Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hey... I am looking at putting a bed of asaparagus in... what strains do you like the best and is this the best time to plant it?
Vicki...even though it is a little warmer down south, still going to have to buy some of my starter plants... spring is lasting too long and I am loosing lots of starter plants I have. Going to set up my little 5 x5 greenhouse this weekend adn get some plants outside. hope they make it!
Hey Carol... i will try to give you a call...we shoudl get together. I can send the big silkies back your way and if you want to send a silkie roo baby over, I can handle that. yes ...where is auction...what kind of auction...me likey auctions!
I owe Carol a BCM Male..can you give her the one you have? I will pm and make arrangement on paying you for him.
Morning all!

well, at least we are not getting snow (sorry Angibubs) just lots of rain. Maybe by this pm I will actually be able to see where my garlic is planted

I hope we don't have a sadistic weather man and he is telling the truth about we could be in the 60's by Sunday. Boy, I really, really, hope so! I have GOT to get that greenhouse moved and the coop remodel done, NOW or I won't be able to get my tomatoes planted into the greenhouse and my other stuff into the ground! Gave up on putting in anything like snow peas since the fence they should already be planted next to but aren't because the ground is still under snow has to be taken down to move the greenhouse.
I hate the idea of buying all my starter plants
! I have NEVER had to do that before. I have bags of heirloom saved seed but it was just too cold to even try to start. Good thing I didn't, they would have been taking over the house by now because the girls are still using the greenhouse to be able to get some sun/dust bathe AND I have got to get the little pterodactyls out of my front window, which is where my indoor grow lights for my starter plants should have been

Anyway, you "southern" folks bragging about the warm weather???
35o this morning was like a heat wave but now it's already dropped below freezing.
Well, since we have to go to Greenbay again today anyway, the weather might as well be crappy. At least we be stopping at TSC on the way back and of course we will hit Nueske's too!

Colton~you really need to take pics of the babies dusting!

CS~I understand why you are not supplying pics

Now I have to go clean up the mess I can hear the pterodactyls making! Oh, I have named 2, Stirfry (after the sweet rescue that only lived a few months) and Dumpling. Looking for ideas for the third, any suggestions??? Keeping with the theme of my other girls already named Crockpot, Noodle, Soup and Fricassee.

TTFN back later!!!
Hi all! I woke up with great enthusiasm for getting the barn cleaned today. I wanted to move stuff out of the isle and run the skid loader through so I can start to use my gates again....it is looking a lot like rain though and it might be just dry enough not to get stuck now but with a little more rain
I sure dont want to bury that machine in the muck for sure! (then DH would know I used it!)

I knew I should have hung laundry yesterday...guess it will go in the dryer today!
Me and the kids went to the town hall yesterday to get some sand. Filled up 8 "sandbags" and brought them home to dump in a pile for the kids to play in. We put some wood and bricks on the low side to try and keep the sand in that area...it might work! The best thing is that it actually kept them entertained for over an hour while I did a little garden work (and picked up dog poo again!) Very, very slowly the yard is getting better....much more to go though. Looks like my daffodils around the pond have buds swelling on very short stems. I guess I oughta get in there and clean that up too! Gardens sure are great....unfortunately I have way too many of them to maintain!

Speaking of gardens...whoever posted that sweet potato slip project--thank you! I am going to Madison to learn about planting them and then will get them in. I am excited to have homegrown ones! They will condition them and then you go and pick them back up. I think you are required to donate half to a food pantry near you and you get the rest. I will keep you posted on how they do! (if we ever actually get to gardening weather that is) Just heard the forecast and snow is in it for the next few days!

Frenchie--is it you selling hatching eggs? When I started selling them I charged double what I charge for eating eggs. That was for barnyard specials though. Now that I have a "few" purebred pens they are a little more (like 15-20/dozen) only because I dont get as many. IF you get some shows behind you and your stock does well then I guess you could get a lot more. Looking at some lines...REALLY a lot more!

OK--I am heading out...on a new regimen for the horses to get the ready for the riding season! (if it ever gets here!)
Have a fantastic day! TerriOwellmaybejustonemorecuppa?
All the chicks are out!!! I have the last group due in a few days. I have BLRW in the mail. They should be here today. The SLW are not coming till May it sounds like now. Sorry everyone who is waiting on the SLW.
I emailed Dr Ha Yesterday and with his permission this is what he had to say::

Hey baby how are ya? How's ET? I worried my skinny *** off about you. You scared me! I feel so quilty about not being on the site lately! But it's been pure hell around here trying to get things done before spring actually gets here. If it ever does! Seems I'm older and slower. I'm trying to get it done cause I want to go FISHIN! I can't imagine losing your parents the way you did. It's just horrible!!!!! So so wrong. Mom passed away in Dec. and Dad the day after her memorial service. The only good thing is that family stopped at his house to see him after the memorial. It's still just so hard. Didn't want to bring everybody down on the site with my daily feelings. So if you would be so kind as to pass on that I'm OK and will certainly be back, hopefully soon. Gutted the second bedroom reinsulated, drywalled , mudded and taped. Have the ceiling primer drying right now. Slated for carpetting next week WOOHOO! Haven't had any since the flood of 2010. I'm gonna roll around neckid! It won't be pretty but I don't care. On the chicken front my stupid freeloadin slw's that haven't layed in at least a year started laying again. Have been getting around 8 eggs a day out of 13 hens. Couldn't believe they started laying again. Lucky for them. Toby and Kissy are growing like weeds. They should for the amount they eat. Those are the kittens that we got from Cindy. Toby is at least 1/4 bigger than Kissy the thinking troublesome child. **** Robin talked me into getting sibs. Paybacks are a commin. But both are Daddy's handsome/pretty kids. Life is full of ups and downs as we both know and you touched my heart from the minute I knew/met you. Thanks you for being concerned but I'll be alright and hopefully less swamped soon. Hope to see you soon so I can give you a big hug! Joe

Second email:
Yes I hope you pass on the info I gave, I know Cindy will want to know about the sibs. [siblings] Toby [pure black except for one white whisker] is the typical bulldog through everything male while Kissy is the thinker then destroy lil baby cutest lil I don't do nothin wrong aren't I cute girl. Both are just little lovers though. ********. But ya gotta love em! And I do.I remember you talking about that kitten. We have seemed to have aquired a castaway long haired grey and white kitten, she's a lover but no more cats in the house! She tries so hard to have friends. The chickens don't find it a bit amusing. But fun to watch! Sorry to hear ET is still getting laid off, that SUCKS! Good thing your never an *** in return. hehehe Sap ooooooooo wish I had to time to tap and boil. Maybe some day. Never heard of using basswood? No dogs here, I like them well enough but..... Laura has supper about done it's store bought fish, that's sooo wrong! Don't know about the Bash but I think that every year soooo. Love ya too! Joe

Ok gotta go for now.... Have a good day everyone! I'm headed to Rhinelander for the spay/neuter clinic. Have a safe trip Vicky and good luck at the docs.. And don't spend to much at TSC. By the way they don't have chicks anymore !!! :(

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