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@WalkingOnSunshine : Thank you for giving me a new perspective on chicken talk. (...sounds like sarcasm, but I really mean it!) I didn't give much thought to the fact that people from many different walks of life are reading these threads. I also didn't give much thought to the fact that I am actually working to support a positive movement, whether or not that is a part of my intention. This really is a good medium for opening people's minds and spreading some good ideas. With that in mind, I will be more considerate of the credibility and respectability of my posts. Jeez, such responsibility! That's life, I reckon. Thanks again.

@Triple Willow : THANKS A MILLION TIMES OVER!!! I started this thread with a silly questioning of people's sanity. When so many suggestions that I was full of *it* arose, my own sanity became the subject of question! I really appreciate the detailed information. I was actually trying to be conservative by using the word "hundreds" instead of "thousands." Based on the figure you gave for 300 birds per minute, figuring 14 hours of production for two shifts, that is over 250,000 birds running through that water! I don't have an ax to grind, and I don't fault big industry for their methods. The folks behind the scenes are just doing their jobs like the rest of us. The meat from the store is safe to eat (I hope,) if it is fully cooked (you can safely eat a turd if you cook it thoroughly,) but the process is still gross and doesn't compare to what we can produce ourselves on a smaller scale. I actually patronize the process because our flock is not yet big enough to support our chicken consumption. There is a plan in the works to eliminate that dependence on the industry! (Part of that plan is peeping in the brooder right now.) I do strongly believe that homegrown food is better 100% of the time when it is grown and harvested with care and compassion.
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@Triple Willow
: THANKS A MILLION TIMES OVER!!! I started this thread with a silly questioning of people's sanity. When so many suggestions that I was full of *it* arose, my own sanity became the subject of question! I really appreciate the detailed information. I was actually trying to be conservative by using the word "hundreds" instead of "thousands." Based on the figure you gave for 300 birds per minute, figuring 14 hours of production for two shifts, that is over 250,000 birds running through that water! I don't have an ax to grind, and I don't fault big industry for their methods. The folks behind the scenes are just doing their jobs like the rest of us. The meat from the store is safe to eat (I hope,) if it is fully cooked (you can safely eat a turd if you cook it thoroughly,) but the process is still gross and doesn't compare to what we can produce ourselves on a smaller scale. I actually patronize the process because our flock is not yet big enough to support our chicken consumption. There is a plan in the works to eliminate that dependence on the industry! (Part of that plan is peeping in the brooder right now.) I do strongly believe that homegrown food is better 100% of the time when it is grown and harvested with care and compassion.

You're welcome. I couldn't agree more, with care (sanitary processing practices) and compassion homegrown will always be better and safer. The majority of the time the meat produced in processing plants is safe BUT we have seen recalls and we have seen people get sick and a few die. Believe me, the processing plants could do a MUCH better job. The dollar signs do cloud their thinking. Their main objective is to get the product in one end of the plant and out the other and the quality of the product (our food) and many times the product (animals) suffers for it. (Commercial egg production proves that.)

Now you know not everybody is wealthy in the common sense department. Don't let them make you question yours. I find myself trying to choose my words/wording carefully because somebody is usuallly out there ready to pounce on you just to make their self look bigger or smarter, the poor needy things. lol Whatever, just wipe your feet and move on! Hope you have a great day.
Dang, I did it again! I was impressed by the numbers so I started fingering the calculator. ...turns out my calculator doesn't know much about production cycles. Hopefully I won't get tarred and feathered for that 250k remark.
Dang, I did it again! I was impressed by the numbers so I started fingering the calculator. ...turns out my calculator doesn't know much about production cycles. Hopefully I won't get tarred and feathered for that 250k remark. :fl

Ahh whatever, I left out 30 minutes for lunch and production line stops and I am not positive on the number of chickens per minute anymore. It is different at different plants but still somewhere around 30-36 per minute. Still adds up to A LOT of shikins! LOL And the government has to do regular line speed check too because the plants try to run faster than the 30-36 birds per minute. "Get em in and get em out and the faster the line goes the less those checking for problems can see!"
So why would you put it forth as fact? It harms your argument to use such obvious propaganda, no matter which side you're on.

That also means that everything else you say in your post is automatically suspect, since you start with a false "fact." Citations/sources for everything you've posted would be helpful.

I don't think his OP is harmed in any way by his exaggerations. It's pretty obvious he was using hyperbole and wan't out to establish an argument for debate.

OP, you have my sympathies and I had a good laugh at your opening post. We get similar reactions from friends when we tell them we raise EAT. Some folks simply don't know where their food comes from, and some can't imagine having an animal that isn't a "pet".

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I think anyone that can't kill for their meat should be a vegetarian.

I don't. Though I've heard that plenty of times.

I can't bring myself to kill an animal. I have issues with fainting and would be an emotional wreck and so far haven't been too pressed on the issue.

I'm very good about plucking and dressing and parting a chicken or turkey. And I can feed and water and tend an animal. But I still haven't killed one.

I believe I deserve to eat meat even with this particular shortcoming.
With that consideration, the source of the information has not been properly documented as I did not know that my statements would be so closely scrutinized.
Nor should they have been. Seems like a couple or so individuals got a little too serious about a light matter. Dust it off and carry on.
I don't. Though I've heard that plenty of times.

I can't bring myself to kill an animal. I have issues with fainting and would be an emotional wreck and so far haven't been too pressed on the issue.

I'm very good about plucking and dressing and parting a chicken or turkey. And I can feed and water and tend an animal. But I still haven't killed one.

I believe I deserve to eat meat even with this particular shortcoming.

I hate killing them but I do.
I don't think his OP is harmed in any way by his exaggerations.  It's pretty obvious he was using hyperbole and wan't out to establish an argument for debate.

OP, you have my sympathies and I had a good laugh at your opening post.  We get similar reactions from friends when we tell them we raise EAT.  Some folks simply don't know where their food comes from, and some can't imagine having an animal that isn't a "pet".  ;)


It hairlips some folks when I tell them about eating some chickens that my dog killed. Some people are entertaining. LOL
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