Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Happy Birthday Colton and Anniversary AmyB

Big Fam we all do the best we can and with everything else you have going on I'm sure no one thinks its your fault! We all make mistakes and have to learn which is what your doing! Chin up girl!! :) I just ordered some more chicks (god help me) so I can always run a couple down to you when your ready!! :) I'll make sure they are girls first!
FT hope your tests go well and I just recieved a pic/message from a super nice lady in Antigo who's dog just had a litter of 9 Maremma. I would love one but we already have 3 PITA dogs! Enjoy the sunshine peeps!
Deli... ok need your expert opinion and everyone elses.. this is the white rock from Deli...it is about 15 weeks old or so. Slightly agressive, bigger than all the other birds since birth, but no crow and I dont see suspicious feathers like I do on my gorgeous olive egger roo.... your thoughts guys!! Here are pics of the roo and the suspect...
How old is this WR? the whites I had had very developed combs by 14 weeks, the comb on this bird almost looks like my hens combs, are ya sure thats a rooster?
Hen is the top picture rooster at the bottom......Kim
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Kim your WR are gorgeous!
This bird developed its comb adn wattles around 12 weeks or so... it is about 15 weeks right now.
I just dont see the obvious tail and saddle...but everythig else seems roo like...
Deli-at what age do your Blk orps start laying? I've got someone making a bunch of racket in the morning around 7:30am. The sounds reminds me of what my other hens did when they laid, but the blk orps aren't old enough, right? They are only 4 mos. old! That is about the right time for the roos to start crowing, but it just doesn't sound like an ametuer crow. My 2 "supposed" roos are about 3 mos. old.
The start about 6 months
Quote: x3
Kim your WR are gorgeous!
This bird developed its comb adn wattles around 12 weeks or so... it is about 15 weeks right now.
I just dont see the obvious tail and saddle...but everythig else seems roo like...
I agree with your assessment. It has the look of a pullet with no roo feathers. It still might be a roo. I wish I could have blown the picture up more. I see no sickel or hackel male feathers. My males here have huge combs at that age
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Evening everyone,
Finally no chance for frost :weee. Actually got something out of my gardens today that wasn't rhubarb. A few sweet peas and some Swiss chard. My first tomato in the greenhouse will be ready for picking soon as well as some nice peppers. My outside tomatoes are catching up fast so it looks like I at least have a chance to restock my supply of canned salsa and chili starter after all. The kids came for a visit last fall and nearly cleaned us out. but mom, yours is so much better than the store bought, Geesh. Told them refills only this year so they better bring my jars back!

sooo glad to hear the cocci has run it's course. Hopefully everyone else are done with their losses as well. Think l have to accept I have two lawn ornaments. No idea why my Aussie and black star girls stopped laying. Got them on the highest quality everything and they look great and they both still hop in the nestbox and sit for a while every morning, one of them even clicks and coos, but eventually they give up and hop out. Oh well, I was just hoping my Aussie would go broody for me again this year.

Well got to feed the critters so bbl!!!
Hi all! What a gorgeous day! I have the sweet potato bed all ready to plant and I am just taking a bit of a break and having the kids lie down for an hour. Liam is asleep but Ky doesnt want to close her eyes...I think she is afraid she will fall asleep and miss something! She looks like she has toothpicks holding them open as wide as they can go...silly girl!

It was so cool this morning that I took the ham bone and made a crock of split pea soup! It smells so good! DS will complain of course...he says I always make soup.

Kristip--perhaps that white rock is what I call a "secret rooster!" I have had a few like that. They show all the mannerisms but keep them quiet so the other roo doesnt fight with them. Then when that roo is gone, they "turn into" a proper roo! Then I had one that I thought was a roo so I put it in with the bachelors. It never got bigger or got a tail so I thought I was mistaken. Put it in to another pen and it WAS a pullet. It is not laying and still looks a little like a roo...maybe a hermaphrodite?

Hey Vickie--if you need any Aussies I have a very nice line here....
I havent noticed them going broody at all. Interesting that yours did.

Well, I guess it's time to head out. That area is in shade now so I feel better about putting the slips out there. Then I think I will hill the white potatoes and turn the sprinkler on the plants for a few hours.

Everyone must be outside enjoying the weather...hope you passed your tests with flying colors Frenchie!
Glad Dora is feeling better Jim. I always seem to have mystery diseases in my stuff too! Drives me out of my mind cause I worry constantly until they are better! I hope she continues to improve.

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