Hello, all! I'm new to the forum. I'm located in western Coweta County, GA not far from either Heard County or Carroll County lines. Nice to meet you all!
Howdy, neighbor! Carroll County here, midway between Villa Rica and Carrollton. What kind of chickens ya got?

Ah! We were up in Villa Rica yesterday. I have Black Australorps, ISA Browns, and Plymouth Barred Rocks - and hatched five in June that are mixes of those three. How about you?
Sounds like you have a nice menagerie of birds. One of my favorite poultry breeders lives in your neck of the woods. If you're looking for a good source for French Black Copper Marans (FBCM) or Chocolate Orpingtons, PM me and I'll give you his contact info. His birds are the real deal and relatively inexpensive as well when he has them available.

We recently sold all our poultry stock (80+ chickens). We had several different varieties of Orpingtons, Silkies, as well as FBCM, Crested Creme Legbars, Welsummers, Spitzhaubens, and a few others. I sure miss our birds, and it hurt to part with them. I loved hanging out with them. The yard seems so empty now.

There are a few things in the works that are keeping me from getting chickens at this time. We don't want to acquire news birds only to have to sell them all again. If we find that we're going to stay here, then we'll probably go into raising quail and have a small flock of five or so hens.

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