Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Man I swear we have the absolute worst luck with everything......... Adam is broke down in Effingham Il. he slept from 830 am to 5 tonight did his pretrip to roll out, half his meters ain't working, so he pulls it in the shop there, and they can't seem to find the problem, so they put a call in to Freightliner, so he is still sitting there waiting..... while his clock is ticking away, just what the witch needs another reason to ride his behind, bet she will be fit to be tied by morning, cuz now that 11pm load delivery is late, and this is a foundry load and suppose to be delivered in 24 hours......... well that is now past, so not sure what crap he will have to take for this one, but I'm sure it will be all his fault by morning.......
Well so much for this week looking up........ it sure isn't starting out very well......... ahummmmmmm blahhhhhh humbug......UPDATE Adam just called dispatch says just to roll down the hwy, with no volt meter, no tach, and he isn't sure if the speedometer is working, will see I guess, if that doesn't work he isn't moving very far...so cross your fingers everyone that nothing else decides to die on it in the next 249 miles... grrrrrrr I worry too much I guess.....:barnie
Nope he isn't moving......... wonderful not check again this week......... the Speedo is a no go........they are sending someone to haul this load in, and he is just hanging waiting to see what they are gonna do with him and his truck, man can't someone please remove the badluck curse we seem to have following us around.....

So anyone have any idea what I should charge this lady who wants eggs to hatch? I never sold eggs b4 just chicks and eggs to eat...... I told her I would get back to her tomorrow.....
My new rooster and his single hen are doing good if its nice tomorrow will get a few pictures he sure is pretty, and that is his new name BTW PrettyBoy ...... he sure is making my other 2 roosters cranky, handsome even tried flogging my feet tonight.... he went for a little trip on my boot and then i picked him up so we could had a little talk about not wanting to see him in my soup kettle, while his ladies rolled there eyes LOL hehehe.... darn rooster that is the second time he tried that and I thought it was because I didn't have my normal winter barn attire on the last time.... guess it must be those spring hormones.

Colton I think the chick must have had something wrong with it, because they sound like they are doing fine otherwise, try not to worry too much, with chickens it seems sometimes stuff just happens, I lost a little rooster last year just found him 6 toes up in the morning and he was fine at midnight, then lost a nice little pullet I got from Jim last year, for no apparent reason, I think it could have been a broken neck but really couldn't tell, she was fine eating her scratch at 7 am and dead as a door knob by noon...... so thats it for now guys , but could someone send out a prayer request for ssome better luck tomorrow........... Thanks Kim
Hi All,

Got to late to go through the posts again...

GR.... That sucks! I agree, maybe some solidarity among the drivers will get her but where it belongs. If she's that way with all the drivers she's putting them and the whole company in danger of all kinds of sh!t!

Well, the broody turkey got off her egg and the egg was gone! Only explanation is somehow that d@mn skunk got into the main coop! So, I borrowed a trap from my grandson (ok, he's 7, daddy got it for him) and young son set it. He baited it with meat drippings. I was worried about my broody hen and her eggs but she seems alright in the new broody box I set up for her. It's an almost 4'x4' crate with a scree cover.

Night All!
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School: 2 hours late!!

Chicks: Doing great, this morning when I filled the food, I came down to give them fresh water and 6 of the chicks were scratching the food all over! Getting a little messy, might have to switch to the covered feeder.
I have 2 broodies now. A splash Cochin and a Cukoo Marans hogging up 2 nesting boxes like they own the place. Anyone wanna borrow a broody hen to sit on some eggs? They switch boxes as the others lay as to sit on their eggs.

Some fun this morning, watching the wild turkeys showing off for the girls in our front yard. The girls did not seem that interested.
Story of my life too.
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Haha jj
Rae was showing off for his girls this am. Idk why, but the girls just ducking away! He was sooo frustrated!

Folton, hope the rest of the chicks do well!

Ghost, I really hope things improve for your hubby at work :-( sounds so stressful. Im sorry.

Have a great day all!!
Good Morning All!
Well not much going on here, DH has the week off, I have today, most of tomorrow, and thurs off.
I am gonna ditch work on Saturday and go to an auction with a friend.
Chickens are doing great, too many eggs...
I finally got my little truck home and now have to get the volvo home so I can call the scrap yard to come get the d@mn thing.

Other than that.. not much going on in my life... for once.

A well thought out anonymous call to the D.O.T. or O.S.H.A should do the trick. I don't have to tell you that there are serious liability issues If ant thing happened while over on hrs. Prolly should mind my own buss. but I m a fellow trucker and there is no excuse for anyone to be treated like that. Hes a professional driver!!!! Sound like a good worker, is there no safety dept?

Man I swear we have the absolute worst luck with everything......... Adam is broke down in Effingham Il. he slept from 830 am to 5 tonight did his pretrip to roll out, half his meters ain't working, so he pulls it in the shop there, and they can't seem to find the problem, so they put a call in to Freightliner, so he is still sitting there waiting..... while his clock is ticking away, just what the witch needs another reason to ride his behind, bet she will be fit to be tied by morning, cuz now that 11pm load delivery is late, and this is a foundry load and suppose to be delivered in 24 hours......... well that is now past, so not sure what crap he will have to take for this one, but I'm sure it will be all his fault by morning.......
Well so much for this week looking up........ it sure isn't starting out very well......... ahummmmmmm blahhhhhh humbug......UPDATE Adam just called dispatch says just to roll down the hwy, with no volt meter, no tach, and he isn't sure if the speedometer is working, will see I guess, if that doesn't work he isn't moving very far...so cross your fingers everyone that nothing else decides to die on it in the next 249 miles... grrrrrrr I worry too much I guess.....

Nope he isn't moving......... wonderful not check again this week......... the Speedo is a no go........they are sending someone to haul this load in, and he is just hanging waiting to see what they are gonna do with him and his truck, man can't someone please remove the badluck curse we seem to have following us around.....

, but could someone send out a prayer request for ssome better luck tomorrow........... Thanks Kim
Kim - I agree with Zeke along with the suggestion from Cindlady, if there is Solidarity among the drivers an "anonymous" tip to the local Dept of Labor office http://www.osha.gov/oshdir/wi.html may be just the thing, if there is Solidarity, you then have the proverbial "safety in numbers", it will be less likely he would be singled out by her/management. As Zeke mentioned ignoring the hours limitations is a huge safety risk. My Dad is a retired railroad engineer and I remember the safety dept being VERY picky about hours.

Sending some positive vibes your way - hope it helps a bit
and as a dues paying Union member, I stand in Solidarity with your husband and his other drivers.

GR.... That sucks! I agree, maybe some solidarity among the drivers will get her but where it belongs. If she's that way with all the drivers she's putting them and the whole company in danger of all kinds of sh!t!
Good Morning All!
Well not much going on here, DH has the week off, I have today, most of tomorrow, and thurs off.
I am gonna ditch work on Saturday and go to an auction with a friend.
Chickens are doing great, too many eggs...
I finally got my little truck home and now have to get the volvo home so I can call the scrap yard to come get the d@mn thing.

Other than that.. not much going on in my life... for once.

I think the scrapyard will come get your volvo where it is. Where is the auction?
Hey Carol... i will try to give you a call...we shoudl get together. I can send the big silkies back your way and if you want to send a silkie roo baby over, I can handle that. yes ...where is auction...what kind of auction...me likey auctions!
Morning all!

well, at least we are not getting snow (sorry Angibubs) just lots of rain. Maybe by this pm I will actually be able to see where my garlic is planted

I hope we don't have a sadistic weather man and he is telling the truth about we could be in the 60's by Sunday. Boy, I really, really, hope so! I have GOT to get that greenhouse moved and the coop remodel done, NOW or I won't be able to get my tomatoes planted into the greenhouse and my other stuff into the ground! Gave up on putting in anything like snow peas since the fence they should already be planted next to but aren't because the ground is still under snow has to be taken down to move the greenhouse.
I hate the idea of buying all my starter plants
! I have NEVER had to do that before. I have bags of heirloom saved seed but it was just too cold to even try to start. Good thing I didn't, they would have been taking over the house by now because the girls are still using the greenhouse to be able to get some sun/dust bathe AND I have got to get the little pterodactyls out of my front window, which is where my indoor grow lights for my starter plants should have been

Anyway, you "southern" folks bragging about the warm weather???
35o this morning was like a heat wave but now it's already dropped below freezing.
Well, since we have to go to Greenbay again today anyway, the weather might as well be crappy. At least we be stopping at TSC on the way back and of course we will hit Nueske's too!

Colton~you really need to take pics of the babies dusting!

CS~I understand why you are not supplying pics

Now I have to go clean up the mess I can hear the pterodactyls making! Oh, I have named 2, Stirfry (after the sweet rescue that only lived a few months) and Dumpling. Looking for ideas for the third, any suggestions??? Keeping with the theme of my other girls already named Crockpot, Noodle, Soup and Fricassee.

TTFN back later!!!

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