Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Ok people. Honestly,is there anything wrong with a hen being broody? I have one. I suppose she does not get as much exercise,but is it detrimental to them in any way?

A broody hen does not lay eggs after she has laid enough for her to hatch ..
that means, if you are after eggs, you will miss out on about 2 dozen while she is incubating, probably a dozen while she is laying her clutch, and then a couple more dozen while she is raising her chicks.
there is no detriment to her health to be broody.

I had a pair of buff orpington hens that were broody all the time.. they shared the same nest and raised the chicks together. they would go from one brood into the next. didn't bother to lay their own eggs, just pirate a nest and go to it.
I didn't mind be cause they were way past their prime for egg laying anyway.

Thanks Jim.
They're layers. I collect the eggs every 24 hours at the most. It seems like this certain bird is always in a nesting box,sometimes on eggs,sometimes in an empty one. I just didn't know if this was bad or not as I've read of people trying to break the birds of the being broody.
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Thanks Jim.
They're layers. I collect the eggs every 24 hours at the most. It seems like this certain bird is always in a nesting box,sometimes on eggs,sometimes in an empty one. I just didn't know if this was bad or not as I've read of people trying to break the birds of the being broody.
As Jim said, it is mostly because people want the eggs that they try to break a broody. One thing to look for, if they are a persistent broody, is a pale comb. A few hens are so determined that they will barely eat or drink while broody. Toss them out of the nest from time to time if you think it might be a problem.

That buff orp looks older than 20 weeks. I hope you find him a good home. Good luck.

Yeah Brent, it was a good race. Junior came in 2nd.
Hi, all! Rooster has a new home. Free range, chicken friends, nothing but open fields all around his new house. Thanks to all of you for your help and kind words. BYC is the best.
Hi All!

Glad you found a home for your roo.

The dynamic of the coop is changing here. I think the BLRW finally realized he was the biggest rooster, I saw Pretty Boy (was head roo) running from him. At least the boys don't fight hard, a little skirmish and they back down and learn their place.

17 eggs today! Hope they keep it up! My regular customer payed me in advance for a months worth of eggs! 5 to 6 dozen a week!

That's it.... Night All.
I have been getting the potting shed ready for spring, I bought some peat pots and seed, and now I am ready to plan the garden layout for the season. Wishing the snow would go away so I can scope out the ground for spots that need some rabbit/bird/horse puckie. I'm itching to get my hands in the dirt!
no snow up Nort, the dividing line seems to be STH 10 .
I just talked to a VA nurse in Tomah, she said they had quite enough snow for today..

I wouldn't mind about an inch or two to cover this solid sheet of ice between the house and chicken coop.

The kids took my Blazer to work today because her car was frozen in a puddle of what was water yesterday..


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