Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh the are so cute!!!
wat breed???
Momma to the two closest to the camera is Po our Pekin, dad is either Shifu our rouen/pekin mix - or one of the male mallards. Shifu was very busy during the times these eggs were pulled so I'm thinking him. The one furthest has a mallard as a momma and Shifu as the dad.
Yeah sorry about that copy paste..... and I do know all about people who are CB, my brother is.

I can try to get the info without the horrible colors....

Fox Valley Rabbit Club Small Animal Swap

Start Date/Time: Saturday, March 30, 2013 3:00 PM
End Date/Time: Saturday, March 30, 2013 3:30 PM
Recurring Event: One time event
Importance: Normal Priority
Fairgrounds Event

Multipurpose/Showring. For more information contact Dennis Roloff at 715-467-2272

Owned by Kristy Harris On Thursday, January 10, 2013

Now quit your b!tchin Jim!
good late afternoon,

15 of 20 hatched so far, 1 more pipped,,,,nice chicks no problems. Just gave these a beak dip now they look ready for some feed,,,,

raccoon trapping starts tonight, I have a hopper bin mounted on the garage wall under the eves. Just loaded 300# of crumbles in it a couple days ago, this morning there was a huge pile on the ground under it
there is a small slide plate with a 1" ball that I pull to fill the bucket set under the hopper. YEAH,,,,coons are pretty handy,,no other explanation so traps are set and I did finagle a bungee cord that should keep it closed,,,,,report tomorrow

no sun today and it still hit 34º not complaining but geeze

called in my order for seed potatoes, my farmer friend and I discussed the weather,,,,lol


I hope they don't expect many color blind people to show up,, seriously.. no joke..

If you want to get cutely with your info signs,, don't do it with colors.. black on white and then add pictures or whatever to class it up.. it took me all of 5 minutes to decipher that sign..

I know I am sticking my neck out for ridicule, but there are a lot of us CB people out here..

so its a quick sale !!!!! starts at3 00 ends at 3 30 better do some fast wheelin n dealin
I have a sinking feeling I ruined my whole hatch. I set up my hatcher today and stole the therm out of the bator, replaced it with an older therm. Come back to find it reading at 105! So I stuck the original therm back in the bator and watched it tick up too. Here's the thing: when i set the eggs I put the therm at the bottom, when i moved the therm to the top it started reading high. Does 2 inches of space really make that much difference? I had put the therm on the screen on the bottom because it is oval shaped and doesn't lie flat on the eggs. Doomed?

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