Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I was lucky enough to stay at home with the kids until ages 9,8 & 6. Just in time though, they were driving me crazy!

I went to work and my DH became the cook because he gets home first!

On another note, I did band the chicks AND I recorded who got which zip tie color. My first hens (now recently deceased), I swore that I'd remember who they were. NOPE! They change so much that I couldn't tell them apart (well except the RIR). Hence the decision to band this time around!

Delisha is feeling out of sorts today! Wish her a speedy recovery


I am feeling a little better..not much..but I have chicks hatching and I need to feel better. I have my first Blue English out.
When we had more than two Speckled Sussex I did black zip ties with colored pony beads on them. Worked like a charm, and the ones that I have left still have them on nearly 18 months later!
Do baby chicks take dust baths? I had thought about putting one in with them to see how cute it would be.

We finished up the Pho soup tonight. DH wanted grilled cheese sandwiches with it

All chicks are banded and seem to be coping well with them. The blk orps were kind of crying a bit when I went out to close up the coop. I think that the light must have gone off and scared them. I closed up the doors and will check on them before bed. Babies in the basement are out for the nite. All of the trauma (the banding) tired them out I guess!

As for me, my hands are sooo dry from washing them so much. Since the orps have been exposed to a mite situation, I am treating them as if they have them...therefore a lot of washing.

I am looking forward to the warmer weather heading our way. I might be able to plant a few early sprouters
Oh that reminds me, I need to lift up the lid on the cold frame.
I love being home with my kiddos too! I feel very blessed!
I have fertile Cayuga duck eggs if anyone would be interested in hatching them! They are really fun little nuggets! We have 3 hens and a drake and don't want to let the 'momma' hen hatch another batch this year! I am tempted to stick some chicken eggs under here when she decides to sit! Not sure it would work :)

We'll work out some weekend to get together. Just let me know when you are thinking of.

Question for you (or anyone that can answer) - can you show birds with wing band identification?

We'll work out some weekend to get together. Just let me know when you are thinking of.

Question for you (or anyone that can answer) - can you show birds with wing band identification?
It seems that is the new thing..I have not seen it yet, however I know some States that require a vet to test birds are now using wing bands for ID's...It is probably going to be the new thing every where.
I just like the thought of marking them once and that tag stays on life long. Stemming from frustrations of outgrowing zip ties, then leg bands, then larger leg bands...plastic getting brittle and breaking off over time, etc.

I like the thought of just wing banding babies, but didn't know if it was frowned upon at the shows. Since I'd like to show some of my birds, wouldn't wing band if that were the case.

If it's accepted in the shows, then I think I'll go to wing banding.

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