You know you are "Country" when...

When showers are reserved for special occasions and whenever your own nose (or someone else's) tells you it's time.

When the hair on the back of your husband's neck is longer than the hair on his head.
When showers are reserved for special occasions and whenever your own nose (or someone else's) tells you it's time.

When the hair on the back of your husband's neck is longer than the hair on his head.
I'm thinking I'm not that country, but I am familiar with it.
Hahaha, oldhenlikesdogs, it's pretty shameful at times!
I have to wonder if city people laugh at themselves the way we country folk do...
I personally think city folks take thing way too seriously, not knowing and participating in the cycles of life and death, and of mother nature, leaves city folks stressed and more prone to overreacting to the smallest things
I personally think city folks take thing way too seriously, not knowing and participating in the cycles of life and death, and of mother nature, leaves city folks stressed and more prone to overreacting to the smallest things
The noise, crowds, and traffic are enough to make me "stressed and more prone to overreacting to the smallest things."
Some people love that synthetic environment, but to me, it's sheer torture!
You pick an apple that looks good, wipe it on your shirt, and take a bite without washing it.
...Really? I don't even bother washing stuff from the supermarket. It'd never occur to me to wash an apple fresh off the tree.

Ooh, that kind of reminds me, all the wild blackberries around here should have at least a couple of nice berries. And if the council mown the area nearby lately, I can go and grab some clippings. The last lot went down a treat with the chickens.
I personally think city folks take thing way too seriously, not knowing and participating in the cycles of life and death, and of mother nature, leaves city folks stressed and more prone to overreacting to the smallest things

You pick an apple that looks good, wipe it on your shirt, and take a bite without washing it.

The noise, crowds, and traffic are enough to make me "stressed and more prone to overreacting to the smallest things." :barnie Some people love that synthetic environment, but to me, it's sheer torture!

...Really? I don't even bother washing stuff from the supermarket. It'd never occur to me to wash an apple fresh off the tree.

Ooh, that kind of reminds me, all the wild blackberries around here should have at least a couple of nice berries. And if the council mown the area nearby lately, I can go and grab some clippings. The last lot went down a treat with the chickens.

I can shmush that all into one lol...

No worrying about...
supermarket dirty veg versus pick a tomato out of the yard and just eat the thing already....
cleaner and fresher eggs straight out of my chickens sitting on the counter for days without me having to sterilize them lol...
Not having to take an antipsychotic to go to town :p

FRESH AIR and GERMS galore...never being sick....

Not having to don a hazmat suit and a gallon of purell because I'm paranoid if salmonella...I'm IMMUNE ha-ha :D

Tbird, I don't think folks in the city have the TIME to appreciate country life(and learn about it) lol, they're too busy dodging traffic all day! ;)
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...Really? I don't even bother washing stuff from the supermarket. It'd never occur to me to wash an apple fresh off the tree.

Ooh, that kind of reminds me, all the wild blackberries around here should have at least a couple of nice berries. And if the council mown the area nearby lately, I can go and grab some clippings. The last lot went down a treat with the chickens.

I can shmush that all into one lol...

No worrying about...
supermarket dirty veg versus pick a tomato out of the yard and just eat the thing already....
cleaner and fresher eggs straight out of my chickens sitting on the counter for days without me having to sterilize them lol...
Not having to take an antipsychotic to go to town

FRESH AIR and GERMS galore...never being sick....

Not having to don a hazmat suit and a gallon of purell because I'm paranoid if salmonella...I'm IMMUNE ha-ha

Tbird, I don't think folks in the city have the TIME to appreciate country life(and learn about it) lol, they're too busy dodging traffic all day!
I have eaten so many unwashed apples off the tree and wild blackberries and black raspberries that I've lost count. Now that I think of it, those apples have probably had worms galore in them, and the funny part is.....I never check, and don't even mind if some have ended up in my belly.
Stuff like that doesn't phase me much. Now store-bought fruit, on the other hand, grosses me out to no end. Even stuff like a banana, which you always remove the skin anyway, gets washed. Who knows what kind of undiscovered tropical diseases it's covered in, besides the disgusting, unwashed human hands that touch it.
Yucky! I'd sooner eat an apple straight out of our orchard right after our Partridge Rock helped herself to a bite(which I did).

Ooh, that reminds me. My dad used to painstakingly inspect each fresh picked berry and wipe off all traces of dirt, bugs, ect. before he even thought about eating it. Meanwhile, TBird and I were stuffing our faces full of berries, bugs, dirt, poop, and all!
Not surprisingly, he grew up in the city.

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