Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

Yeh does look like slipped tendon, if you take the leg put it towards the back of her, and pull just a tab, you should feel a popping, if it pops then it's back in place but here's the tricky part, you have to split it so that it stays there until the tendon heals back that is IF the tendons heal. I have a duck that has slipped tendon, and now I have a little baby chick with the same issue. When the ti swells like that, it's really hard to recover from unless they have surgery done. Lots of vegetables and vitamins is what they need to help the recovery. it's going to take a long long time that is if she does or can recover..
I'll keep giving her the turmeric to get the swelling down as much as I can and try to get that tendon back where it needs to be. Otherwise, she's a one legged chicken and may even still be, I guess.

Her neck is coming around somewhat but I know it's a long long recovery so we're not out of the woods yet.. I prep a half cup of crumbles a day with two tabs of Vitamin E and about half a B complex and a pinch of selenium every other day. The vitamin E and a full plunger full of poly vi sol in the crumbles and then the powdered B and selenium and about a third of a capsule of the turmeric and then shake the crumbles up to coat the wet pieces with the powdered pieces. She eats most of that 1/2 cup of crumbles a day and drinks about a 1/2 cup of water too. Not alot but better than starving her to death, I have to think.

I'm having pretty good luck with bathing her in nice warm water at the end of the day. I wrap her in a nice warm hand towel and put her in the cage near the warming lamp. The last two days she gets irritated with being bathed and pecks at my hand a bit. Oh well! Showing attitude to me means she must be getting better.

Her feathers are sparce and she's really small for her age.
Was the leg from an injury?? If you can get the swelling down, that's great but with slipped tendon, it usually doesn't go down and just causes future problems, but maybe if you can splint it to keep it behind her and in a straight position it will help. Did you notice any popping once you pulled the leg towards the back of her. They say pull it towards the back of them because it doesn't seem to hurt that way.
It could have been an injury. I'm not sure. The first day we got them (10 RIR and 2 Doms) the shepherd pup knocked the cage off the counter and sent them flying. Soon after that, we noticed the leg so it could be an injury. Truthfully, I didn't feel a pop and I tried the leg back. We were thinking it needed to be splinted in the normal configuration before so if we should have put it straight, that makes sense. We thought it was broken.

I feel so bad for this little girl. She's so much smaller than her nest mates. She's eating and her neck has straightened out but her equalibrium is still not right. If she comes out of this, she's Wonder Chicken..At this point she may never be normal but she's tried so hard to live I just can't give up on her.
It could have been an injury. I'm not sure. The first day we got them (10 RIR and 2 Doms) the shepherd pup knocked the cage off the counter and sent them flying. Soon after that, we noticed the leg so it could be an injury. Truthfully, I didn't feel a pop and I tried the leg back. We were thinking it needed to be splinted in the normal configuration before so if we should have put it straight, that makes sense. We thought it was broken.

I feel so bad for this little girl. She's so much smaller than her nest mates. She's eating and her neck has straightened out but her equalibrium is still not right. If she comes out of this, she's Wonder Chicken..At this point she may never be normal but she's tried so hard to live I just can't give up on her.
Take your fingers, pull the leg back and put your fingers one on each side of the leg to where the swelling of the knee is, and wiggle the bones very gently back and forth opposite of each other and see if you can feel it popping in and out that should tell you if it's broken, it may be broken right at that knee part. but I would definitely give her a splint, since she's already keeping the leg behind her she may not even mine..
There was someone in the peafowl forum that successfully amputated the leg... I'll see if I can find that thread.

There was someone in the peafowl forum that successfully amputated the leg... I'll see if I can find that thread.


OMG< I couldn't do that, I have two that have slipped tendon, One is a duck, who has MASTERED Flying!! She loves being out with the others and when they get to far ahead, OFF SHE GOES, starts to fly to catch up to them. She's surviving just fine, I think she's the better surviver of the two.

I also now have a baby chick with it. It was born with the problem, already swelled up before it came out of the shell, I'm thinking I have to put it down, it seems to chirp ALOT, so that tells me it's in a lot of pain.. I hate to see it continue to suffer.
It is with much sadness that I announce our poor Henny Penny passed away. She fought the good fight and we fought the good fight but she died quietly in her sleep early Monday Morning. There was nothing more we could have done. .

Two weeks ago she seemed tons better. Her neck was straight and she was actually eating on her own from a dish in the cage. .She was still laying down because she wasn't good on her feet but she was eating. We were never able to get a sling that worked but rolled up towels held her up and it worked. Then she stopped eating on her own and her neck rolled around worse than before. ..We were able to get her to eat while we were holding her and her head would be straight for that but she ate less and less and drank less and less. I'm glad she's no longer suffering. Thank you all so much for your guidance!

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