Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

FFF to all... tonight it's once again baked cod loins and breaded butterfly shrimp... with wally world tato salad simply because we are busy with the Easter b-fast at church. Nothing beats ho-made tato salad, but the wally stuff is ok for something different for a change when you don't have time to get er done.

Have fun..bigz
Happy Easter To all the cheeseheads … I'll be opening the doors at church around 5am…. I will be glad when I can relax for a while after all the prep.
We truly have a good bunch of guys that step up and pay it forward for others.... hoping you all have great family time together …. this truly is as good as it gets... enjoy!

Nice day here today...kinda light rain and sun off and on all day. Grass is slowly turning and winter is in the rear view mirror...thankfully here.
Planted a couple planters with a early spring salad mix from sandhill...we truly enjoy it by the bowl full here with different dressings....I'm ready for Spring and all it's rewards....

I'm waiting for that storm to come through.
I'm hoping we don't lose power. I have eggs in the incubator.
What a weekend! Hosted Easter and then ended up north because my moms car broke down! Bees arriving tomorrow so the hives are ready......
Hey all, I feel like I've been gone ages. Sooooo tiiiiiired. We lost power the other night during the storm, we're way behind on the CSA garden, and I'm stressed to the max, but hey y'all BL4, those look great!!
Thanks everyone for the advice on order of greens popping up in the Spring!!!!! I love ramps and morels and the advice given will help narrow the timing. Last year I found and ate one morel in my yard and have been searching this week, but it sounds like I have some time still. We do have several lilacs, so are we talking the buds are all the way open or just starting?
When the flower buds are about to open start looking about a day or two before the wonderful smell

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