Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Guess my pic didnt go though. Ill post it tomorrow when the smart phone works in town.

Night all
It came threw..and I see it. We will have to see how it develops. If it deforms the beak I will replace it. The combs on this breeding grow so low so fast.
Deli's arrival at the bash sounds like it should look like one of those 3rd world buses has pulled up and there are crates and lose chickens and goats on laps....

gawd daum I wish I was gonna be there to see it.

Sorry to pick on you vicki. Are you leaving anything home?

I will leave at least 100 birds home. I do not think I am bringing many more than 50 or so. Chicks do not take up that much room.
I wish you were attending also. Sorry about your Aunt.
It came threw..and I see it. We will have to see how it develops. If it deforms the beak I will replace it. The combs on this breeding grow so low so fast.
I will leave at least 100 birds home. I do not think I am bringing many more than 50 or so. Chicks do not take up that much room.
I wish you were attending also. Sorry about your Aunt.
Thank you for being gracious about my obsevation
Good eveing to all...I just fell asleep and spilled my Sherry on the computer!
It is stick but is still working! LOL! I am exhausted...spent all day working outside. I ended up taking a slew of pics of "spring" and the process of emptying out the pond and cleaining and refilling/ THen a storm blew in and I did a video of it. THat was kind of cool...I went inside when it started to thunder and rain in earnest...about 30 minutes later (while I was cooking some dinner for myself) the radio did it's warning thing...I think I have to start listening to a station that is more West and North instead of the opposite! Oh well, it was a neat storm to watch for sure! The video I took was a complete circle looking at the trees. It is odd that the storm was in the South and Not the North.
Here are a few of the spring pics I took:
Tommy in the tulip garden

Red bud against the pear tree

Doesnt look like there will be many plums this year!

Oh to be a chicken!

THis is why I dont like to start my own seeds!

I think I brushed all the hair off of my horse!

THese are the two babies from a few months back...no idea where the mom is...I suspect on another nest! Her name isnt "Super Mama" for nothin'!

Starting the draining of the pond after fixing the pump.

This is my maple tree that I tapped thins year. I have no idea what is going on up there...this growth is about 25' off the ground.

Jack in the Pulpit

HMM--I thought I uploaded more...I am going to try the video now...I wonder if it will work? Nope, I have to have in on youtube...oh well.
I know that I had pics of the new chicks selected...HMMM.

Here are a few more:
I dont think I selected this one again...

"Here, here chicks, eat THIS!"

YUP--I have definitely brushed this horse to withing an inch of his life! I sure hope he isnt going to be bald all summer!

Till draining...what a job! I smell like the swamp thing!

The storm was just starting to kick up.

HOrses not worried yet!

Sure got dark in a hurry!

The pond is almost filled...I have the day off again tomorrow so I hope I can finish the pond. DS just got in and he says his friends and he are going to make a campfire cause it isnice out again! What a weird day! SHouldnt be too hard to get it going...in the pic above there was a fire in the ring...it has been gong for three days now...I just keep on burning those sticks!

I am hoping that everyone else had the mild form of this storm too! I understand that much of the Madison area is without power.
I have a few Bobs out now...there is on that has been trying to hatch since this morning...I moistened the membranes and dumped a bunch more warm water into the tray.

I was going to do some answering too but I think I must have taken a whole page already!

Oh yeah one more thing....I read the post to DD27 about wanting a guinea to eat ticks (cant remember who posted it) the poster said "do they lay eggs?" and my daughter said they have "live birth" no eggs! Cracked me up!

OK I need to go out and feed ...I am falling asleep on the keyboard!
Nighties! TerriO
Terri O...I am the ignorant one when it comes to guineas... I know they are good for tick patrol and look like little prehistoric dinos... that is about it.

Cant sleep my house is too hot. was doing ok until dd woke me up to say she was hot. Opened her window for a nice breeze...mine is not doing it though and once someone wakes me up, hard to fall back to sleep!

well got my work answer...for now... have a job probably the month of june...they had a candidate but did not like the pay so they are back to ground zero. not a good answer, but have my sitter for the month of June now.

getting down to less teenager chicks tomorrow..my friend has her coop today so she is taking a pile of babies with her and I will be down to my 6 for the year.

otherwise trying to get things set for summer! need to work in my garden soon
goodnight everyone
Hi All!
Going to be quick so sorry if I missed something.

DrH.... Warehouse 13 is cool!

Delish... More birds?! And a truck load to the bash? LOL hope you can make the money you want/need on them.

Judge... Hope your stove got fixed.

dkv.... sounds like you had some goat! LOL

Zeke... Sorry about your hen. Glad you got the beastie!!

Jim... Sucks about the goose hatch.

BBP... Nice Pics!


Angie.... Good Luck and have fun at your booth!

TO... cool Pics!

Guess that's it. I got allot done today too! (Well, allot for me) 2nd son came over and cut most of the yard. Our rider broke down last summer and it's done for. Need $$$ to get another! Good Son! He also said he found me a nice little 22! With my short little arms it's not that easy. I need a "kid size". Now if I can find amo I'll be set. He said most places are selling out because people are going nuts about guns and amo now!

OK, Got to clean the litter box then I can go to bed! Night All!
Good Morning everyone. Great pics ! As for ticks, I've seen 2 here so far. I believe the flock is keeping them at bay. I hope no one lives near the wildfire, last I read it was up to over 6,800 acres destroyed. No storm here, we got a little wind but thats it. I really need to get outside and get my gardens dug out. Looks like I may have to turn the garden by hand this year. DH has yet to ask our friend to borrow their tiller. Oh well. I also need to see what my compost pile looks like to see if I can make a mix of seed starter. Nothing new on the chicken front. The hens all accepted the chicks with no issues. Oh one thing through, the goslings sure are brave. They wander all over, like way into the woods, down the road ( ous is a private sand road with only 2 of us on this far in ) and they go visit the furthest in neighbor. Luckily he doesnt care and knows they are ours. Oh and they wont eat the feed, as soon as I let them out the b line it for weeds and grass. Is that normal ?
Perfect Morning Everyone! Did a lot of skimming this morning. So sorry if I don't get to you all! So many chuckles to start the day. Loved the "falling asleep" TO! Yeah I've called it that before
Cool pics! Busy day again. Got most of the seeds planted and just need to get a few more and the plants. Maybe today but busy getting things done for the road trip to Ks. tomorrow morning for the oldest DD's grad. A real Dr in the fam!
Very very proud of her! Bigz I sat and thought about it and after I thought about it long enough I decided that we put off all the things that needed doing to go fishin. Now we're paying for it. But that has to change! Won't be back on till probably Sun. Hope you all have a good rest of the week!
Bbp, is your brahma lf or ...is it called bantam?
Is silver recognized?
.del, I cant believe you got more lol how can you already tell they are not quality? The last batch of blrw I got one with a very crooked comb and waddle :-( she will be joining the egg layer bunch of chickies. My fav seems to be a roo. Hes getting just a little pink already, and has quite the point on the back of the comb.

I gave them a bunch of dandelion I pulled from the flowers tonight. They found a worm, and I tell ya, those slw are feisty! !! The big ones just could not catch them lolol

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