Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"


and that is what I was talking about. The midnight dispatch of a coon in a trap as not to wake the peeps next door.

I own umpteen guns and view them as tools with a use. I don't understand shooting as a hobby any more than hitting nails with a hammer as a hobby.
Shooting can be fun. I have some friends that compete in shooting competitions where you have multiple targets pop up while going through obsticals. It sounds like a great time. Mounted shooting also looks like a lot of fun to me. Target practice is fun for me, and I like shooting different types. I think of shotguns as pure tools, the last tool I want to have to grab. I only have 12 guages and they are hard on my small body. Anyway, people collect stamps and other boring hobbies, so why wouldn't you be able to understand guns. For gosh sakes there probably are nail hammering competitions out there...
I just want to add that I just googled it and there are in fact nail hammering competitions... Anything can be fun I guess.
Judge..grab some of that colostrum and mix it in with your feed for the chicks...how many chanteclers(sp) did you hatch?
I will if my MIL doesn't notice! Liquid gold you know
I only was able to hatch out 2 chanteclers and 1 ameraucana.
I was in a nail hammering contest once.. let me tell you,, when you are half buzzed on beer, it is not so easy..

I give guinea, 26 days, and turkey and peacock 28 days.. plus a few days of "just in case " time.

all this talk about guns is making me thirsty.. think I will go grab a brew..

have to go shut the coop doors yet, too.. See ? I can use too in a funny place too. there, I did it again, too.. whoops,, can't stop, now too. oh sh!t !!
To tired to write much

Halden turned 4 today. I took him to devils lake to play. He went swimming in his clothes, them a skinny dip.

Tomorrow night is his birthday party. Which means I have to do one of my most hated things: clean. All day with no help. Yuck.

I think my low iron anemia is going full bore again. I'm exhausted a lot. And I even had to take a nap in my car while on a field trip yesterday after lunch.

K... Falling asleep.... Night
Love all the. Kitchens and all the remodel talk. We need to finish the basement, but I am getting new coop.
Made great progress on the coop today. Put all 22 chicks in it, now to finish the run. Please I f anyone can offer suggestions as to how to incorporate my 8 hens into this group, I would greatly appreciate it. Chicks are 7 weeks , do I put in 1 older hen at a time over a few weeks??? I have two coops so I can take my time, just need some suggestions...

Psycpeep - lol I did notice the count the other day. I guess I wish I knew everyone a bit better :) I was hoping to come to the bash. I love all the chatting that goes on! In the meantime I will keep posting away bit by bit and asking for the help of chicken raisers wiser than I.:)
Love all the. Kitchens and all the remodel talk. We need to finish the basement, but I am getting new coop.
Made great progress on the coop today. Put all 22 chicks in it, now to finish the run. Please I f anyone can offer suggestions as to how to incorporate my 8 hens into this group, I would greatly appreciate it. Chicks are 7 weeks , do I put in 1 older hen at a time over a few weeks??? I have two coops so I can take my time, just need some suggestions...

Psycpeep - lol I did notice the count the other day. I guess I wish I knew everyone a bit better :) I was hoping to come to the bash. I love all the chatting that goes on! In the meantime I will keep posting away bit by bit and asking for the help of chicken raisers wiser than I.:)

Is your brooder mibile? I would keep them in that in the coop for a bit. So the bigguns get used to the sight of the littles. When you decide to integrate, make sure the littles have an area they can get away.
If you havent already, be sure they have perches to learn on. First time they are allowed together, do it at night durring roosting. Then be sure to go out a little before light so you can monitor the older girls, and remind the littles where the safe place is. Id watch very closely all day. I do this on a weekend I know I will be home. (Few and far between) lol

This is what works for me. I usually provide my wire rabbit cage filled with straw for the littles. Keep em locked in for a few days... so they feel safe in there. Idk what im gona do with the next batch tho! Ive not had this many at once since the first batch!!

Hope this helps :) its what has worked for me!
Evening To Everyone....the tiller guy came today and tilled the gardens. He does a great job for a fair price. it saves me alot of work when i could be doing nothing.

Yep, i know all about the wedding cake Jim...suzie saved the top of the cake for our first anniversary...that way i got a double dose of non!

Yep...gun lover here too. Emptied a mag of 40 cal in one of my semi-autos tonight just to keep the eye sharp, and make sure the laser was on. It's alot of fun.

To sad that Dick Trickle took his life today.He was a famous Wi race car driver....bummer.

Pushed the lawn mowers out today...One started with a little charge...the other battery is 08 and needs replaced. my lawn is extra long, and yep we have skeets here too. One tank of gas and prolly 1/3 cut....lawn is overrated in my opinion.

So that's why grammer and spelling is a big deal to you bigfam. spellin aint that imortant if you know what the guy is sayin. I'm thinkin.

Have Fun... bigz

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