Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Welcome Northwoods!!

BigFam ~ I LOVE my talk and text feature and use it all the time... however.. sometimes it gets the words a bit wrong... proof read...before you hit send. I have had some pretty embarassing moments ;-0)

Thanks Delish for responding. My Chicks don't seem to have the "go home to roost" feature built in yet? so I have been scared to free range them. Do they just "learn" this when I let them out? They don't wrangle up so easily either..................I can just see the 6 of us chicken wragling in the woods.... I am sure a funny sight....
Any suggestions?
They were next to the older girls for the past few days, but now they are in their own coop. This coop will be for ALL of them shortley once we get a big fence built. For now they are just inside for a bit until it is finished. Boy I will be a bit scared for their first outing. I have a couple older girls that seemed to like to be by the little ones while they were next door. If I would put one of the good mammas in with them for a bit, maybe that would help them?? ............the older hen would be outnumbered 22 to 1 ;-)

Thanks guys! I have so much invested in all of this now, I just want to get it right. But am limited a bit with the set up for a bit.

Here is the progress being made on the new coop. Super Hero on the top....puttin up plastic before we can get the tin on. -- supposed to rain.

Egg Boxes

Putting in another window

Looking to the back of the coop from the front.
Northwoods and CIflie.

X2!!! Hi there!!
Welcome Northwoods!!

BigFam ~ I LOVE my talk and text feature and use it all the time... however.. sometimes it gets the words a bit wrong... proof read...before you hit send. I have had some pretty embarassing moments ;-0)

Thanks Delish for responding. My Chicks don't seem to have the "go home to roost" feature built in yet? so I have been scared to free range them. Do they just "learn" this when I let them out? They don't wrangle up so easily either..................I can just see the 6 of us chicken wragling in the woods.... I am sure a funny sight....
Any suggestions?
They were next to the older girls for the past few days, but now they are in their own coop. This coop will be for ALL of them shortley once we get a big fence built. For now they are just inside for a bit until it is finished. Boy I will be a bit scared for their first outing. I have a couple older girls that seemed to like to be by the little ones while they were next door. If I would put one of the good mammas in with them for a bit, maybe that would help them?? ............the older hen would be outnumbered 22 to 1 ;-)

Thanks guys! I have so much invested in all of this now, I just want to get it right. But am limited a bit with the set up for a bit.

Here is the progress being made on the new coop. Super Hero on the top....puttin up plastic before we can get the tin on. -- supposed to rain.

Egg Boxes

Putting in another window

Looking to the back of the coop from the front.
Nice coop!!

My flock comes a-running when I call out "chick-chick" and I can get them inside the coop to roost early if I need to close up the coop before they go to roost on their own. I always call out to them when I have treats for them so they think it's treat time - of course I always have treats when I call, even when I'm tricking them. It's easy to condition the greedy little buggars with food!
Adorable pictures Heather!!

Thanks for posting..Happy BD pickle
Quote: Welcome welcome!! and we all are!!

I have English Orpingtons and Ameracuana's.

Welcome Northwoods!!

BigFam ~ I LOVE my talk and text feature and use it all the time... however.. sometimes it gets the words a bit wrong... proof read...before you hit send. I have had some pretty embarassing moments ;-0)

Thanks Delish for responding. My Chicks don't seem to have the "go home to roost" feature built in yet? so I have been scared to free range them. Do they just "learn" this when I let them out? They don't wrangle up so easily either..................I can just see the 6 of us chicken wragling in the woods.... I am sure a funny sight....
Any suggestions?
They were next to the older girls for the past few days, but now they are in their own coop. This coop will be for ALL of them shortley once we get a big fence built. For now they are just inside for a bit until it is finished. Boy I will be a bit scared for their first outing. I have a couple older girls that seemed to like to be by the little ones while they were next door. If I would put one of the good mammas in with them for a bit, maybe that would help them?? ............the older hen would be outnumbered 22 to 1 ;-)

Thanks guys! I have so much invested in all of this now, I just want to get it right. But am limited a bit with the set up for a bit.

Here is the progress being made on the new coop. Super Hero on the top....puttin up plastic before we can get the tin on. -- supposed to rain.

Egg Boxes

Putting in another window

Looking to the back of the coop from the front.
Great coop!!!
Best way to get new chicks or chickens to return to a new coop is to lock them in for a solid week. Only feed at specific times (do not free feed) and use *here chick chick* during feeding. Than feed only at night when you start to let them out. They are food motivated. They will be in the coop waiting for you or run like the wind when they see you. A little hungry is healthy. Over fed chickens is not. This is only for free range. If you cage your chickens obviously you have to feed day hours as well.
Quote: lol
Well I first need a chicken coop.lol we sre, trying decid if we want to build or buy. Then for chickens we of course want alot of eggs but also would mind a few chicken that are cool looking too because I have kids, any recommendations?
Building one will probably be a little cheaper, plus you can design it the way you want it. I recommend windows, electrical outlets, an exhaust fan and lots of ventilation. And make it ALOT larger than you originally planned. Chickens are soooooooo addicting!

For breeds, check out some hatchery websites for pics and descriptions.
Good morning! I had to sleep an hour extra this morning....I love sleeping in when there is rain and thunder! After I fed the masses I noticed that some of my fish have a white film on them so I have been reading up on fish diseases this morning. The have some fungus thing I am sure and I have to treat with Malachite Green I guess. I hope the pet shop in Watertown has it!

Welcome to the new folks! It is true...just post what you are looking for and someone will either have it or know who does! Also a great way to meet everyone is to attend one of our bashes. You can find the link in my siggy.
I just want to add that I just googled it and there are in fact nail hammering competitions... Anything can be fun I guess.
Now this is interesting Lisa...my fam thinks that all we talk about on here is chickens! I wonder what a nail hammering competition entails? I'd ask Jim but since he was all liquored up he probably wont remember!

All of that wood work is beautiful..those houses are so clean too..I do not think I have ever been in such a clean house. My DH is a brick layer/restorer. Needless to say, we live in a patch work. The roof needed to be replaced 10 years ago.
I house them separate, I feed separate, I let them Free range together. As long as they have room to get away they are good. Food is the area where there are problems. After a month they sleep together. I have several adults that allow chicks to eat with them, I have several adults who go out of there way to chase all chicks out of ever food dish. The chicks learn fast who to hang out with.

free ranging chicks with adults

tons of garden work
TO was probably napping when you called.

sometimes they can be.
OK now...I know MY house is not that clean but yours looked pretty good! THose pictures that had no furniture must have been BEFORE moving in! Houses always look clean when there is nothing to look at but walls!
AND--I WAS NOT NAPPING! (I wish I had been) I was out moving birds around I think and I was a bit ticked because it was not going well!
Nice coop!!

My flock comes a-running when I call out "chick-chick" and I can get them inside the coop to roost early if I need to close up the coop before they go to roost on their own. I always call out to them when I have treats for them so they think it's treat time - of course I always have treats when I call, even when I'm tricking them. It's easy to condition the greedy little buggars with food!
Well isnt this the truest thing ever said? THe way to a chicken's heart is definately through their stomach! If you have them in a coop now they will naturally go back there to sleep. It is an instinct they have. As long as they are comfortable in their coop and feel safe (and have been in it for a few weeks) they will return to sleep. I wouldnt put an adult hen in with them because her origional flock might not recognize her when she comes back and you might have an even bigger problem. Do like Vicky said and let them see each other for a while and then let them out. There are a lot of them and if they can run and get away the hens will forget about them. You will have some skirmishes while they establish their pecking order. As long as there isnt too much blood you should be fine--LOL!

Well all this reading and typing has made me very tired...I think I need another cuppa! My neighbor brought me another bucket of turkey eggs yesterday...they were peeping! So he just called now and is coming with more today and wants the ones I have hatched (3 more today) back and he is going to put them under the hen tonight. THen he said I can have the rest...I wonder if any will hatch? I hope the ones that have been in the brooder take to following a hen. I havent had any luck with that scenario myself. The brooder baby didnt listen to the hen at all!

Cute picks BigFam! Phone is ringing again....AARGH! The day begins! TerriO
Hey everyone! Welcome newbies.

All of my chickens are roosting and happy together. All of the older ones make a bee-line to the door anytime I show up and dart out the door of the coop. I still do not let mine roam unless I am outside. They are still small enough to get through the fence (or get stuck trying). I'll let them out today after the septic tank people leave (we are having it drained today). Most of them come back into the coop without a problem, but not all of them.

My arthritis is pretty bad still today. As if the feet and knees weren't enough, now its my neck and hands too! I hate flare-ups!

Had someone ask about the Lav Orps again. We'll see if they actually come pick a few. I have to cut down on the flock so I offered up a few Lav Orps and then I'll cull the 2 roos and all will be good in the hen house!

Hope the rest of you have a great day!
Thank.you so much

Eagle River here, you can send me a pm (hover over my "stage" name) if you want local info.

Building one will probably be a little cheaper, plus you can design it the way you want it. I recommend windows, electrical outlets, an exhaust fan and lots of ventilation. And make it ALOT larger than you originally planned. Chickens are soooooooo addicting!  ;)   

For breeds, check out some hatchery websites for pics and descriptions.

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