Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I have a sinking feeling I ruined my whole hatch. I set up my hatcher today and stole the therm out of the bator, replaced it with an older therm. Come back to find it reading at 105! So I stuck the original therm back in the bator and watched it tick up too. Here's the thing: when i set the eggs I put the therm at the bottom, when i moved the therm to the top it started reading high. Does 2 inches of space really make that much difference? I had put the therm on the screen on the bottom because it is oval shaped and doesn't lie flat on the eggs. Doomed?

do you know for a fact that your therm is accurate ?

do you have a fan in your bator ?

how long was it at 105 F ?

give us a few details if you want answers..
we got it the first time Jim
do you know for a fact that your therm is accurate ?

do you have a fan in your bator ?

how long was it at 105 F ?

give us a few details if you want answers..

Have not calibrated therm this year, bought it last season. So no, I guess I don't know if it's accurate.

No fan, LG.

I assume it was at 105 for most of the hatch (chickens due Sat, ducks due next Sat)
in that case, all you can do is wait.. or find a therm you can trust and if it is high, lower the temp..

If the chickens hatch, then the ducks prolly will too..

In the mean time,, get yourself a thermometer you know is accurate..

then contact me before you start another batch of eggs.. give yourself at least 2 days to set up the bator for the next batch..
Evening All...lazy day here. I just had no ambition today at all....maybe tomorrow.

I've been meaning to mention about this weird blue ameraucana hen that backs up when feeding instead of going forward...not sometimes...always...funniest thing I've ever seen.

Nice cartoons Cind. Way to much truth to them both!

Nice place bl4...actually a fair price...go ahead..WTH it's only money, and you don't mind working a few more years for a place like that. Think of all the egg sales! I was willing to split the lotto if I woulda won. Dang if I wasen't a loser again.

Hope the sun shows up for a change.

in that case, all you can do is wait.. or find a therm you can trust and if it is high, lower the temp..

If the chickens hatch, then the ducks prolly will too..

In the mean time,, get yourself a thermometer you know is accurate..

then contact me before you start another batch of eggs.. give yourself at least 2 days to set up the bator for the next batch..

Thank you.
I got my new chicks from delisha today!!!!

I got 8 total: 3 black orpington, 2 americauna (1 splash and 1 black), 3 blr wyandottes (2 splash and 1 blue). Hopefully they are all girls, but we did our best!

The 3 orpingtons are 4 weeks old and are outside in the coop with Mr. Gibs. The others are just babies (3 days I think). I initially had them in the garage, but I felt that it was too drafty and cold in there, so I moved them into the basement.

They are sleeping, so I'll have to get pics of them later.

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