Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good afternoon,
I only watch the races when I want to fall asleep fast. I already had a short nap, so I won't need the lullaby..

I got the Northern in the freezer in two packages. pure white fillets .

It was a shame that it WAS a female as I suspected there must have been a quart of eggs inside of her.
My dad used to save the eggs, I'll stick to chicken eggs, thank you..

there sure is a lot of waste on a Northern Pike. especially if you debone and filet it ..
If one was to make fish soup, then there would be a little less waste,. but I never made soup, and I don't think I would like it anyhow..


I removed the meat from the carcass, and then the rain turning into snow made me go inside to finish the filleting .


.I had the Northern lying on the tail gate of the pu truck. not a very good picture. I took one more and then ran out of space on the picture card. anyway, it is 38 inches long. .. for some of you who do not know,, you can left click onto a picture in a post to enlarge it..
Hey, cheeseheads! My husband and I got a rooster in our batch of chicks. Unfortunately, he can't (legally) stay with us. He is a beautiful 20 week old buff orpington. Very good at crowing ;)
We are located just north of Madison and looking for a good home where he can be happy & crow freely. My chickens are pets & I'm sad to have to rehome him, but I'm hoping someone here will know someone who will spoil him. He's gotta go soon!
It was still a good race to watch.

The livers from northern are excellent dipped in flour and fried in butter. I always fillet my northern too.

Welcome to the thread kz....just might be someone looking for that specific roo on here, if I remember right. Someone might just want to claim him, have a little patience for the right response, some folks don't check in here everyday.

It was raining, then snowing, and now it's just dark out there...

that is a nice looking B>O roo.
If he was closer, I would take him.. I started out with 7 BO pullets for my first flock.. "just for a few eggs" .
at a couple of times I was over 200 assorted birds. Not counting meaties.
You would be surprised at how fast a 50 pound bag of feed can go.

I don't eat much of anything further inside an animal than what the hide touches.. I do like liver sausage,, and I like beef liver, but it is not allowed on my list of foods .


Hi All!

Yep, sure is a nice fish.

We had a fox snake as a pet. Still had it when we had the pet store, his name was Ralph. He was such a nice calm snake and liked to be handled so we used him to help people get over their fear of snakes. He was about 4' when he died.

Night All.

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