Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Put out some "dust bath" materials/bin for the 4 week old black orps today. It must have felt like spring to them, as the temps are above freezing.

I made Pho (soup), Chinese broccoli and Jasmine tea for DH and myself tonight. It tasted like you'd get at a real Vietnamese restaurant. I got the idea for the chinese broccoli from when DH and I ate at Cai in Chinatown (a chinese dim sum restaurant).

The dog got to have the beef knuckles from the soup, she is completely happy tonight and Mr. Gibs got all of the veggie scraps that were left over from making the soup stock.
Delish, hubby is the same :)
Irish, never fails to have a couple camera shy ;-)
Since I have never hatched, im goingto ask a stupid ? Can't you just help the little buggers out once they start pips? If not, why?
No question about the health and well being of your birds is stupid. It is smart.
Every time you open the incubator you change the humidity and temp in the bator. You risk all the others to try to save one. If you do save that one, it is going to have problems. You might not see it right away. They need that time and excercize to develop lungs and strength. It is necessary. They will be weak and vulnerable to URI as they mature. We all want the strongest birds, don't we?
I was going to comment about the lockdown question, but my opinion is so different than others, I am not going to even offer it.. I don't want to start an argument..

Yes, the pen is moving along nicely.. My brother came out today and helped me install the next 3 roof sections.. surprisingly enough, it went according to the plan in my head.. every section fit snugly and right to the "T".. I have to frame in the other door and then Bro will come back and help me put the last 2 sections up..

again, the dogs watched intently.. I think they will be able to do the next one with a little help from me..

Nothing wrong with other people sharing opinions. Your opinion is as valuable as any ones.
Quote: X2

Wow what a woman! Ive had a killer cold and made grilled cheese for dinner lol

Thanks for all the good answers on "helping"

Baby binnies! When we got home today! Not sure how many yet :) just a quick check while moms had hay, to make sure everybody was alive! All warm! Ill keep every posted and pictured as they grow! Soooo exciting! Havent had any since I was very young! The kiddos were sooo excited ♡ they cant wait to see them!!!
first off, I never heard of chickens "drowning" in the shell until I came to byc.. I do not believe it is what happens.. I think it is a mis-diagnosed conclusion to a different condition that caused the chick to not hatch..

I do not believe that a shell can absorbe large quantities of water during 3 days of lockdown..

I do believe that at least 60% humidity is good for lockdown..

I do not believe in dry incubation.. it is a mis leading terminology .. you need 40% humidity in your incubator.. where it comes from , it doesn't matter.. but just because you do not add water, do, do not call it dry incubation.. too many newbies take things literally, and then they do not add water, and their RH in the room is low and they end up with shrink wrapped chicks ,,

there is a formula that has been used for longer than I have been alive , and therefore longer than any of you....

99.5 F 40% humidity, raise the humidity on the last 3 days to at least 60% ,,..

we are artificially incubating eggs.. do not use the excuse that the hen gets off her nest to eat and drink.. when she gets back on her eggs, the temp and the humidity are instantly restored to normal.. your incubators take much longer than that.. not to mention how long you played with the eggs by candling etc..

Delisha- DH said it was good, but I did all of the raving. He has 2 stages of existence: mellow and asleep! On a rare occasion some other end of the spectrum will appear.

Cuties-sorry that you aren't feeling good. If I could share the soup with you I would. It has great healing properties. Those are some cute bunnies too.

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