Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

The swap in Monroe sounds tempting, as it's closer than the one in Wheeler that I'm planning on attending. What are the details? Like exact locaton, cost, is it in a shelter or building or just outside in the open, anything else?

You know, I've never understood why people say peafowl vs peacocks. Why is that? At any rate, thanks for posting the cool picture! :D
The monroe swap is every 3rd Sat. each month in the parking lot of the Equity Auction on Hwy 69 between Monroe and Orangeville.

It is low key. I have seen chickens , ducks,geese, guinies, kittens, puppies. Not alot of breeders though. Only a few selling pure breeds

It is a great place to sell unwanted chickens quickly. They become stew very quickly.

anyway that is why I told Jim he would be disappointed.

a Peacock is a male and peafowl could refer to any bird of the breed.
Hi all just stopping in to say 2nd son came back to finish the yard and brought me something! I am now the proud owner of a nice little .22!!! I have to find a scope for it, was only $50. He only had 1 magazine for it but I don't plan on shooting too much at one time so no big deal. He had gotten it used for his son but decided to get him a better one when he's ready. Now I need some practice!
Hi all just stopping in to say 2nd son came back to finish the yard and brought me something! I am now the proud owner of a nice little .22!!! I have to find a scope for it, was only $50. He only had 1 magazine for it but I don't plan on shooting too much at one time so no big deal. He had gotten it used for his son but decided to get him a better one when he's ready. Now I need some practice!
If you can find .22 short ammo, you can shoot without the neighbors knowing. about as loud as clapping your hands.

Don't for get SAFETY FIRST. and Always treat it like it's loaded.
P - sycho ,, what to watch for from new chickens usually amounts something that shows up like a really bad head cold. watery eyes and runny nose.. labored breathing... It is usually not evident when looking at the bird at the auction.. If it is evident, pass on that bird.. but it will show up within a day or two after bringing them to your flock.. It could be that your chickens are the carriers,, or the new bird is the carrier.. either way both sides will show symptoms.. maybe a few will die ..
auction birds are not the worst.. birds from brokers are worse.. I stay away from brokers, but I will take a chance on auction birds.. most people do not purposely bring sick birds to auction.. yes, there are exceptions, I know..

I was just out collecting the eggs.. NOW the Bourbon red tom is doing the sideward advance attack at me.. I grabbed him by the neck and led him around a bit.. apparently now enough, cause he wouldn't give up.. I told him to "watch it, cause I don't particularly like you in the first place..".. watch craig's list wausau for a turkey trio ad..

got the go ahead from Annie to buy the lumber for the greenhouse.. TOmorrow I go to Maynard's..

I have to get the chainsaw out and trim some pine branches for my access to the greenhouse site.. then I won't have to drive the long way around.. another job for tomorrow..

somehow , I have to convince my brother that this will be a fun project.. any ideas ??

JJ, I could buy Annie new curtain rods, but what is the challenge in that ?

peafowl is used by hoity toidy people like CC to describe both males and females of the peacock family.. peacock can mean either the male of the family OR describe the flock.. either is correct.. I like to use peacock because I am lazy..
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hi all....the urban chiclen booth was a success! many people interested in variety of things..city ordinances...where to find coops...small orders of sexed pullets...and had EIGHT people leave there names for eggs even though i said i dont have enough for orders as it is....thinking this means i need more chicks? gave out lots of byc cards..ill try and post pics soon. id guess we had a couple hundred people come thru and over half stopped to talk chickens. have any of you visited hencam.com? that was fun to have pulled up on laptop...fun day.
hi all....the urban chiclen booth was a success! many people interested in variety of things..city ordinances...where to find coops...small orders of sexed pullets...and had EIGHT people leave there names for eggs even though i said i dont have enough for orders as it is....thinking this means i need more chicks? gave out lots of byc cards..ill try and post pics soon. id guess we had a couple hundred people come thru and over half stopped to talk chickens. have any of you visited hencam.com? that was fun to have pulled up on laptop...fun day.
too bad I am not closer,, I have 90 sexed pullets.. Buff Orpington, 2 weeks old..
Way to go Judi!!!!!

Well, I was going to post pics of the soap from my phone, but for some reason the mobile site will not let me upload photos.....

So what I have done so far:

Honey Almond Oatmeal
and....... CHOCOLATE!

I am so impressed with my swirling technique with the chocolate soap, it is so PRETTY!!!!

Anyway, I have enough oils to make ONE more batch of soap ( I am waiting to get more oils until after the bash)...... so here is the question:

What kind of soap should I make????? Citrus? Ricola? Sushi bars? (they are scented with lemongrass and Ginger) Something completely different? The Kitchen Spice bars?

Open to suggestions here.....

Nothing else new in my little world, same old same old...
jim i have 1bo that is 6 weeks old and what a sweatheart! she would rather be with us then her brooder buddies! thanks mel had so much fun...think i need a new career lol

bbp...i was wishing you were too...still thnk we can come up with a business plan so we can play with chickens all day lol
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