Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

in control, h3II,,
I was still in bed when she announced that I was shampooing the rug right away before breakfast.
I did a sample of plum tonight.
I simmered 8 cups with about a 1/2 cup of water.
about ten minutes does it. then I mashed them with the potato masher and squeezed them through the funnel shaped sieve. the one with the wooden handle you push round and round. the pits and skins stay in the sieve and the pulp comes out those tiny holes. worked like a charm.. lots of waste with the plums.
8 cups of whole plums = 2 cups of strained pulp..

I talked a long time with a guy from Rochester Minn. tonight. he wants Zeke. he has about 1000 sheep.
he might come take a look on Sunday or Monday..

The girls and I spent the day at the Milwaukee Zoo with a special behind the scenes pass to see how the animals are cared for. Nice way to spend a Saturday.
good morning,
I am done surfing the web. have enough information on how to make calcium water and how to use it with pamona pectin.
the instructions with their product are pretty vague..
I also learned that you can make calcium water by boiling egg shells..

ETA: I am finished with the first batch of jam.
I learned a valuable lesson. don't trust my brain to remember the recipe.. I cooked the mixture for 10 minutes at a rolling boil.
wronnng.. ONE minute is what the directions said.:he.
instead of ending up with 2 pints of jam, I had reduced it by half to just one pint. and all the sugar is in that one concentrated jar..
good thing I cut way back on the sugar it called for. so the jam is still usable.. but I have a hunch that it will be plenty "set" in the jar. might have to mash it with a fork to spread it on toast..
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Good afternoon, having a rough day watching the pecking order my one chicken turned out to be a rooster so my brother who lives on a farm said he would swap for his br hen. We swapped them last night. The hen from my original 3 that I thought was the dominant one is not. Any pointers on how to get them to accept each other as smoothly as possible, my new hen came from a bigger flock and is a little smaller than my original 2

No blood yet but my new hen just can't get any rest, them feathers will grow back right
Good morning all.
That thunderstorm that came through last night really tore things up. Massive branches were taken down, lots of damage was done to trees and my chicken tractor flipped completely over and is smashed to bits. I will be building a new one, I guess.
Heinzie, it's best to give the new one a place to escape and hide if introduced right away with the rest...otherwise it works best to have a separate space with a wall of wire between, so they can get to know the newbie without the ability to show it's my water and feed and space here.....they accept someone they are familiar with better....the feathers won't grow back till they molt and grow a new set of feathers. Good Luck!
Jim, I hope Zeke is on his way to freedom and fun!

I gave her a place to hide but she is not real bright. She wants to go cuddle. She came from a small coop with 17 siblings now she is in a large area with 2 other hens that don't know she is actually their sister. They are slowly getting closer together. I think once she builds up the strength in her feet to roost it will get better ( I asked my brother if he had a roost for his chickens, he said no, so I am guessing she has never tried flight either ) we will get this just hope it happens before egg time. Thanks for the support
Hope everyone is staying dry!
Sorry I haven't been around lately- life has been hectic!
My 6 hens are laying me plenty of eggs, and they're getting bigger and bigger.

My basement has been soggy with all this rain, but at least we've avoided the worst of it so far here in Milwaukee. The chicken coop hasn't blown away yet so we're good here.
Hows everyone else holding up? I'm watching the news about tornados around and made me hope all you chicken people are safe!

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