Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Going to go out now after I clean out my duck pens and plant some more in my garden. My pumpkins won't be ripe until Christmas at this point... pray for a long long summer !!! LOL
Got the pumpkins in yesterday - today 4 rows of corn, peas, bush beans, and replanted the squash seeds that something dug out last night. Something thinks I opened up a smorgasbord! GRRRRRR! I think we'll have to build greenhouses over our pumpkins this year, Frenchie!
Sorry, haven't been on in a while. For some reason summer is really busy for me. Today has been the best day so far of summer. Had 5 chicks hatch and still counting on a couple more this evening. And not to mention that it is my birthday. Finally FOURTEEN!! Baby brother Michael is growing extremely well as well as the 15 chicks my mom surprised me with today! What an awesome day.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, COLTON!! We're almost birthday buddies - mine was Sunday - but I'm waaaaay older than you!
Heading out to do more tilling...but wanted to reply BEFORE I forgot everything!
Kristip--didnt see you at the CAC this morning...I was there about 9:30 (didnt even know about that place) then I too went to Petsmart...get this; to get bird food and more fish! LOL! Then I stopped at Home Depot to use my gift cards and got some steals on perenials...paid too much for herbs but I was there...saw friend Peggy and had a nice chat...big surprise, she is having trouble in her present living situation...*sigh*


Good advice on the turkeys Jim! That is what I do too...I have only 5 left on lights...they are sharing space with ducklings AND chicks though...I figure they were in the same bator....the others are all sold except for the three I kept.

I feel sorry for that chicken I posted that hatched the ducklings. The drakes have a FIT when they see her with them...now I think the duck mamas have takend them all away but 2! THat is OK...they dont listen to the hen very well. If they dont listen to the mama duck she gives them a good peck on the head and then they DO listen! LOL!

I agree Frenchie--just tell the doc that they wont pay for the machine and you feel SO MUCH BETTER using it and perhaps that will be the key. Fingers crossed for you...after all, you arent trying to get it for someone else!

OK--getting dark--maybe back later...gotta get the rest tilled so I can get those slips in tomorrow...time's a waistin'!

Has anyone taken a freshly hatched incubated chick and put it under a hen that is currently broody/hatching?
I have done this a few times and it works for the first 3 -4 days after they hatch. She will check them all over, including for pastey butt. If she feels they are viable, she will call them in under or push them under a wing.

don't freakout right away about how she treats them.

here is my 12 foot truss standing up on the rest of the stack.. 7 total..
the trailer is my portable work bench..

keep those RP turks away from your chickens for 13 weeks.. keep them off any previous chicken ground.. your best bet is to put them into a raised pen until they are 13 weeks old.. keep them dry and warm,, not as warm as chickens, though..
How come Jim?
Happy 14th Birthday Colton !!!! What a nice birthday present, 15 chicks... what kind did you get ?

Bl4 nice pictures.....your dogs are so cute.... nice family photo too !!

Jim, nice job on the trusses.... ET will have to check them out....

Irish... I agree... Greenhouse over the pumpkins.... I only got some of mine planted.... I decided to plant them in rows, just single seeds instead of in hills and thinning...

Crawling around in the dirt felt good but I'm so so sore !!! Didn't start planting them until about 6pm or so. Quit when the skeeters came out.
The of course our tractor wasn't running well so ET started shoveling the Schmit in the horse shelter by hand. He had to move the ponies and donkeys to the next paddock where they know how to escape.... needless to say we spent a while gathering them up.

It was kind of fun chasing the ponies wi
th the ATV..,,,, now don't get excited. I wasn't actually chasing them and I wasn't that close. They know this yard and every way around it..... it was so dang cute. Spice my POA got tired of the games and before my eyes she jumped in to the paddock where she belonged.... it is a 4' high woven horse fence with an electric wire about 18" above it (it was not on cause the drafts broke it down the line someplace)...... she jumped from a standstill and jumped in between the fence and wire !!!!
It was gorgeous !!!!! I know she has some spunk in her but holy toledo..... Now I want to get her in that round pen and do some parelli with her and watch her jump the barrels !!!!!
Sure wish I didn't have all this work with the poultry and waterfowl.... I miss the time I spend with my horses... only so much time in the day....
I see my sebastopol geese are giving up the nest..... maybe a good thing... less work.

Tomorrow go for my echocardiogram... will be interesting to see how they read it.....
You know a lot of those test are only as good as the technician that does them and then there is the doctor that interprets them !!!

Oik, sorry if I missed anyone or anything..... CSR has struck again.

Oh and Jim
, I'm sorry to hear about Grandmas passing... I know I asked a while back when she passed but you or no one else answered.... So Sorry. I can still picture her sleeping in the recliner the day we stopped and got chickens and guineas from you....
Evening All....Happy Anniversary Amyb...hope you had a great day!

Happy Birthday Colton....cool present...what breeds of peeps did you get?

Nice pics...again thanks for sharing them.

New tires on the boat trailer today...I just might get fishing this week. The motor hasen't been run for over ten years...hope it starts and runs.

Potatoes still need hilling...hopefully this week. the weeds are really taking off with all the rain we had.

With all this talk about tounge...how was the one I gave you Cind? Was it tender and delicious and enough for a whole meal?

Good thing your birds were still in Doc. Maybe he got the message and won't be back.

My bedside nestbox/brooder box is sitting in the livingroom frenchie. Moved it in after the bash, and it's still there LOL!

Stay safe...bigz

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