Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

TerriO what passes as store bought ACV is garbage full of chemicals, colorings and who actually knows, I doubt it even has apple cider in it........I wouldn't use it, as per the expensive stuff, well worth the benefits if you use it just in the waters and the ducks don't muck it up too bad that your dumping it 3 times a day............ then I would say get a new water bowl just for the ducks and leave it out. You really don't need a alot of it, I use it even in my Horses water tank a cup to 50 gallons, and a gallon last a month here............ for 3 horses water, plus 5 large chicken waters....that get a tbls. per gallon...... and a couple baby drinkers when they are younger.....1 ts per quart..... Kim
Morning all!
Thanks for the kind words about Lavender. She was a fun bird to have in the coop. Now I'll miss tripping over her...
The critters are all great!
Thanks for the help on the pics!

Well, I had more to say, but I can't remember what I wanted to say! My mind is elsewhere....in chore land!

So, I best get going on some of them!
You gotta be freakin' kidding me.....................


MLH, I have a Buff Orp hen. Still need pics of that??

they are both from the wyandotte I got from you. They could not be more different looking and more alike in personality, very much wanting to be in charge.

both seem to be roos.

My son named the black and white one puddle, which made my daughter start calling the other toot.

btw- for those of you without small children toot and puddle are cartoon pigs

they will be here till they find homes or they crow or grow saddle feathers and then freezer camp

good afternoon,, here we go again,, good news, all hooked up and gased up.. bad news,,starter smokes when I grind it more than 3 times.. It doesn't seem like I am getting any spark..

I used the original wires.. IDK what gauge they are.. will go find some 10 gauge, at least for the Bat circuit.. the rest call for 16 gauge.. I think I have at least 14 gauge, so they should be OK,,

the ammeter needle moves when I turn on the switch.. something it never did before..

but it is a gloriously nice day outside..

I took more pictures.. someday I will send them, when I learn how..


Judi's new little bantam cochin pullet that I will be delivering tonight.

Oh BBP and bubs, I LOVE this sweet girl!


I've been away for a day or two. And there are more than 100 posts to read? Yikes I'm not up to the challenge!

Well the more I read about Merick's disease the more I think that my Shandy had it. I put an info link in my signature so if anyone ever has questions about it, they have a very informative place to start!

It's so weird having only 4 feathery bodies out there bok bok boking around now! Maaaaaaybe another one is in order.... I don't know if the 12 by 4 run is truly big enough for 5 mature feathery bodies! Not to mention the 4x4 coop space this winter. What to the pros think?

JJ- The 5 year old in my house means that I'm fully aware of Toot & Puddles existence!
Cool concept for a show, hey?

TTFN enablers!
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Dan aww dang it there was something......... Oh ya [been a long day, lots of gas fumes] She might have messed with me but I mess with her more. At least that's what I like to think, it makes me feel like I'm in charge around here.
Jim keep lookin and testing you'll get it. Just like I did with the splitter today. Spent the whole afternoon getting it running and I'm not done. Have to take the carb back off and make an intake gasket. It would run until the gas that I poured down the plug hole burned. Finally took the carb off and found that the float bowl was full of water.
Haven't run it since last fall. Might explain the rough running at times the last couple of years. But it WILL run right by god when I'm done with it! It runs and starts but spits like an air leak, I tore the gasket taking it off. Going to lube or replace the recoil thingy on the crank too. The balls don't engage like they should and it's very aggrivating!
Jim maybe that starter is smoking because you have compression now,,,hold a plug wire while Annie hits the key,,,she deserves a laugh IF there is spark

it never fails after a big project like this it will be something simple and obvious when you find the problem,,,

Go Ollie GO!


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