Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Sorry, haven't been on in a while. For some reason summer is really busy for me. Today has been the best day so far of summer. Had 5 chicks hatch and still counting on a couple more this evening. And not to mention that it is my birthday. Finally FOURTEEN!! Baby brother Michael is growing extremely well as well as the 15 chicks my mom surprised me with today! What an awesome day.
Happy Birthday Colton!!!

Lovin' the pics BL4! I like the look of your watermark, what kind of tweaking did you have in mind?

An RP turkey just hatched, one more pipped. Woot! Any tips for the first few perilous weeks?
here is my 12 foot truss standing up on the rest of the stack.. 7 total..
the trailer is my portable work bench..

keep those RP turks away from your chickens for 13 weeks.. keep them off any previous chicken ground.. your best bet is to put them into a raised pen until they are 13 weeks old.. keep them dry and warm,, not as warm as chickens, though..
Happy birthday Colton!
Love the travel pics
Amber flea...yes. Have one right now that we put a three day old chick under and broody momma accepted just fine! Now if I could get all the other broodys out, would be great
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keep those RP turks away from your chickens for 13 weeks.. keep them off any previous chicken ground.. your best bet is to put them into a raised pen until they are 13 weeks old.. keep them dry and warm,, not as warm as chickens, though..
Warm and dry, check. Off previous chicken ground will be a little trickier. Even a brooder that was inhabited by chicks is a no-no? What if I bleach it?
keep those RP turks away from your chickens for 13 weeks.. keep them off any previous chicken ground.. your best bet is to put them into a raised pen until they are 13 weeks old.. keep them dry and warm,, not as warm as chickens, though..
Warm and dry, check. Off previous chicken ground will be a little trickier. Even a brooder that was inhabited by chicks is a no-no? What if I bleach it?
I have those large wire bottom cages ,, I had good luck by washing them and bleaching them after having chickens in them..

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