Wyandotte rooster suddenly aggressive and attacking hen?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 14, 2009
We have one Wyandotte rooster, who is just over six months old. He is cooped with three Wyandotte hens and a Red Sex Link hen. He just started crowing about a month ago. Recently he has seemed "jumpy" and just attacked one of the Wyandotte hens...latched onto her neck. He has never had a problem with abuse by the hens or aggression, and they are all within one month of age. Is this sexual behavior? Or will it escalate and turn deadly? What should we do?
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It sounds like he was wanting to mate with her and she didn't want to. When they mate the male grabs onto the back of the hens head. So he probably did that and she tried to run away. It happens with mine too. I wouldn't worry too much as long as the hens have enough space to escape him.
Thank you! This is what I suspected, but I didn't want to make a mistake and end up with a dead hen.

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