Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

6 pages, people????? Ah, triple posts. That explains some of it.

Those are some small-*** rabbits if you can hold 3 at a time. Shadow barely fits on my lap.

Kee, someone on Milw. CL had one for sale not long ago. (Angora)

Cuties, my rabbits run around in my chicken coop. I have one of those cheap(ly made) wood hutches and a metal one for them to use if they wish but they seldom do. We had to put some plastic pipes around the legs of the wood one because they were chewing on them. No nests or boxes, just straw & wood chips for keeping warm. Rabbits seem to be able to tolerate the cold better than the excessive heat. As far as chewing, I give my rabbits sticks from our trees, alfalfa cubes, carrots, etc.

Cind, I hope your son gets better real soon.

Nah, we didn't miss ya, Heather. We were actually enjoying the peace & quiet for once.

Kristi & Elaine,

Chin up, girl. They may suprise you.
Ok. So as a newbie, I have learned that I cannot keep track of which bird is which from birth to adulthood! Therefore, I am considering zip ties for their legs. I was thinking of using different colors (or combinations of) in order to identify age, where they are from, etc.
My concern is whether the birds will pick at them and injure themselves or another chick. Also, how tight to put them.
We stay at home dads feel left out when you only talk about just Stay at home MOMS.

Waiting for terriO to get here. Hope it is as exciting as my kids are expecting it to be to play with some new kids.

Sorry, JustJohn, wasn't trying to be exclusive. You're right, I should have said stay-at-home-parents instead of just SAHM (stay-at-home-moms). Kristip, that's great that you have such a strong community backing you up!

chknscrtch, zip ties are ok,, the chickens will ignore them. they do fade in color after a long while.. so multiple rings seems like a better way to go.. keep good records of the colors, or numbers of rings you use.. believe me,, you will not remember after awhile..

make them loose.. better if they fall off than if they get too tight..

I worked on the pen today.. I got the door all framed in and just have to make one more spreader before adding the last two roof panels..

when I build the greenhouse counterpart to this pen, I am going to make a halfassed foundation so the base is level.. with the pen, I built it on a slope and followed the contour of the ground.. snow cover and time running out was the reason .. I will build the greenhouse after the ground is thawed so I can scoop up dirt and fill in the interior so that it will be level in there..

Cc, thx and what kind of rabbit lol mine are minirex. I let the blue one hop with the girls a lot. But when I open up durring the day, hez locked up. The rabbits r in the barn in winter (unless its very nice out) and out in the summer. I keep them in the full shade with ice bottles. Havent had any issues with that.
Ive just always given hutches before, think I might b changing my mind.... maybe... idk lol
They use them a lot. I get that they are hardy, but... still.

Cs, we used zipties also. Every kid had a fav rir lol worked good as long as we wrote it down ;-) right jim. And be sure to change as they grow! No real pecking at them. Of coarse a little at first, but not leading to injury.

I so wish I could be home with my kids. Spose I could, but then we would have about nothing. I look at it as, when I work all my 12 hr days, im pretty lucky I get to work 3am to 3 pm. That way im just tired lol my daughters in school. My son is 3, he goes to daycare in the school. Hubby drops them in the am. I get to pick them up almost every day at 3:10. It works...I guess since I haveto.
Maybe grandkids.... ill win the lotto and see them nonstop!!! Lol
I am registered for the pullorum training in Madison on Saturday, April 13th. If anyone wants to join me, That's where I'll be. They are still accepting registrations as of this morning.

Thanks again BigZ.

Hurley- Is that the testing matter you are selling in your signature?
Yep. Wisconsin doesn't test for AI, so Pullorum testing is what is needed. I have a few bottles of antigen left. Basically I get the big bottle, divide it up, and sell it off to pay for the bottle and to hopefully help out others that don't need the whole 1000 dose bottle.
We stay at home dads feel left out when you only talk about just Stay at home MOMS.

Waiting for terriO to get here. Hope it is as exciting as my kids are expecting it to be to play with some new kids.

Ah, man, I WISH I could be a stay at home mom. I'm envious of my hubby being a stay at home dad. However, if he would go work, he'd basically make just enough to pay to put the boys into daycare...yeah, no point to that! Also glad, because with my job and crazy hours, daycare would be a nightmare. Really really wish there was some way I could go to part time and spend more time at home with the boys, but at least I am lucky enough to have a job that provides for my family so that someone can be with the boys rather than in daycare. Hubby does a great job with them, but man it's hard not getting to be with my boys as much as I'd like.
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I was lucky enough to stay at home with the kids until ages 9,8 & 6. Just in time though, they were driving me crazy!

I went to work and my DH became the cook because he gets home first!

On another note, I did band the chicks AND I recorded who got which zip tie color. My first hens (now recently deceased), I swore that I'd remember who they were. NOPE! They change so much that I couldn't tell them apart (well except the RIR). Hence the decision to band this time around!

Delisha is feeling out of sorts today! Wish her a speedy recovery

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