Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Where can I get blue prints or did most of you just wing it?

Wing it??
That's punny!

I had a chicken house already built on the milk house but we're winging it with a re-do of a horse stall in the barn for the new coop.
Northwoodscvt ~ I put an ad on craigslist for unwanted sheds. If you drive around, take a look, there are LOTS of potential coops that are just sitting there falling in. It turned out a lady 4 miles from me was giving a shed away. Now, truthfully, we have put more money into it than we would have liked, but the ideas was sound:) We thought it was more usable than it was, but it was free, so we used what we could.
This is my second coop. My first one was a pre-built chicken house we bought online. Small, not insulated but very functional. It was a bit $$ ;-) but it worked and now I am totally addicted, got more chickens and had to build a bigger coop. We are still in progress. Roof needs to go on, my hubby is gong to build a deck on the front and we need to build a run. it all ads up kinda fast, so be prepared and shop around.
Hello! I'm new from Junction City. My name is Liisa. I am a stay at home mom with 3 kids. My hubby is an electrician. I have been obsessed with chickens for years. We finally found out there was no law here against having chickens and that some people have them here. So after my happy dance we started building a coup right away. I bought my first chickens this week. They are week old white and I believe brown leghorns. I named them Jack and Lola. After thinking about it I think I should have got one more right away. I would like to add orpingtons and americucana I think. My new favorite time of the day is when I go check on my ladies.

I look forward to getting to know everyone
I find that I don't think of taking care of the chickens as "chores" It is a nice time of the day. I started out with a few.. and a year later, I am up to 30 ;-) not all will stay though, I got a batch of chicks and some will be roos ;-( .. I don't really want any roos. Although my kids are begging me to keep some, so we can have babies ;-) lol
good early afternoon,, I sure love these cool autumn days.. I get so much accomplished..

I lined my brother up for early next week to put in the footing posts.. then I put fresh bedding in both coops.. caught the last 5 barred rock hens and put them with the mean rooster.. maybe if he gets tired, he will calm down.. he has about a dozen hens now..

then i took Ollie and rough graded the green house site.. It won't take too much to make it level..

thinking I need some lunch, and then maybe a short nap..maybe not in that particular order..

I put the one 3-day old chick in with the 90 2-week old chicks.. they didn't even notice it..

we are thinking of selling all of our pure black chickens.. IDK what breed they are, but some of them have Asian blood.. I am thinking all of them do, because that was the only black chickens I had.. only God knows what rooster mated with the Asian hens..


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