Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Oh Jim

Did you ever find/ make a hook for scooping chicks from hatcher?

I thought of you as I was hooking Quail eggs from the hutch. Have you tried an old curtain hanging rod? well, half of one anyway. they are white, metal, and have a 90 degree bend on the end. It works great on small delicate eggs.

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Oh Jim

Did you ever find/ make a hook for scooping chicks from hatcher?

I thought of you as I was hooking Quail eggs from the hutch. Have you tried an old curtain hanging rod? well, half of one anyway. they are white, metal, and have a 90 degree bend on the end. It works great on small delicate eggs.

that would do the trick.. I wonder if Annie would notice a curtain hanging at 90 degrees ?

I was thinking of making a trip to Bowler/North Star Casino and stealing a hook from the craps table..
I am so far behind in my reading on here. I apologize if I missed something important, but I just had to share this pic with you. These are my sisters peafowl seeing each other for the first time. (I just got the peahen from a friend of Terri's).

I call it "The Meeting".

that would do the trick.. I wonder if Annie would notice a curtain hanging at 90 degrees ?

I was thinking of making a trip to Bowler/North Star Casino and stealing a hook from the craps table..
maybe offer her some new curtains and rods as a way to get your hands on the old ones. kitchen windows notoriously have these rods.
"I want a little white cock..."
I'm surprised you dirty pervs didn't comment on that! LMAO!!

So - all this talk of disease and bad experiences at auctions and such is kinda scaring me off an making me pretty leary. How do I know ANYthing I buy isn't sick or a carrier??? :( Someone had mentioned at one point that the ONLY way they bring in new chickens is if they're eggs to incubate. Would they not be sick or carriers from the mom? Or do they have to actually be BORN first and exposed to it? And what is "IT" that we're talking about anyways? No one ever says anything. Just "diseases" "have your flock tested" blah blah blah, but not one single time has anyone said tested for what, or what to watch out for or anything. also, most of mine have been vaccinated for Mereks (don't now how to spell it) but someone else said that's not what you need to watch out for. Okay...again...WHAT do I need to watch out for? LOL!

Judge - I am SO jealous! I wanna shop for new kitchen cabinets, too! You MUST post pics!

BlackBrookPoultry - just put my name down on the list and what it is I'm getting. If someone else is interested, they can have them. Well, except the splash. I want that for sure. What else have you got?

Delisha - I'm interested in getting a small few adult laying hens! I'm excited to start getting eggs right away! How much are you wanting on them, please? Paint Orp? I'd be willing to look at what you have if you have any ready. And my husband did say we should get some meat birds, but I haven't officially LOOKED yet, just b/c there's so much else I'm looking at right now. LOL! But I suppose if I got just a few it'd be alright.
LMiller - Oh, no! Poor little baby chick! That sucks!

Cuties - I agree - crooked wattle?? What the??

bbp & Angie - You're BOTH coming! So there! 'Nuff said! :D

Judge - I have lemongrass & eucalyptus essential oils from Young Living. My mom sells the stuff. If anyone's interested in ordering, LMK ASAP & I'll see how soon I can get it here.

Or maybe I can just buy a bunch of spray bottles and make some up and sell them? Anyone interested in homemade homeopathic all natural bug repellant? With none of that crappy chemicals we all know the put in it and NO DEET!!

TerriO - OMG! You fell asleep and spilled the sherry! That's it! You're in for it! We're gonna hang you upside down by your pinky toenails and EACH of us give you 50 lashes with a fist full of wet noodles!!
- what's the problem w/starting your own seeds? I don't get it?
- I covet your pond...but knot your tree!!!
- OMG! You baldified your freaking horse!
O....M....G. I JUST now put 2 & 2 together to realize when people are talking to TO that they mean TerriO!

Double OMG at the wedding cake joke!

Cowboy boots have what on the outside? I can't figure it out.

RBerry - Hi back! {{{waves}}} R U coming to the bash?

Mother's Day is always the 2nd Sunday in May, Father's Day is always the 3rd Sunday in June. So Father's day is June 15th this year.

The swap in Monroe sounds tempting, as it's closer than the one in Wheeler that I'm planning on attending. What are the details? Like exact locaton, cost, is it in a shelter or building or just outside in the open, anything else?

You know, I've never understood why people say peafowl vs peacocks. Why is that? At any rate, thanks for posting the cool picture! :D
love the peacock pictures too

the stuff on boots comes from the rear of all animals, stinks, and plops in some cases

funny stuff Jim

I am loving all of these days ..I have a ton of brick clean..

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