Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good morning, final tally : 19/31 chickens 4/12 with the guineas.. lots of clears.. so I don't feel too much like a failure..

Dan, isn't it sneaky how they poke fun at us ? just out of the blue,, no provocation from us ?

speaking of old guys,, where is DrH ? anybody know ?

with this uncooperative weather,, I an tempted to bring the gates in and finish putting the wire on them in the kitchen.. years ago, my brother and I built a 7 ft x 7 ft ice shack in the living room.hey, it was cold outside.. .It was a put up/knock down style,,

I was invited to breakfast after 9 AM,, so I better get off of here and feed the chicks and birds and get going ..

Well I am back at work after spring break with the kids. Still dont know my end date here. Have some interviews this week and next, but still contemplating staying home for the summer. Six is a fun age to stay home with... but money for things is good too. Sigh and DH is more on the I dont care, but prefer you work mindset. So no input there to weigh it out. I guess see if I get an offer or two and go from there. Had to tell my summer sitter that I may or may not be needing her and if she needs to find a job, start looking. Feel bad for her, but dont have much choice at the moment. ANd this all makes signing up for summer activities confusing ( which is this week and next week) since if I am working, sitter needs to drive them, but If I am home, money is tighter and we need to look at all the activities we are doing.. sigh. no wonder I am stressed out... calgon take me away!!!!

Otherwise the chicks are getting good and some are using their wings. Need to find the deer fencing that we used last year over the top of the brooder. Polish are really flighty, no matter how much we hold them. Whereas the white rocks, just sit there and like being held. So interesting. My friend came over yestrday with her kids to see her chicks and prep them. They are picking them up by the weekend, but wanted to play. THey are so excited. I told her to check us out, but we will see.

Kids have names picked out for their new birds and we are not even sure who we are all keeping. Hoping for mostly pullets but we will see. Some have suspicious combs already for 2 weeks of age... then I need to get my camera out to the coop when it is not raining and a little warmer so I can see who my freeloaders are. Out with the old and in with the new.
As I shake my head reading Jim's post all I can say is "Poor poor Annie" as I chuckle !!! There is never a dull moment at his house. Gotta love that guy !!!!! LOL
For some reason my posts are doubling. So I will edit the second one !!! Smart hey?

Anyway, thanks TO for the welcome back. And don't let ET surprise you. He loves it when I'm gone. Don't worry, he had left plenty for me to do while I was gone. That's all I'll say about that !!! LOL
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Okay Cletic Chick and Delisha......I was able to move my appointment on Friday so I'll be available to head out to CC's on Friday. Del-can you go with me on Friday? I have an appt at 9:30am in Kenosha and can swing by to get you afterwards (I hoping for 10:30-11am range). CC-I still need your addy. Is Friday okay to get the chicks?
Good late morning! I was up well past one last night---I should know better than to pick up my book when I head up so late...so I got to sleep in this morning...really late! It was nearly 10 when I got up!
I so like to sleep when it is pouring rain with thunder and lightening! I guess I got my wish for some storms to brighten up the grass! The ducks and geese are so happy that there is a virtual river running through the back pasture! Maybe it will keep them off the road?
I Love the last one especially!!!

Oh and I forgot to tell you CC... I'm not jealous at all about your 6 out of 6 hatching. Nope. Not at all. *#!@$&!:%*

YOu will really be cussing when you find out that she hatched all pullets too!

As I shake my head reading Jim's post all I can say is "Poor poor Annie" as I chuckle !!! There is never a dull moment at his house. Gotta love that guy !!!!! LOL
I thought the same thing Frenchie! Building an ice shack in the living room? We have seen his LR and it's not that big!
Okay Cletic Chick and Delisha......I was able to move my appointment on Friday so I'll be available to head out to CC's on Friday. Del-can you go with me on Friday? I have an appt at 9:30am in Kenosha and can swing by to get you afterwards (I hoping for 10:30-11am range). CC-I still need your addy. Is Friday okay to get the chicks?
OOOH--meet-up at CC's place! Friday, let's see....just teasin' yah! I would however like to get some of those gold laced Seabright eggs when you have the pair together! I have always liked those since I saw them over at Terry and Jerry's (remember them?) many years ago. I figure that wont be for at least 6 months so I am planning ahead! LOL!

Well gee--now that I am caught up the sun is no longer trying to come out...it actually appears to be going to storm again! And I thought I could get that comforter out on the line today...silly me! It is NOT supposed to rain on my laundry day. I love to hang the clothes in the breeze to dry.

Deli--I finally got those 2 birds from you out into the barn. They are terrified of the rabbit! Spend all day hiding behind the kennel I put in there for them! Silly little boys!
BigFam...I keep forgetting to tell you that the garlic I got in the Elephant exchange last fall is coming up great! It was about 3" tall before the rain. I have to get in touch with those people for some more different types before they run out again!

I guess I ought to do something. Looks like a cleaning day today. I do have to go and get a new mop at Menards...mine broke AGAIN! This time I snapped the pull to ring out handle right off! Cheap China Crap! I guess mops are just not made to be used 5 times a day every day? And no, my floors ore not that clean...if the dogs would quit messing and the mud would dry up outside I might have a chance in h3ll to keep it clean!

With that I need to go...as you can see cleaning just makes me MAD! I'd much rather be outside gardening or even picking up dog poo!
Okay Cletic Chick and Delisha......I was able to move my appointment on Friday so I'll be available to head out to CC's on Friday. Del-can you go with me on Friday? I have an appt at 9:30am in Kenosha and can swing by to get you afterwards (I hoping for 10:30-11am range). CC-I still need your addy. Is Friday okay to get the chicks?
It works for me if it works for CC.
Quote: Well why not meet up too on Friday.
You have not butchered out those birds yet? Mine were delicious! I still have two left.
Don't you just love Spring (if it really is here . . .) new chicks and new members to the group, I don't remember all the names but

kristip: I connected with Erica (she is the person that spoke at Cluck) and I'm now following her on FB. She didn't have any adult birds available and is breeding her Delawares right now. So we have decided to get pullet chicks from her and we will pay a bit extra for her to keep them a few weeks while DH builds the coop. The babes will get one half and the big girls the other. I'm pretty excited about getting them, even though I could easily double the amount of eggs I'm selling, my customers have been fine with waiting their turn, so they'll just need to continue to be patient.
Yesterday was a red letter day - each one of our four bantam Wynadottes layed, that was a first for them
One was a year old when we got them late last fall and the other three were four and five months old. They weren't handled much so now that the weather is getting nice, I intend to spend more time with them and hope to get them used to being handled.

Lunch break is over - so back at it. Have a great day all !!!

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