soon as I read it I remembered
Sorry to hear G'ma isn't with it anymore your right she was sharp. Taking me back a few years with mentioning them. Thanks for the reminder!
another hectic day under the belt.. I took the throw-out bearing to Ron.. I thought it was grinding a bit.. He confirmed that is was.. So time to order a new one.. on Friday, to get it by Saturdey.. I found one and had them ship it overnight UPS.. should get here on Saturday.. Hope it does and hope it is the right one..

Kim and Adam should be here soon.. we are having spaghetti.. Kim is bringing her sauce along..
I hope the peeled tomatoes she uses doesn't kill me..

Nephew canned about 20 pints of salsa from the peppers and tomatoes from the garden.. The first batch was very good,, and I am not even that big a fan of salsa..

a couple of pullets have moved into the "big chicken" coop to lay their eggs..

congrats on the bear BigZ Bearslayer.

Kim and Adam should be here soon.. we are having spaghetti.. Kim is bringing her sauce along..
I hope the peeled tomatoes she uses doesn't kill me..

OK----I am thinking that you will be happy to have her sauce to eat! No peels to flush the next day either! (sorry everyone...just had to add!)
I am really glad that you are in constant awe of all of us also! TerriOwithnothingtobeinaweof
Evening all!
Just spent the day doing laundry and cleaning the bathroom and kitchen. Today was a "sore" day. The old joints are still killing me even after a boat load of Advil. I think this is the hardest time of year for me. My poor joints have to get used the colder temps after a hot summer and they just ache. Grrrrr....

Kim-So sorry about Bugs....You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Twizz-I'll PM you. I've got some almost point of lay hens, Nothing exotic but they will lay well, I've got some BO's and some BR's.

Welcome to the newbies and nice to see some old faces stop by!

Well, I was going to say more but can't remember much and I made some brownies that need to be liberated from the pan they are in....
I tried and tried to comment on your article in your paper...the stupid password thing would not let me post! Sorry--I did try! It seems from the comments that there are many folks against you--what's up with that? TerriOallforpoultry
Did you see the names of who left the comments? It is the same 2-3 people.

There is a group of individuals who I thought were my friends who are running around town organizing against this. I do not have the time needed to run all over town collecting signatures for this..... the signatures I gave the council were those of individuals who thought the ordinance should be changed, it was not an 'official' petition and it had signatures of people who live on the outskirts of town who could be annexed in.

You have to register first to post a comment. I just put one up.

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