Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

The picture of the Wyandottes was taken in November. Even though we don't have ducks, thanks to our seven full size girls and the neighbors flock of seven, there is plenty of mud to go around. My cute little "dottes" are now dirty little "dottes"
Finally read through and caught up. Looks like everyone has been very very busy! I got my trio at the small animal swap. A young man from West Bend drove up and he had a lovely trio of black Langshan. I brought them home Saturday and they have given me 7 eggs so far! My husband came home with an incubator today so i guess we shall see if any hatch. My chicks (25) in the garage are growing up. They started pecking one of the ducks wings, and i was out putting Vics Vapo Rub on the duck in the middle of the night. The bin at TS was labeled runner ducks but these are not runners. They are huge and white so they must be peking? Took the huge ducks into the bathtub to let them play and clean up the wing on the bullied duck. They sure had a good time. Got it sprayed with wound kote and that seems to be working. Here is to wishing the weather would cooperate so i can separate the ducks. So far from their vocalizations it looks like i got lucky with a male and female! The chicks arent pecking each other so thats good.
Aaaww, we'd love to add different colors of eggs here. I had a high level of excitement lol
Sooo many babies! Im jealous! Ours are doing great!
Cant wait to get them out more :) all this rain stinks!!!! I just keep imagining my beautiful flowers it will bring :)

Oooh summer, how I miss you lol
Hi L Miller, congrats on the Langshans I have 3 hens here, never did find a cock bird, They are mellow, forage well, lay a nice egg, 2 of mine lay the pink/mauve color egg the other just white. These aren't the best example of the breed but still large and magestic,,,congrats!

sold 20 of the 28 olive egger chicks the rest are traded off so I need to add more of these to the next hatch


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32 eggs here today. Not including duck, goose or lack of guinea eggs. I can only imagine how many guinea eggs I am going to find when/if I find their nests this summer.
ET went and tapped some maple trees today.

Just had frozen vegetable pizza for supper. I'm still hungry.... sure would be nice if i would stop raining... I need to get outside and get my mind off o eating !!!!

Looks like I may have found some chicks up this way for our friend. They are from hatcheries so they are sexed.

Anyone watching dancing. They just had a girl dance with Derek that is legally blind... she danced as good as he did. He couldn't even talk after the dance, I think he was choked up.
Thanks frenchie! I wanted this place mostly for the barn! I love it :) . But the foundation isnt the best...
How many layers do you have?!! Thats a lot of eggs!

Hey dan.... I like those colored eggs!! You shoild hatch me a baby thatll give me some! Hhmmm and an olive egger... and one that lays those super dark ones....and...and... lolololol
anyone out there have any White Marans that they can tell me about? I went to help move out some chicks at the children's museum today and brought home half of the chicks I ordered.

I ordered 8 of the rare marans assortment. Of the 8 chicks 4 are white and another might be. I am hoping the 5th white one is a splash.

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