Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good Morning Everybody! Thanks for all your concerns about the splitters "orbs"
Knew that was gonna draw fire. Ended up just running a straight gas line on the Case need to get a smaller gas filter. There's a 1 inch long stand pipe inside the tank so it shouldn't suck up any crap especially since I drained the tank, dried it, cleaned it out, and filtered all the new gas. Have to go to Point this AM to get L's car fixed for the second time on the steering motor recall.
Lectric steering what will they think of next? Coming back to make a big batch of b'fast burritos some for a trip up Nort this weekend.
And wanna get that gasket made for the splitter so I can start splitting tomorrow. Got the 2 stump end logs cut and drug out yesterday. Made the Lil mule grunt all the way. I do love that tractor!
And the Fiord. The more I cut out back the more dead trees I find, that's a good thing! Filled the feeder yesterday and behind the feed barrel I found a nest with 7 SLW eggs in it all were fresh. Jim glad you didn't lose your bird! and I hope you get the wiring figured out. Just had to try a grill igniter I scavenged once, just once. Remined me of the time Dad had me hold on to the wires from a crank telephone. Funny guy my Dad. I'm still laughin! Had to laugh yesterday morning when I let the kids out Sparkey came out minus his long tail feathers. He has become the low man. Babykins is givin him some payback. Bigz those have to be the heartiest toms I've ever heard of. 40 yrs old!
Cind glad your butchering went fairly well. Any help is better than no help. Nice lookin birds there Kristip! OK that's all I can member right now.
Morning all...........

Adams Off to school, the boy is on the bus, the horses have been fed, and the puppies have been out and about the yard to do there thing, now I just have chickens to tend too and the neighbors Turkey's, ducks, chickens, guinies, and dog,,,,,,,,Am I done yet? hehehe

Well these silly puppies are still afraid of the horses, but they found something this morning they just love about them.........horse apples.....LOL they roll on them, play with them and eat them....YUCKKKKKKKK :sick :sick :sick
Maybe they will start to like the horses soon considering they like what they eat........blahk They are getting along with the cats and other dogs well, except they want to eat everyone's food, hungry boys they are, and diggers have 2 holes in there pen I keep filling in and they keep digging out.
So anyway Nothing much new here and can't remember what I wanted to comment on, must not have been all that important. So will get my butt in gear here and finish chores then do my neighbors, then do laundry to take to town to dry, wish my dryer was fixed, I hate the laundromat, 6 minutes for a quarter, and after 45 minutes it still isn't dry. I miss my dryer ALOT!!!!!! 40 minutes dry folded and ready to put away........I haven't been without my dryer in 15 years, and I can't wait for Adam to be working so I can afford to fix it...................
Later all have a wonderful day...Kim
well, so much for the herbs and stuff I was going to dehydrate this week. Made the mistake of believing our local weatherman and we were at 25o a 6 a.m.!
Oh, well. Probably got some unhappy chooks this morning too because I left the vents open in the coop, oops. At least the sun just popped out so it should warm up fairly soon.

Had put a "wanted to buy" on our local radio show and got a call yesterday. $20 bucks got me an old 5 gal. waterer, 5 gal. feeder, two 3 ft(?) tray feeders, one wall mount pig feeder w/adjustable flow (great for inside the coop), and for an extra $10 I got a nice antiqued potato basket (like the egg baskets but deeper). He had 2 5 ft.nesting boxes, one had 10 nests, the other had 16. I really thought hard about the 10 holer even tho I don't have that many chickens because he was only asking $30 a piece and they were in pretty good shape. Hard to pass up a bargain like that even if I didn't need it

Can't believe it but little StirFry was looking better yesterday. Still not great, but better. Wow, she really is the "little hen that could". Going to try to get a good pic of Noodle today and get input from all you "Chickie Yoda's"
as to thoughts on sex/breed. Well, time to so see if I have chickie sickles in the coop.


Hi again! No chickie sickles in the coop, yea
Water wasn't froze and you couldn't even see your breath in there! Guess all that insulating is going to pay off
Still going to install the heated waterer this week but now I know I don't have to be in any hurry to plug it in
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Morning all!
So I read the posts but nothing is sticking in my head so I can make comments! Had my coffee already but it's one of those mornings where I just went from wake up to jittery from the caffine...Arg!
Thought I'd check in here first then get to chores. I figure the critters can wait a minute or two while I drink even more coffee in hopes of eradicating the jitters...LOL


'Nuf said.

Ba ha ha Elaine!

Vicki - I need to get to insulating too!

Does anyone have a heat-lamp in their coop? We used one the other night when there were frost warnings. But isn't that going to mess with their internal clocks having a bright lamp on all night long in their 4x4x3.5 foot enclosure?
Dig it... Ben bought a thermometer that's in their coop and the readout is in our house so we can see that it's not getting too chilly...
What will technology bring to us next?
good morning, how's this for a dream? I was walking to get a haircut with a blanket wrapped around me and only long pants and socks on.. no shoes, no shirts.. then I woke up.. still need that haircut, though..

DrH, just install an inlline gas filter.. I had one of those on an old Fjiord truck.. It plugged up on me about 15 miles from home.. I just poked a screw driver through it and I was on my way again.. then it slipped my mind and I never did install a new one.. 3 or 4 years later..

today I am going to take the starter linkage off and end for end the rod.. Adam knows what I mean.. the rest of you will just have to take my word for it..

One of the barred rock roosters came up lame yesterday.. good news for the resident hens.. one less rooster to have to outrun.. these new roos are really over endowed with testosterone. The Delawares are not as bad as those Barrocks.. the Delawares are lots bigger.. I should have taken a hen/roo photo for that poster..

the pied peahen is doing well.. she did not have such a great summer.. she was beat up on two of her nests, and Annie stole all of her eggs from the 3rd nest.. Is it normal for peahens to go broody that often ?? we have 3 chicks from her stolen eggs.. I think they are all males.. Not a problem,, I can sell them easily next spring..

me, back again,, some of you are jumping the gun with heat supplement.. hold off with the heat and let the chickens develop their winter plumage..

they don't need extra heat until the temps get down to about 1F.. and then not really needed if their feathers are thick and they are kept dry..

In an insulated coop, you might not want to put any heat, make sure you have ventilation so that moisture doesn't build up.. the condensation is what freezes their combs..

If you are keeping hens for eggs, then a little heat is OK.. the heat will offset the extra feed you would normally need..

there are plug-in thermostats that turn the heat on when the air temp in the coop is 35F .. this keeps the water from freezing..

I went to maynard's and bought an electric heater.. It was about $20.oo.. More than those heat lamps, true, but it will outlast dozens of those $6 lamps.. and the heater has a fan on it to get the heat circulated..

I keep a light on 24/7 in my coops.. mainly so that the chickens go in at night.. Ask Kim , I don't seem to have any neurotic chickens here..

Just saying.. you can do what you want.. as I know you will..

No Jim LOL I wasn't born yesterday-this is an old neighbor of mine that moved back to Europe. One of them brought the kids back to WI from Europe and the other is trying to work this out from over there.
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