WV MD PA VA Chickenstock TSC Sat. April 23,2011

I spent five hours outside today... Getting wood ready for next winter! Hopefully it isn't as cold as this past winter has been.

I think the next rainy day that comes this way, I'm going to draw up some coop plans. Should I make a 6x8 coop a sled, or put wheels on it?
I have a 9 month old gold lace roo that needs to go ASAP! will let sister hen go with for free.
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here is the list plus the honey guy will be there again
Coronation Sussex
BBS Marans
BBS Silkies
BBS Bantam Cochin
Free roos
Blue Wyandotte
Splash Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
Wheaten Marans
Blue Copper Marans
Cuckoo (silver and Blue) Marans
Olive Egg Layers
Extra roosters~ Great silver cuckoo rooster with all muffs. Hatched 12/10 he is single comb
Button Quail eggs & a few Hatching eggs
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
Guinea Fowl (Lav,pied Lav,White,Pearl - pied)
EE's (easter eggers)
Barred rock
White rock
Rhode Island Red
New Hampshire Reds
Golden comets
Black sexlinks
B/B/S Polish
Black copper marans
Americanas/Easter Eggers
Wheaten ameracauna
Blue marans
White phoenix
Coronation Sussex
Exchequer leghorn
Mottled d'uccle
Sebastopol geese
Baby goats
EE and Olive Egger chicks (Cuckoo Marans Roo over EE and Ameracuna hens.)
Rhode Island Reds
Buff Orpington
Black rosecombs
Jumbo coturnix quail
Lavender Orp rooster
2 white rock hens
Blue NN hen/ pullet
Wheaten Marans
blue/black/buff bantam cochins
spangled old english game bantams
black japanese bantams
blue laced red wyandottes
CHICKS in the following breeds:
Sumatras, Dominiques, Golden Laced and Silver Penciled Wyandottes, Silver, Golden, Buff Laced, and White Polish, Golden Campines, Golden Penciled Hamburgs, Silver Penciled Rocks, Partridge, Black, Buff, Blue, & Silver Laced and White Cochins, Araucanas, Dark and Buff Brahmas, Phoenix, Fayoumis, Salmon Faverolles, W. L. Red Cornish, Lakenvelders, Black and White Langshans, Red Caps, Silver Leghorns, Crevecoeurs, Silver Gray Dorkings, Modern BB Red Games, Sultans, Buttercups, & Spanish
I just posted a CL ad in western MD and No. VA. Tonya, have you gotten any emails from your posts? It seems a bit quiet this year

I'll ad the honey guy to the blog. I always support him when he comes. his prices are phenomenal compared to the grocer's prices and it's LOCAL. How can you go wrong?
chicken junkies has gotten some.
I got blocked

So I have been telling everyone and Jim the store manager at the winchester store is getting slammed with calls as to when the swap is.
So there will be alot of Va people.
I just think people know when and were and are just plaining on bing there.
I have told everyone I can everytime Im at TS about it I know of a few Pa people I meet there that are coming.
Think things will be great!
Oh The Turkey eggs are doing great!
Hey everyone...just popping in to say hello and to get hugs from my chicken friends! Thanks everyone for the prayers and well wishes.

Hannah - Thanks a heap for taking on the York Show responsibilites for me. Your cochins are doing fine. I hope to put a nice batch of eggs in the incubator within the week. I finally cracked one that was fertile! Keep your fingers crossed. The light blue one want to be a momma so I am trying to keep her occupied and all the eggs picked up when I hear the egg song.

Erin - Happy early birthday, who knows what will be going on on that day so I had better get it in now. We need a playdate so we can catch up. PM your new address...as it is, I can't even mail you a card, lol.

It is hard for me to plan a month in advance right now. I do know that I am not going to York and I would like to go to chickenstock but it just depends...
Prayers are still needed for my dad and our family for acceptance, guidance, and strength.

If I attend, I will be bring orpingtons and silkies and two lionhead rabbits.

My wish list is for some leghorn pullets, honey, a crate if I can talk hubby into letting me buy one, and some started new hampshire red pullets for my daddy.
No RIR chicks or barred rocks?

I know I'm planning on getting some Easter Eggers. I was thinking about getting...

4 barred rocks
4 Araucana

If I'm looking for non-white egg layers that can be dual purpose, any suggestions on what other chicks to get if no one's bring RIR or BR?

Thanks for y'all's suggestions!

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