WORMING with Fenbendazole - - How much?

@HomeschoolPollo , are you sure she has gape worms and not a respiratory infection?


I treated her for 8 days with Tylan 50 about three weeks ago thinking it was respiratory (an some aspirin for inflammation). When she was three weeks old she had same symptoms, but was very lethargic at that time and I took her to vet. We treated with antibiotics and oral steroids from vet (they did the float poop test and looked in her mouth for gape worm). These symptoms returned when we started letting her go outside and forage in the yard (under our supervision - she

is a house chicken). About 7 days after letting her go outside. So about 2.5 - 3 months after taking her to the vet the first time. These symptoms have been getting worse for the past month. And just most recently this weekend. All day yesterday and through the night she has labored breathing and all puffed out and wings dropped like what happens when they get overheated to cool down.

She pooped through out the night. Not sure if I see anything yet other then her food and weeds. Although I wonder what that thing is on the lower right that looks like it has two parts to it.
Can you post a video of her?


@casportpony Here is the link to the video. I need to give her the second dose of the safe-guard. A little concerned about putting it directly in mouth do to the labored breathing. Was thinking of adding it to some hard boiled yoke (one of her favs) and see if she will eat it that way. But if in the mouth is what it going to work best I will do that.

@HomeschoolPollo , are you sure she has gape worms and not a respiratory infection?

Ended up taking her to the vet late afternoon - she started throwing up. They could not figure out why her breathing is so labored. Poop sample was fine and she was not anemic. Did discover she was underweight even though she eats all the time. Started her on a stronger antibiotic and anti-inflammatory (as white blood cell count up). Got fluids and some vitamins. Did an X-ray to make certain she had not swallowed anything she should not have. But she is her spunky self. Praying we all get some sleep tonight. We giggled as we heard the vet state behind closed doors, "I like well loved chickens".

Thanks for your help. @casportpony
[@=/u/423604/HomeschoolPollo]@HomeschoolPollo[/@], are you sure she has gape worms and not a respiratory infection?


Ended up taking her to the vet late afternoon - she started throwing up.  They could not figure out why her breathing is so labored. Poop sample was fine and she was not anemic. Did discover she was underweight even though she eats all the time.  Started her on a stronger antibiotic and anti-inflammatory (as white blood cell count up).  Got fluids and some vitamins.  Did an X-ray to make certain she had not swallowed anything she should not have. But she is her spunky self. Praying we all get some sleep tonight. We giggled as we heard the vet state behind closed doors, "I like well loved chickens".

Thanks for your help.  @casportpony

Glad you were able to take her to the vet and I hope she gets better.

My chickens love the safe guard pellets. I don't understands all the hoopla about mixing this or that, or trying to squish the paste down a beak. I guess I'm fortunate to have willing patients.
My vet specializes in exotic animals and birds. He told me not to use Piperizine which is Wazine. Several people state that you can safely use Wazine as long as you discard the eggs for 10 to 14 days but the bottle expressly states "NOT TO BE USED ON EGG LAYING CHICKENS" My vet said to use FENBENDAZOLE and that there is no need to toss the eggs...I repeat, you do not have a withdrawal period. I know there will be plenty of advice on here contrary to what I am saying but I think I will go with my veterinarian and the warnings on the Wazine bottle.
My vet specializes in exotic animals and birds. He told me not to use Piperizine which is Wazine. Several people state that you can safely use Wazine as long as you discard the eggs for 10 to 14 days but the bottle expressly states "NOT TO BE USED ON EGG LAYING CHICKENS" My vet said to use FENBENDAZOLE and that there is no need to toss the eggs...I repeat, you do not have a withdrawal period. I know there will be plenty of advice on here contrary to what I am saying but I think I will go with my veterinarian and the warnings on the Wazine bottle. 

Welcome to BYC! In Canada there is a zero day egg withdrawal when using piperazine. Safeguard (Fenbendazole) is *not* approved for use laying hens in the US, but it is approved for laying hens n the UK.

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