Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Picked out a baby German Shepherd today. She won't be home for several weeks but she is adorable. Got 2/3 of the lawn mowed and then it started to rain. I was ready for a break anyway. Now to clean up in the house and then make some supper.
Good Luck with the new addition dae....might be our next dog in a few years.... thick cut pork loins steaks on the grill tonight....oh my tender as can be and the flavor with my oak and maple added to the coals while cooking is special flavor at it's best.

good eveining,
waiting for the news and weather.
DD Barby came out today and forced me to drive the tractor while she planted strawberries and 50 more tomatoes.

good morning,
at 4 AM we had a real good soaking rain.
lots of close thunder strikes, too.

Daethen, to answer your question:
I have no F*%^*ing idea.:barnie.
the plants have to grow and then produce first
I will can jars and jars of pulverized tomatoes. I don't skin them, just run them through the food processor and cook them before putting them in the hot water bath.
Once a few years ago I canned 90 quarts in one day all by myself.
I don't think I am built for that kind of work anymore..:old

I have to take the hilling discs off and put on the spring teeth to work up some more ground.
Barby wants to bring some more strawberry plants.
next year I am going to tape her arms to her sides so she can't plant so many seeds.. :lau

I officially shut off the incubators.
I hope nobody brings any more eggs.:fl

I see Menard's has concrete mix on sale.
4 bags for $9.oo .
I need about 40 bags for my rebuilding the lean to project.
It's not hard to believe that we were blessed with just shy of another 2" of rain....my mud pie gardens in the middle of july are not use to this. Potatoes are all tipped over and no more hilling there....but with all the fertilizer I added, I'm expecting a nice harvest.
Seeing quite a few Wild Turkey hens with their poults now, but the numbers per hen are small compared to dry hatching seasons around here.

Hi, fellow Wisconsinites! I have 5 pekin drakes looking for a new home. Anyone have room in their yard/heart/optional pond for them? I will deliver them wherever you are!
:frow Hi everybody,
I did get the discs off of Ollie. then I quit and came into the house and AC.
I will go back out to put the spring teeth on after it cools down, or the clouds move it..
I have to get some more ground worked up for Barby's strawberries.
the Menonite girls came and picked up Wendy (their dog). It was supposed to be in heat and get bred, but neither took place.
I had her since June 15. I did a lot of training with her. the girls thought it was a different dog.. So calm and laid back..
I'm going to miss that one..
they will bring her back when they are sure she is in heat, next time..

I don't know how much rain we got this morning, but we had puddles where we never had them before..

I dumped 3 inches of rain out of the gauge at noon today from last night and this morning's showers. The rain barrel has been filled up again.
I have golf ball sized tomatoes on my plants. Now if I can just keep the Asian beetles from eating the rest of the blossoms I should get a decent harvest.
Sounds like your tractor (and you) are getting a good workout this growing season Jim!

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