Yes, I talk to my chickens....


Brood with an Attitude
10 Years
Apr 18, 2009
So, Friday I arrived home to find that the neighbor's dog had come over and killed half my chickens. One of my two roosters, and the two hens that just started laying, as well has some 2 month old babies. All I have left is my Salmon Fav Rooster, Shiner, and 8 babies.

Shiner was hurt, but is now back to normal, just resumed crowing Tuesday am... however it is a muffled crow.

Last night he went to his normal roost (which is eye level to me), and I let the babies (who now think he is king) into his side of the pen. He looked down at them, and then at me. I proceeded to tell him:

"I know, I know .. they are pretty annoying right now, but soon you will appreciate them. They are your new flock. They are going to need you.

I'm so glad you're not hurt .. and was sooo happy to hear you crow this morning.

You're a good chicken.... you ARE... a good chicken."

Suddenly, I looked around, and thought to myself.

"I'm actually TALKING to my rooster."

Is there a support group for me .. ?
Hahaha! I do that all the time too! When we had our chicks, I would be like, "Wow, looks like your feathers are growing in..."

But it always seems like they understand you, because they cluck back. I don't blame you for talking to them! It's nice to talk to them once in a while!
I talk AT them alot ..

"Hey mommy's chickie babies!"

"Oh you're so pretty"

"Oh, that was scary.."

Stuff like that ...

But I was carrying on a one sided conversation with shiner .. it was really funny when I realized it.
If you ask me that is your support group. my chickens are my savior after a long day at work. i go sit and talk with them. watch them and my stress just seems to fly away.
You're right .. I love to just sit on the stool out there and watch them .. it's pretty peaceful.

I also catch my DD18 out there just before dark watching them settle in and go to roost ...
You're right .. I love to just sit on the stool out there and watch them .. it's pretty peaceful.

I also catch my DD18 out there just before dark watching them settle in and go to roost ...

going to roost is the most exciting time. my dh tries to get home in time to grab him a drink and sit and watch them. if i am not out there, he will always yell, robin hurry up your missing the fun. so i drop what i am doing and head to the back yard. love it...

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