Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I was shocked to hear about Dick; I bet my BIL and SIL are too. They are avid race fans and just about live at Golden Sands Speedway.... What a shame.... I am going to wager a guess that he had some kind of terminal illness...

BigFam, I loved your pics on fb today; it looks like you and Pickle had a good day!

Judge, I have a friend in Oshkosh who is a woodworker, I can put you in touch with him if you like. He does really nice work!

I will have to make the soap tomorrow, I had kickboxing tonight.
and now I am eating chocolate cherry cordials..... because I deserve them.
Gorgeous Cabinet and furniture pictures!! There's a LOT of furniture made out of that particle board and some of it costs much more than a nice piece of antique furniture!

The hubs got the plow fixed up and did me 3 gardens today. We found a guy with drag sections but the discs he had were way too big. It seems that the small ones are very hard to come by. Here are some pics - Cookie & Cupcake did their best scratching in the plowed earth but we're still gonna need to disc it!

Shooting can be fun. I have some friends that compete in shooting competitions where you have multiple targets pop up while going through obsticals. It sounds like a great time. Mounted shooting also looks like a lot of fun to me. Target practice is fun for me, and I like shooting different types. I think of shotguns as pure tools, the last tool I want to have to grab. I only have 12 guages and they are hard on my small body. Anyway, people collect stamps and other boring hobbies, so why wouldn't you be able to understand guns. For gosh sakes there probably are nail hammering competitions out there...

I had a nice 410 - perfect for me when I was young and small - you might try something like that.
Hi All!

Guess I never really thought about "longs and shorts" I that I only shot a .22 pistol once and it was preloaded. The .22LRs are the old familiar ones to me. Some people were trying to talk me into a 410 but I was worried about spread with a shot gun. Don't want shot hitting something I don't want it too.

LM..... what a way to wake up! ..... almost knock yourself out! LOL

TO.... Too bad about your cabinets.

irish.... nice hatch! LOL

BBP.... Great looking kitchen!! Love the Adler! Wow you have some nice pieces of furniture! Love that vanity!

ND...My sign says "Don't touch the dust, it's holding the furniture together!"

Psyco.... Looks like a nice place. How much land do you have?

Jim... My 2nd son was a Marine Expert Sharp Shooter and qualified for the sniper program (His wife said NO!) He'll get my shooting skills back in shape! I used to be a pretty decent shot but haven't shot any guns (but paint ball) for years. I used to hunt too when I was much younger.

Judge... Congrats on the calves! Hope you get that garden/chicken/goat thing worked out.

No trouble from the rooster today LOL.

Night ALL!
So last night when I was putting the critters to bed noticed the side of my Jaerhon hen's head was bleeding one of those stupid young Roos had ripped out a chunk of her feathers/skin! I think it's time to start reducing the my testosterone numbers here! Ugh so first to go a rose comb Ancona posting on CL today! Also still not sure if my BCM is a hen or roo it looks like a roo and acts like a hen, yeah like these animals aren't crazy enough I need one with an identity crisis!
On another note my lemon cuckoo orps at school are still going strong a week left so excited for my first hatch!
Love all the kitchen/ house pics too, my husband and dad are contractors too and it often takes awhile to get anything built around the house!
Have a great day everyone!
BBP - LOVE all those pics! Wow on that bathroom cabinet! OMG!

KJ - You're fine, just picking on you a little. I don't have a clue who anyone is on here, never met 'em. TerriO suckered me in. I saw an ad on CL (which I amost NEVER even look at in the first place b/c I don't trust ppl, so why I looked at that moment, I'll never know). She had her phone no. in an ad and I cold called it. She didn't even remember she put her number in the ad and started drilling me how I got it, if I got it off the ad or some other way, and I'm like How am I going to look you up if I don't even know your last name? LOL! But she relaxed after a few mins and we were talking and gabbing lke there's no tomorrow and she told me to come and join in over here. So I did. Not sure if it's a good thing??? JUST kidding! Everyone seems awesome here and I'm really looking foward to meeting everyone some day! :)

Cind - It looks like a lot of land for just the back yard, my sides and front are big, too, but it's just less than 1 1/4 acres.

Gotta run! Last day of working 1st shift (this week only, stupid, huh?) next wk I'm back to 2nd again.

Oh, I'll post pics later, but my 2 bant cochins? 1 wht has a red comb & wattles, 1 blk frizzle I'm assuming is a girl. The frizzle is not and has not been growing. Just a tiny little mite. The wht is at least 3 X's bigger. Is that normal for girls to be THAT small???
All of that wood work is beautiful..those houses are so clean too..I do not think I have ever been in such a clean house. My DH is a brick layer/restorer. Needless to say, we live in a patch work. The roof needed to be replaced 10 years ago.
Love all the. Kitchens and all the remodel talk. We need to finish the basement, but I am getting new coop.
Made great progress on the coop today. Put all 22 chicks in it, now to finish the run. Please I f anyone can offer suggestions as to how to incorporate my 8 hens into this group, I would greatly appreciate it. Chicks are 7 weeks , do I put in 1 older hen at a time over a few weeks??? I have two coops so I can take my time, just need some suggestions...

Psycpeep - lol I did notice the count the other day. I guess I wish I knew everyone a bit better :) I was hoping to come to the bash. I love all the chatting that goes on! In the meantime I will keep posting away bit by bit and asking for the help of chicken raisers wiser than I.:)
I house them separate, I feed separate, I let them Free range together. As long as they have room to get away they are good. Food is the area where there are problems. After a month they sleep together. I have several adults that allow chicks to eat with them, I have several adults who go out of there way to chase all chicks out of ever food dish. The chicks learn fast who to hang out with.

free ranging chicks with adults

Gorgeous Cabinet and furniture pictures!! There's a LOT of furniture made out of that particle board and some of it costs much more than a nice piece of antique furniture!

The hubs got the plow fixed up and did me 3 gardens today. We found a guy with drag sections but the discs he had were way too big. It seems that the small ones are very hard to come by. Here are some pics - Cookie & Cupcake did their best scratching in the plowed earth but we're still gonna need to disc it!

tons of garden work
BBP - LOVE all those pics! Wow on that bathroom cabinet! OMG!

KJ - You're fine, just picking on you a little. I don't have a clue who anyone is on here, never met 'em. TerriO suckered me in. I saw an ad on CL (which I amost NEVER even look at in the first place b/c I don't trust ppl, so why I looked at that moment, I'll never know). She had her phone no. in an ad and I cold called it. She didn't even remember she put her number in the ad and started drilling me how I got it, if I got it off the ad or some other way, and I'm like How am I going to look you up if I don't even know your last name? LOL! But she relaxed after a few mins and we were talking and gabbing lke there's no tomorrow and she told me to come and join in over here. So I did. Not sure if it's a good thing??? JUST kidding! Everyone seems awesome here and I'm really looking foward to meeting everyone some day! :)

Cind - It looks like a lot of land for just the back yard, my sides and front are big, too, but it's just less than 1 1/4 acres.

Gotta run! Last day of working 1st shift (this week only, stupid, huh?) next wk I'm back to 2nd again.

Oh, I'll post pics later, but my 2 bant cochins? 1 wht has a red comb & wattles, 1 blk frizzle I'm assuming is a girl. The frizzle is not and has not been growing. Just a tiny little mite. The wht is at least 3 X's bigger. Is that normal for girls to be THAT small???
TO was probably napping when you called.
sometimes they can be.
good morning everyone. I just discovered I can talk into my phone and it will type for me. Imagine how long my posts can be now!!

yesterday was Halden's birthday. We went to Devils Lake for an hour and a half. I did take some nice pictures I put on facebook. But I will post them here because I know some of you would love to see them. Some of them are shocking and risque... ;)





Hello from rhinelander
Does anyone know when the next amherst auction is id love to buy chickens and maybe guinea hens
hi NWC, You don't need an auction.. just post what you need here and somebody will most likely have it..

I am waiting for guinea eggs to hatch on the 22 nd,, I set 31 more last night for the 8th of June..

IDK of any adult guineas for sale right now.. I assume you want females ? I could maybe scrounge up a couple of males.. I have 21 adults.. but IDK how many of each.. seems like a lot of males , judging by the amount of eggs I am collecting..

I have turkeys and geese also..

and about 90 Buff orpington chicks , 2 weeks old right now.. all sexed pullets..

I have some pure black hens, IDK what breed..

and soon I hope to have lots of barred rock chicks.. straight run...

If you are looking for more exotic breeds, just mentiion what you want.. somebody here should have them..

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