Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I think it's lockdown day. I guess I'll candle and pitch the quitters. I've never incubated so many eggs before. It should be interesting. And it's amazing how quick the time flies when a person is working and not hovering over the bators. I actually did what Jim said (which is a first ;-) ) and set em and forget em!

Nope not reading 5 pages. Working is ok but sucks at the same time. I want my time back! Now it's spring break for kids, Halden has therapists here everyday, and I feel like I just can't catch my breathe. In fact, I actually had an anxiety attack last Friday and I'm on meds to keep those at bay. So... I'd like to see people miss me when I don't post for a few days... (Hint hint hint). CC it's your job to say "hey where's bigfam? I miss her so!"

Better go. Boys are running around the dining room table screaming and trying to hit eachother with something. I think I'll just pull the covers over my head and pretend I don't hear them...
Big fam, totLly missed ur hu mor!!!! I assumed u were busy with your son. I think from what ive read from you so far, you are a good and strong mother. You WILL pull your family through.

Thx for the get well wishes and hutch advice. If my rabbits do not use them as a litter box, would you recommend a box for warmth? Sis informed me they build up too mich moisture. Inturn rabbits get pneumonia. .. opinions?

When I get home, ill try to get a pic of the setup. We usr raw wood. Paint only goes on where bunnies cannot reach.
Big fam, totLly missed ur hu mor!!!! I assumed u were busy with your son. I think from what ive read from you so far, you are a good and strong mother. You WILL pull your family through.

Thx for the get well wishes and hutch advice. If my rabbits do not use them as a litter box, would you recommend a box for warmth? Sis informed me they build up too mich moisture. Inturn rabbits get pneumonia. .. opinions?

When I get home, ill try to get a pic of the setup. We usr raw wood. Paint only goes on where bunnies cannot reach.

I never used a box for warmth so I don't know what effect it would have on their respiratory health - they're pretty hardy but I would set up something external in the winter to keep out the wind and the elements. Some folks I know have them under a south facing lean-to. I strongly recommend wire cages as they will destroy the wooden cage (or any parts that are wood) in short order. Wire cages are also more sanitary and easier to keep clean.

PS - my sister trained hers to use a litter box so she could keep them in the house sometimes. Watch out for their chewing, though, they seem to home in on wires and other chewables!
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I never used a box for warmth so I don't know what effect it would have on their respiratory health - they're pretty hardy but I would set up something external in the winter to keep out the wind and the elements. Some folks I know have them under a south facing lean-to.  I strongly recommend wire cages as they will destroy the wooden cage (or any parts that are wood) in short order.  Wire cages are also more sanitary and easier to keep clean.

PS - my sister trained hers to use a litter box so she could keep them in the house sometimes.  Watch out for their chewing, though, they seem to home in on wires and other chewables!

Do you give them something they can chew on if you use only wire? I do have one in the house. Hes very good at using his litterpan :) we got him this winter, and didnt want to put him out in the cold after living in the house before we had him. When the weather warms, he gets the boot
The black orp chicks outside decided to venture out of the upstairs portion and are scratching around in the run with the rabbit (although they are still avoiding Mr.Gibs). I haven't seen anymore reddish poop from them, but their poop is getting runny. Delisha, do you have any suggestions as to why their poop is getting runny? The FF isn't truly FF yet so that could be it right?
all Wisconsin public processing plants are state inspected,, that is one of the reasons the processing took such a jump in $$$ a few years ago..

however, if you have a State inspected processor do your chickens, you can sell them to anybody.. and I believe this includes restaurants and grocery stores.. but I would check on this before I did it.. there might be a maximum number you are allowed to sell also.. You know, they are not going to make it easy..
I have done the research with checking the state regs on processing/selling, here's the deal, IF you have your birds done at a licensed facility and IF you pay for the USDA inspection stamp you can sell those birds for resale i.e. in stores, restuarants, etc. Not all processors have inspectors on site and can provide that stamp. A person can sell up to 1,000 birds raised and processed on their farm direct to customers for that customers consumption,,,,
with "austerity" and the sequester you might have to call well in advance to find out when there is a USDA inspector on site at any facility...
Nope not reading 5 pages. Working is ok but sucks at the same time. I want my time back! Now it's spring break for kids, Halden has therapists here everyday, and I feel like I just can't catch my breathe. In fact, I actually had an anxiety attack last Friday and I'm on meds to keep those at bay. So... I'd like to see people miss me when I don't post for a few days... (Hint hint hint). CC it's your job to say "hey where's bigfam? I miss her so!"
I remember how crazy it was for my sis-in-law working part time while dealing with the therapists and she only had one other child to contend with. The fact that you have taken this step shows your love and commitment to your family - positive vibes coming your way

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