Would this be too many roosters?


In the Brooder
Mar 3, 2015
I currently have 49 hens and 1 rooster. I'm about to get more chicks, 8 more females but I want to get a few more roosters.

1 Black Australorp, 1 Golden Buff, 1 Buff Orpington, and 1 Easter Egger. So I would end up with 57 hens and 5 roosters. The rooster I have now is very docile. if I raise them all as chicks together, they (theoretically) should get along, right? Is that too many roosters? I have the room for them.
I currently have 49 hens and 1 rooster. I'm about to get more chicks, 8 more females but I want to get a few more roosters.

1 Black Australorp, 1 Golden Buff, 1 Buff Orpington, and 1 Easter Egger. So I would end up with 57 hens and 5 roosters. The rooster I have now is very docile. if I raise them all as chicks together, they (theoretically) should get along, right? Is that too many roosters? I have the room for them.

No, it shouldn't be. One rooster covers about 8 to 10 hens.
Numbers look good...only time will tell if they'll have the individual personalities to all get along.

I would have an enclosure ready to separate any nasty cockerels.

What are your chicken keeping goals.....do you need that many roosters for fertility percentage?
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I have done it and it is exciting! I got a small one first that only holds 4 eggs and all 4 hatched. But now I have one that holds 48 eggs for bantams and lots less for large eggs. I have bought 6+ eggs for the Mille Fleur from eBay, because I just love these little darlings!, and they should be here next week.....can't wait to get them started!
I want to eventually incubate my own chicks.
Cool, it's fun!

So have an enclosure ready, preferably adjacent to main coop and run, to isolate any nasty cockerels and raise chicks in until they are big enough to integrate into main flock.

I built 2 doors and a temporary chicken wire wall to split the coop...it has been wonderful, nasty cockerel spent the first winter in it, batch of chicks spent most the summer in it and this winter I had a broody hen in there with her chicks.

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