Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I'm probably going to have to put down a chick and I am very sad. Not sure I can cut its head off. It hatched (by itself) Monday morning but didnt start walking. Anyway legs were not splayed or anything just seemed week so I let it be. It hasnt pooped either I dont think...so the other chicks pecked its leg at the joint and it is really swollen and the chick is in a lot of pain. I separated it this afternoon and its gotten worse not better. I know its part of hatching chicks and they cant all be perfect, but it doesnt make it any easier...
Bbp, is your brahma lf or ...is it called bantam?
Is silver recognized?
.del, I cant believe you got more lol how can you already tell they are not quality? The last batch of blrw I got one with a very crooked comb and waddle :-( she will be joining the egg layer bunch of chickies. My fav seems to be a roo. Hes getting just a little pink already, and has quite the point on the back of the comb.

I gave them a bunch of dandelion I pulled from the flowers tonight. They found a worm, and I tell ya, those slw are feisty! !! The big ones just could not catch them lolol
Not the new batch..the first batch...they are pretty, but not breeder quality.

And yes..I got more.

Wattle? I have never seen a crooked wattle. You have to post a picture. I do not even see any wattles yet on the one left here.
The SLW are pretty spunky. Very loud too.
I really do want to come. I just need the guy to tell me if he's taking my shift or not. He is notorious for taking shifts and then not showing up, but once I get my name crossed out and his on the schedule it's not my problem. I'm 80% sure he'll say yes. Oh, and the sleeping bags weren't being offered up, I was just saying where I got mine from. And they were only like $5. If I come, I am staying Friday and Saturday night. I'm not driving all that way for one night. I think I'll bring the truck so I can bring our bikes along too.
I sure hope you do attend.
tomorrow i have a urban chicken booth at our works wellness fair....expecting 200-700 people through...nervous a.d excited. i have the byc banner...poster of breeds ( thank you bbp)...a store bought egg a.d one of my eggs ..byc busines cards to hand out..facts on health benefits of fresh eggs..and will have hencam.com running...crossing my fingefs it goes smoothly.

bbp sure hope you get it off think i will go if you can
Before I forget I saw this today after hearing about all your tick problems. And- I have actually never seen a tick before on a person (only in pictures) but my mother in law has suffered terribly from Lyme's Disease. She eventually had a port placed to deliver the medicine to her. They think she may have gotten it from the cows when they used to pasture. Thankfully she is in remission-
20 drops Lemongrass Essential Oil
20 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil
4 oz. water
Put in spray bottle and shake well. Safe for humans and dogs.
Don't know if this would work or not, but thought I'd throw it out there.
Back to reading...
Irish.....w/ the statement " pull behind " does that mean you do not have a 3- point ?........Drag....spring tooth or something fine? Size? what can you pull? You pulled a 2-16 plow.....soooooo .......!0 foot disc?.........Would like to help

My tractor guy says it should be a tandem disc - 7 or 8 ft pull type. Straight tooth (section) drag. He believes they come in sections of 4 or 5 ft. Pull type. Thanks, GS!
tomorrow i have a urban chicken booth at our works wellness fair....expecting 200-700 people through...nervous a.d excited. i have the byc banner...poster of breeds ( thank you bbp)...a store bought egg a.d one of my eggs ..byc busines cards to hand out..facts on health benefits of fresh eggs..and will have hencam.com running...crossing my fingefs it goes smoothly.

bbp sure hope you get it off think i will go if you can

Sounds like fun! Good luck!!

Oops the hours must be getting to me!!
...comb and beak.
Deli's arrival at the bash sounds like it should look like one of those 3rd world buses has pulled up and there are crates and lose chickens and goats on laps....

gawd daum I wish I was gonna be there to see it.

Sorry to pick on you vicki. Are you leaving anything home?


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